All Chapters of My Wealthy Legacy: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
193 chapters
Chapter 41
Chapter 41James was shattered, and everything he had was going in the drain just in a day, he was going bankrupt. He didn't know what to do, so he decided to meet with his father who has earned him. Not to come for him anytime he has issues. His father gave him the company and has always warned him every time to stay away from illegal activities, but he would never listen "So, what are you telling me? What should I do?'' His father sternly hauled him. He immediately went on his knees."Father, please… I just do something before it's too late", he pleaded so desperately."I warned you times without number to eaty away from illegal activities, now you are here to spoil my reputation, there is nothing I can do, absolutely nothing!", He yelled at him."So, you will just watch me get ruined".His Father's stern gaze pierced through James as he stood before him."What are you telling me? You getting ruined is none of my business so don't drag me into it?"."Father, you know people, you h
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Chapter 42
Chapter 42James stood before the towering glass facade of the swiss empire company, his hands trembling slightly as he clutched his fist tightly. This was the only way he could revive his career. All he had to do was meet with the secret CEO of the company, and plead if he offended him."Yeah, I just have to desperately beg them", he uttered his heart pounding louder in his chest. As he reached the automatic doors. And when the door fling opened, he met Alexander coming out of the company.Alexander just Ignored him, but James won't let him be."Wondering what you are doing here! After you have been sacked, or are you here to plead again".Alexander stopped and turned back to him, "why must you talk anytime you see me, are you rhat desperate or you just want to vent your dying company anger at me".James fronwed, truly he was very angry and wanted someone to vent his anger on."My company is not dying!".Alexander scoffed, his hand dipped in his pocket, "it really is, it is an open
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Chapter 43
"Alexander… are you truly the CEO of the swiss empire and the one behind my company crumbling?", James' words dripped with anger. An empty and stupid anger.Alexander Scoffed, "Yeah James, I'm the one… and this is just the beginning"."ALEXANDER, I don't know what… to say, I am lost of words, but please forgive me, I'm just being stupid then, Tracy poisoned my mind, Tracy caused it all".Alexander nodded slowly, "And is she also the one behind you molesting Elena?".James' mouth hit each other trembling, "I.. I am sorry, please… I can't afford to lose the company, I will become poor, so poor. Please forgive me, I don't know you are this powerful!".Alexander smirked, "what if I'm not, You will go on with your despicable act, you will keep oppressing the poor and molest Elena anytime you have the opportunity"."I know, I'm sorry Alexander, I don't have anything to say please", James was desperate, and his begging was sincere. But Alexander wasn't done with him."Okay, I will offer you
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Chapter 44
Alexander stood far from Elena's house, contemplating if to go in or not."Yeah, I should go, I miss my son", he said and took the first step, then stopped when he saw that the door opened. He watched as Micheal came out from the room, with his son Charles. Alexander watched Michael and Charles, a wave of bittersweet emotion washed over him. Seeing his son laughing and playing with Michael filled him with a sense of longing and regret. Despite the pain of being apart from his family, he couldn't help but feel grateful for these precious moments they were sharing. Michael's smile, the sound of Charles' laughter, it all tugged at Alexander's heartstrings, reminding him of the love he had for his son. He didn't have a choice but to stay apart from them. Mr. Evans warned him that they were enemies, the killers of his father behind the shadows waiting for him to reveal himself. He wanted to take revenge on them before reuniting with his family. Micheal and Charles entered the car and
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Chapter 45
Alexander rushed towards michael grabbing his collar, his eyes filled with rage and anger, "what the hell do you do to them"Micheal, who just stood there, terrified, his hand was blood of blood, he uttered, his mouth hit each other trembling, "The… the doctors are not attending to them, they..". Micheal voice lost, he couldn't finish the sentence.Alexander frowned as he swiftly turned to see Elena and his son Charles on the bed. There were two nurses who looked troubled, they didn't attend to them, just stood there doing nothing. "What the hell is happening here, why haven't you attended to them, don't you know what happened to them!", Alexander frowned at the nurses.One of the nurse exhaled and turned to them, " your wife is in the one in critical situation, she has to undergo surgery right now. She is suffering from internal bleeding and could die. We have to be fast.""Yeah, please do the surgery, be fast, we will settle the bill," Micheal stated."But we are just a nurse, aux
