All Chapters of The Return Of The Lame Son In Law. : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
222 chapters
140; Clarity on the sword
Chapter One hundred and Forty; clarity on the sword Chris sat in his office, his mind still reeling from the strange events surrounding the sword. The blade, once old and rusted, had transformed before his eyes, revealing a pristine, glowing weapon that pulsed with ancient power. He couldn’t shake the feeling that this sword was more than just an artifact—it was something extraordinary, something that had chosen him for reasons he couldn’t yet comprehend.With a deep breath, Chris picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts until he found the name he was looking for: Connor. Of all the people Chris knew, Connor was the only one who might have any answers. Connor wasn’t just an old friend; he was a cultivator, someone who had dedicated his life to understanding the mystical and arcane. If anyone could shed light on the nature of this sword, it was him.The phone rang a few times before Connor picked up.“Chris, it’s been a while,” Connor’s voice came through, warm and fa
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141, Financial symposium
Chapter One Hundred and Forty One; Financial symposium Chris stepped out of his car, adjusting his newly bought shirt and brushing off the imaginary dust from his slacks. Although not branded, his clothes were still a step up from the thrift shop attire he had been wearing before. He glanced up at the towering building in front of him, its glass exterior reflecting the late afternoon sun. This was where Connor had asked him to meet, a private event that was being held for the city’s upper echelon, particularly those involved in high-stakes finance.As he approached the entrance, Chris couldn’t help but notice the large, elegant banner advertising the event: ‘The Elite Financial Symposium: Exclusive Insights for the City's Wealthiest Investors.’ His mind raced back to his recent research, where he had stumbled upon this very symposium. He had planned to attend but was preoccupied with setting up his new financial institute. Instead, he sent Sandra to represent him, trusting her t
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142; No business here.
Chapter one hundred and forty two; The Unexpected InterventionThe room was thick with tension, the kind that made every breath feel heavy. Chris stood rooted to the spot, his eyes locked with those of the middle-aged man whose predatory glare was now fully focused on him. The young woman, still pressed against the wall, was trembling, her eyes darting between Chris and the man who had been moments away from assaulting her.“What the hell are you doing here?” the man hissed, his face twisting in fury. He was no longer just the CEO of Great Finance, Jerry Paul, but a man exposed in a moment of vile intent. Chris didn’t respond immediately. His mind was racing as he assessed the situation. He could see the fear in the woman’s eyes, and he knew that he couldn’t back down now. The man, though clearly powerful and influential, was at a disadvantage in this unexpected confrontation. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t dangerous.The bouncers, who had unceremoniously dragged Chris into the roo
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143; A Dangerous confrontation.
Chapter One Hundred and Forty Three; A Dangerous ConfrontationThe tension in the room thickened as Chris stood his ground, his gaze locked on Jerry. No matter how the bouncers tried to take him out, Chris refused to budge. There was no mistaking the hostility in the air, nor the fact that Emily’s life was in danger. Samuel, who had been watching the confrontation unfold, felt a twisted sense of satisfaction seeing Chris backed into a corner. After all, this commoner dared to interfere in something that was none of his business. It pleased him to think that Chris might finally get what was coming to him. But Chris wasn’t backing down. He took a step forward, his eyes narrowing as he recognized Jerry. The man standing before him wasn’t just any wealthy CEO abusing his power. This was the same man he had encountered at the lounge not long ago, the man who had tried to force Emily to go somewhere with him before Chris intervened and saved her for the second time that day. The piec
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144; The Arrival of Officer Connor
Chapter One hundred and forty four: The Arrival of Officer ConnorThe tension in the room was palpable as Emily froze in her tracks, her heart racing as she stared at the man standing in the doorway. It was the last person she had hoped to see—her uncle, Officer Connor. He was a tall, imposing figure, his police uniform lending him an air of authority that commanded respect wherever he went. But in this moment, all Emily could feel was a rush of relief and dread, mixed into a confusing whirlwind.Connor’s sharp eyes scanned the room, quickly taking in the scene. He had been upstairs with other dignitaries, ensuring their safety, especially since there had been rumors of criminals planning to invade the event. The program had been running smoothly when he received a call from Chris, inquiring about the sword he had asked Connor to examine. When Connor couldn’t identify the sword over the phone, he had invited Chris to the event, hoping to get a closer look. However, after that c
