All Chapters of My Wealthy Legacy: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
193 chapters
Chapter 31
Elena's head spun as she tried to open her eyes; everything was at first a blur. She groaned and could hear some people mumbling beside her. After a few seconds, it started getting clearer, and she could see that she was in the hospital with Alexander and Charles beside her."Hey, how are you feeling? Are you okay?" Alexander immediately stood up, putting his palm on her forehead. Elena scoffed as she tried to get up, and Alexander helped her."Mom," Charles mumbled."My son, I'm fine, you shouldn't worry," Elena mumbled. Charles's face was filled with worry."How could you meet with Ryan, how…" Alexander scolded her."I don't know, he was the one I was meeting in the first place," Elena stated. Just then, the door opened, and Jane entered. Elena gave him a hot shot gaze as she told Charles to excuse them.Elena's voice was filled with rage. "What audacity do you have to come here after setting me up with that monster?"Jane was humbled as he walked gently towards her. "I... I didn't
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Chapter 32
Alexander scoffed seeing the headlines, his eyes widened in disbelief as he read the headline on his phone and quickly scrolled through the article. There was his name in all the articles and faces. He called Mr. Evans, asking him to give him the location of the publishing press that wrote the article."Okay, sir, but my suggestion is that you should stay away from the company for the time being. There were already protesters in front of the company," Mr. Evans said."Okay, I will… but I want to know who published the articles and why," he said before hanging up. He knew that before he claimed the company now, he had to clear his name as soon as possible.He was about to walk away when his phone rang. He wondered who it was and picked it up."Hello, rapist," the feminine voice said, and he immediately knew it was Tracy, she was the one behind this."Tracy… are you enjoying this?" he asked."Very much, like… I'm happy. Next time you won't dare to mess up with me. How could you have me
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Chapter 33
Truly, Elena became one of the first people to arrive at the banquet avenue, dressed in a casual long gown, but it was so beautiful with flowery designs. The banquet, which took place in the new company, the hall that was set aside for it looked fancy, with pretty flowers and shiny lights. Tables were set nicely with fancy clothes and chairs. Delicious smells filled the air, and soft music played in the background. The people took themselves in pairs, talking. While Elena checked her phone, she was expecting Alexander's call, since the day she was being discharged from the hospital, she had not heard from him.She tried calling him many times, but it did not go through.She tried again, and it didn't go, she growled in frustration, and decided to forget about that and focus on the banquet.Just then, a hand slipped through her waist, "wow, you look beautiful", it was Micheal, grinning. Elena smiled at him.and stylishly took off his hand, she knew Micheal had interest in her. but she
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Chapter 34
Elena's face was cold and stiff, then it drastically changed to that of surprise and confusion, Because someone just entered. It was Alexander!!! Dressed in a well tailored and fitted suit, with his curly dark hair, he looked completely different, like more handsome. Seeing him was not what made Elena shocked but the fact that a lady curled herself around him.The lady was blind with long yellow tinted hair, wearing a very short gown that revealed almost all her tight, and bare shoulders with 97 percent of her breast out, she looked slutty and undeniably hot.All the people started whispering to each other, they knew the lady, she was Olivia, The daughter of a Chinese entrepreneur, Mr. Xiang. Her mother was an American."Is she not the daughter of Mr. Xiang?"."Wow, always looking sluty as ever"."Is that her husband, he is lucky".Hearing this made Elena blood boil in jealousy, she threw her gaze away and finally picked up a glass of wine and drowned it."What!, What is that lowli
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Chapter 35
The chatters of the glass was from Tracy who had been arguing with James. After the disappointing announcement from Mr. Fred, she was angry and told James they should leave.But James refused to go with him, saying that she should leave alone.Tracy knew James was doing that because of Olivia, his eyes were all on her since she arrived. Tracy insisted on him following her. James was frustrated by her and angrily pushed her away. She flipped and hit one of the servers with a glass of wine. The wine fell from her hand and spilled while the glass shattered on the floor.Everyone was startled as they stared at them."You should have just left me alone, you this bitch!"James hauled her. Tracy couldn't believe James was behaving this way just for Olivia.Then, A tiny long voice shrieked "what have you done you all, are you all crazy", it was a slim lady, wearing a white gown and the wine had just spilled all over her dress.Then, a man's voice chimed in, "shag! My princess, who dare did th