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Chapter 46
Alexander exchanged a worried gaze to the nurse, "what's wrong?, why will you lose your job"."Because I am saving your wife, at the moment, most of the doctors are in an area where an earthquake happened, and we still have some doctors here, as I was about to treat your friend, the doctor came to call me that the congressman's both sons had an accident and they could die"."so..why did you return", Alexander demanded.The woman scoffed, "it was just a little surgery they both need, nothing that serious and almost all the talented doctors are there".Alexander was surprised, so they were willing to kill another person because if the Congressman sons, we surgery is just little, and almost doctors were in the OR.The doctor kept banging the door, then it stopped for a while, just for the security men to arrive, with equipment to force open the door."We can't let them in, I have to concentrate on this," The woman said. Alexander motioned to Ivan to do his job."What the hell are you
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Chapter 47
The soldiers, dressed in black uniforms, formed a tight circle around the congressman, their weapons drawn. The congressman's face turned pale as he realised he was surrounded."Who are you? Do you know who I am?, " he demanded, trying to hide the fear in his voice."Yeah congressman, so politely and gently follow us to maintain your dignity.," one of the soldiers who was the team leader replied, his voice firm and authoritative.The congressman raised his voice in anger, "what do you think you are saying!, I should follow you, for what!".The team leader then made it clear, "Mr. Congressman, are under arrest for corruption and abuse of power."The congressman's eyes widened in shock as the soldiers closed in on him."Wait!, I don't understand, on whose orders am I being arrested, this is wrong, I am the Congressman!"."From the president!, And you are wasting our time, sergeants, Carry him out!"."Don't you da___", before he could finish, he was already on their shoulders."No!, Yo
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Chapter 48
Tracy's head was spinning as her mother told her she could contact the hitman. "I told you we should just stop, now see what you've caused! Look at it!" she angrily hauled at her mother. "Just calm down, I'm sure he'll be successful, just stay calm, please," her mother said, trying to reassure her.Just then, Mr. Harrington arrived in the room and overheard their conversation. "What are you talking about?" he asked, his forehead furrowed in concern. "It's nothing," Tracy quickly replied, trying to brush it off.Mr. Harrington's face was still etched in furious anger, and as he was about to speak, the intercom rang. "Go check," he prompted.Tracy hesitated for a moment before getting up to answer the intercom. She was surprised to see Alexander on the monitor, and her heart began to race as she trembled with fear.Her legs were shaken.Mr. Harrington's eyes narrowed as he watched Tracy's reaction. "Who is it?" he asked gruffly.Tracy hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "It's...Al
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Chapter 49
James' eyes widened in shock and anger as Alexander walked into the room, a smirk plastered on his face. James' face turned beet red with rage, his eyes blazing with fury."You!" James spat, his voice low and menacing. "What's happening here".Mr. Blackwood introduced Alexander again, "He is the real owner of your company, I bought it on his behalf!".James' eyes were full of fire, his intention was not to sell this company to Alexander, even when he offered to pay a huge amount of money, now he got it for just a half of the amount he should have bought it!.Alexander chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Your loss, you should have taken the amount I offered then".James' anger boiled over, and he slammed his fist on the table. "Shut the fuck up! I am not taking this, this isn't in the agreement", he faced his lawyer, "They played us".His lawyer nodded his head, "there is nothing we can do, we sold the company to Mr. Blackwood, who he has isn't none of our concern".James was
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Chapter 50
Elena lay on the hospital bed, her eyes half-opened, tiredness all over her face, while Michael sat beside her with Charles on his lap."You will be discharged soon," Michael assured her as he held her hands gently; she put on a faint smile. Just then, the door creaked open, and Alexander entered. Charles' eyes widened in surprise, and his face lit up with excitement as he exclaimed, "Dad!" He rushed to Alexander, throwing his arms around him in a tight hug, tears of joy streaming down his face.Alexander embraced him warmly, a soft smile on his face, as he patted Charles' back, comforting him. "I thought I'd never see you again, Dad, you said you would never leave us! But you did, you left, Dad," Charles sobbed, his voice muffled against Alexander's chest. Alexander held him at arm's length, his eyes shining with love and relief, and said, "I'm here now, son. I'm not going anywhere; I promise to be with you all the time from now on."Charles looked up at his father and smiled, "Fath
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