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145; He’ll be there to protect her
Chapter one hundred and forty five; He’ll be there to protect her. As the car sped down the dimly lit streets, the tension in the air was palpable. Emily’s mind raced, trying to figure out how to help Chris. His shoulder was bleeding profusely, and the bullet needed to be removed as soon as possible. Despite the pain, Chris's grip on the steering wheel was steady, and he refused to go to the hospital, brushing off her suggestions with a calm demeanor that both frustrated and impressed her.Emily glanced around the car for anything that could help, and her eyes settled on the car’s emergency kit. In it, she found a pair of tweezers, a small bottle of antiseptic, and some gauze. It wasn’t much, but it would have to do.“Pull over,” she commanded, her voice firm despite the worry gnawing at her insides.Chris did as she asked, pulling the car into a secluded spot. Emily quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and moved to his side, her hands steady but her heart pounding. “I’ve had some trai
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146; the key to a vault
Chapter one hundred and forty six; The key to a vault Chris sat back on the couch, trying to relax despite the dull ache in his shoulder. He was no stranger to pain, but tonight had been different. Emily had not only saved his life, but she had also made him feel something he hadn’t felt in a long time a sense of care that went beyond simple concern.Chris’s gaze wandered, and when she stepped out of the bathroom in a soft, form-fitting lounge wear, he couldn’t help but stare. The fabric hugged her curves in a way that made his mouth go dry. He quickly looked away, focusing on the ceiling instead, trying to gather his thoughts.But it was impossible to ignore her. The apartment was small, and from his spot on the couch, he had a clear view of the kitchen. She has decided to to make dinner since she was hungry, and make a soup for Chris because of his wounds. The apartment was quiet, except for the faint clattering of dishes as Emily moved around the small kitchen. Emily moved wi
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147; Pay Us our wages
Chapter one hundred and forty seven; Pay Us Our Wages. The symposium had just concluded, and the grand hall buzzed with the chatter of attendees discussing the event's highlights. The day had been full of high-profile discussions on finance, investments, and economic strategies—topics that had captivated the wealthy and powerful in attendance. However, the atmosphere felt tense as the crowd began to disperse.Jerry Paul, the CEO of Great Finance, stood near the exit, his face a mask of frustration and anger. He had been on edge since the incident with Chris and Emily, and now that the event was over, he was ready to ensure that Chris paid for what he saw as an intrusion on his territory.Spotting Connor in the crowd, Jerry gestured for him to come over. Connor, who had been speaking with one of the event's volunteers, noticed the signal and excused himself. As he approached, Jerry’s eyes narrowed, and he lowered his voice.“Officer Connor,” Jerry began, his tone laced with impati
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148, sword of Aeges
Chapter one hundred and forty eight; The sword of Aeges Chris awoke to the soft light of morning filtering through the curtains of Connor’s modest studio apartment. He lay still for a moment, gathering his thoughts, before slowly sitting up on the couch where he had spent the night. The room was quiet, with only the faint sounds of the city outside reaching his ears.He glanced around, noticing that Connor was still not back. His gaze fell upon the sword he had brought inside the previous night, now resting against the wall near the door.Something was different about the sword. Chris narrowed his eyes as he noticed a faint glow emanating from the blade. The once steel-grey weapon now shimmered with a soft, almost ethereal light, a color he had never seen it emit before. Intrigued, he leaned forward, examining the blade closely. The glow pulsed gently, as if the sword was alive, responding to some unseen force.Chris’s hand instinctively went to his shoulder, where the bullet ha
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149; Financial Crimes unit
Chapter one hundred and forty nine; Financial crimes unit Connor drove in silence, his mind still occupied with the events of the previous night. The tension of dealing with both the criminal elements and the more personal situation involving Chris and Emily had left him with little sleep. As he approached the school where Emily had her internship, he glanced over at her. She sat quietly in the passenger seat, her face pale, her usual energy subdued.“Are you sure you don’t want to go in today?” Connor asked, his voice gentle but concerned. “You’ve never missed a day before.”Emily shook her head, her gaze fixed out the window. “I just… I need a break, Connor. Yesterday was too much. I’ll be fine, I just need some time to process everything.”Connor nodded, understanding. Emily was tough, but even she needed time to recover from the shock of what had happened. “Alright, you can stay home today. Get some rest.”“Thanks, Connor,” Emily said softly, her voice laced with exhaustion.Co
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