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Chapter 36
Alexander still holding George's hand up in the air, "I think it's okay, anything more than this would be assault". George rolled his wrist away from him, "Who are you, what do you think you are to intervene, just move out of the way while I am still nice"."This is an abuse, stop here, and they will certainly pay for the dress", Alexander told him. George glared at him, "I want to see you have some gut, and I'm taking them out if you!" He growled as he threw a sudden punch at Alexander, who effortlessly weaved it.George came again, this time Alexander weaved it and counterattacked with a swift punch, catching George off guard. Alexander quickly followed up with a judo throw, sending George crashing to the ground.George struggled to his feet, his face red with rage, and charged at Alexander again. But Alexander was ready, and with a swift motion, he knocked George off his feet once more.George lay on the ground, dazed and defeated, his anger and humiliation evident on his face as e
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Chapter 37
Elena was terrified, Alexander was clearly outnumbered, There is absolutely no way he was going to fight them."You said you called your father! Why are they here yet", she screamed at Micheal who shrugged, "I don't know, mayne they were on their way".Elena was petrified, she uttered, "I should go", she wanted to open the car but Michael caught her in her wrist."What do you think you are doing, what are you going to change there, nothing!You will just be a burden, I am sure they will find a way", Micheal told her.Meanwhile, Olivia whispered to Alexander, " I don't think the general is really coming, we should just escape"."Okay, we take the left route, although they would double cross us, I would take them away, Don't ever Look back, just run away", Alexander told her."Okay understand", she said.Just then, George motioned at his thugs, "What are you waiting for, beat them to pulp, I don't care if they die!".Alexander made a fleeting glance at her as they both took the left ro
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Chapter 38
Elena was fuming and breathed very hard, " How could he be so that sturnorn, he had changed alot for the short time".Micheal took her head gently, "That should be the least of your worries, you should go home now and prepare yourself for tomorrow".Elena nodded as they also legtg the scene.*****(The next morning)."Dad!, You lied to me you assure me that the president will choose me?, I was embarrassed!"Tracy shrieked at her dad. The family members were all in the room as Tracy stood at the middle her eyes blazing of fire.Mr. Harrington tried to calm her down, "you should calm down, I will talk with the Mr. Fred""For what dad?, What are you going to tell him to change ? That's almost impossible, now Elena will crawl over me, and look down on me", she cried out."NOW, can you see you make a wrong decision, that's what you get for making a girl the CEO of a company, and moreover, when Elena is my younger sister", Joel, the first born of the Harrington family was counted as waste an
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Chapter 39
Chapter 39 Elena's car was filled with steam and her head was bleeding as she knocked her head against the steering. Everything was not clear at first and couldn't even make out what was happening. She coughed and opened the car then staggeredly came out of it. Then, that's when he could make out all what was going on!. She frowned her face, how could two cars lose their head and rammed at her like that. She dated her ruined car, crashed and can never be used. Just then, the driver from the front came out, it was a slender man with a lot of curly hair, "Hello ma, I'm sorry for that… I… my brake failed, and___". Elena , "why are you in front of me in the first place, like you intentionally rammed at me!". "No ma, that's not the case… Is the gear, yit broke_,The man stated, his eyes full of guilt. Elena ignored him and glanced at her clock. She had only 30 minutes, she looked around and stopped and as she was about to enter , she grabbed on her wrist and pulled her back. She flas
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Chapter 40
Chapter 40Elena arrived at the company as she rushed out of the cab and sprinted inside the company. When she reached Inside, she was surprised to see people in lines, probably waiting for her. They were surely the staff she would be working with. Mr. Fred stepped out of them, his face looked stern as there were sequences of lines in his forehead."I… I can explain… I don't mean to come late, I…".She was interrupted by Mr. Fred as he clapped at her while others of the staff followed. She was lost and confused as watched the clap continue for some minutes before frying down.Mr. Fred stepped forward smiling at her, "You are the CEO, you don't owe anyone an explanation, you should learn about that, don't apologise, let them know who the boss is, and that is the only way you can successfully lead the company".Elena smiled, her face was full of excitement and she didn't even know the word for her gratitude, shw bowed instead, "Thanks sir. I will carry out all of my best to make the c
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