All Chapters of Valhallah: Trapped in the Game World: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
159 chapters
Chapter 92
Guard's Scimitar, level 19/20 (uncommon one-handed sword) Physical damage: 60 Attack speed: 50 Dexterity +67 Durability: 50/50 Red Scale (rare material) Scale Armor Recipe (Blacksmith recipe) Forge uncommon medium armor Material: 1 Scale, 2 Iron ore, 1 Steel ore Wesley has yet again upgraded his sword to one of the highest levels available. Filled with awe and a sense of pride he shoved the discarded sword into it's seathe. "Who knows I might just have a weird need for ya!" He snapped. His phone buzzes unrelentingly. Checking he saw 10 missed calls from Iron. He returns the calls frantically. "Hey man what's u-" he was cut short. "Get out of Central City right now! I don't know to where or how but just go somewhere else and let me know where you are when you do. You're been sort after. For the sum of $1,000, 000. I was at the bar today and some drunk guy leaked the secret but he didn't say by who." The call cuts. Wesley packed up hurriedly, carrying most of his weapons
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Chapter 93
Breathing fast Wesley bounced off the Zita material onto one knee, with his fists on the ground after he had just being relieved of being pinned to the Zati material whilst dodging Fizo's grips . "What the heck are you?" He blurted whilst wielding his sword at the same time. "I am Fizo, Fizo Tan. Brother to the player you beat up. Drive your rickety good for nothing brain down memory lane! You'll remember everything, trust me." He snared as they slowly walked in a circle. Battle was looming. "I knew you were at level 1000, so I waited for you here." His now gigantic face was closer to Wesley's face. "You're a giant, Jin is not" Wesley taunted in a rather courageous tone. He was now used to hiding fear. "We're half brothers little one. You seem very curious and inquisitive. Curiosity killed the cat remember?" "Oh poor soul" he feigned pity. "You thought you could run. No one runs from Fizo Tan. I'm Fizo Tan, guardian of the level borders, I know who goes where." He boasted with
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Chapter 94
"What the heck is this? How would she just shut down in the middle of no where?" He questioned, thinking out loud. "I'm still here!" She joked. "What the heck Sadla, you scared me!" He snapped. "You should be more worried about your captors than me T," she said, speaking sluggishly. "Get in! Right now!" She exclaimed. "Fizo Tan is near by!" She concluded as she spurred us into the air. Within minutes we had reached level 1002. Player's magic cup, level 1002 (uncommon wish granting features) Physical damage: 0 Attack speed: 1,000,000 Dexterity: 1,000, Durability: 100/100 Golden scale(rare material) "Boom! We made it!" He exclaimed as the notification appeared on his screen. Grabbing his reward on the floor- a treasure chest along with the magic cup he had unlocked, he entered Sadla and off they went. Sadla would remain with him till the tenth level. Fizo Tan was fast and furiously approaching. As they sped along the skies- Sadla had a flying feature, they suddenly hit
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Chapter 95
"We are all players who lost our hope. I admire players like you who are still on the track home. Yes! The gaming path is the track home. Once you refuse to continue. You're stuck here and that for ever." "You still feel hungry for food because you are on the track home. We don't eat food, we eat game power. Once we feel a high level of HP, it's equivalent to how you feel after a sumptuous meal." She added. "What's your name?" She chuckled, her cheeks grew pink with admiration. She admired Wesley's courage. "W-Tempest" he stuttered. "Nice but queer name, sounds like that of a fighter." She continued. "Indeed it takes a fighting resolve to get here, you know, the game gets harder with every level." TEMPEST. YOU HAVE 2 MORE HOURS TO GET BACK ON TRACK. GOOD LUCK. A notification popped on the screen. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Shine" he mentioned. "Same here, run along now and good luck." "Good job" Shadow whispered to her. Shadow has overhead Wesley's request to the magi
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Chapter 96
"Hurry up! Don't let him get away!" Wesley made it to the hotel. He rested till it was morning. "Good morning Sir, what would you like to have for breakfast?" The hotel attendant asked. "I'm good!" He blurted as he grabbed his bag, pushing her out of the way. He remembered Livo's words. He didn't have to spend more than the alotted time-whiling away in the game world or he'd be stock there forever. "Urgh! Why does he always know the right thing to do" the hotel attendant winced as her pupils flashed red and back to normal. Wesley arrived at the bank of the river. Livo was right there waiting for him. "Hey! Livo. You're here." He mentioned, happy to see her. "Yes I am T, you can always count on me. The game continues and today you have an even greater task." "Now I'm getting scared " he joked. "The game just keeps getting scarier." "And you're also getting stronger, you know. Who would have thought that you'd make it past the ocean test." She giggled. "I didn't even think so
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Chapter 97
"Back home, I was always teased about my looks. I got shady comments like; there's no way to differentiate between your face and your hair. How can you be so white!" She explained. "You are beautiful, just the way you are." Wesley added. "Thanks. This means a lot." She added. "It brings me to the answer to your first question. I hate being seen, it raises the chances that I'll get bullied for my looks. She said. "There it is!" "What is Lily? "The mouth of the whale's belly." Zily added, answering for Lily. "We're going to power up ourselves using our assets -magic tools or power. We let down our cups when we get to the top of the belly acid. Take a scoop and off you go. Once you take a scoop, using your magic, keep the cup static in a bubble so it doesn't tumble over and let's away it's content." "Ouch! That hurts!" "Urgh, it's burning! "What was that?" Wesley and Strong ask at the same time. "The cups can talk." Lily and Zily respond at the same time as well.
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Chapter 98
"Yes! Treason!" A guard towered at the top of his lungs. "It's alright." Lily said calmly, gesturing him to let go. "What was his offence?" White asked. "He was seen entering the court without bowing to her royal majesty, the goddess." "Oh Trivo. For the upteenth time. They are new here and thus don't know how exactly these things go." "Go on your way, Tempest." While others had retired for the night. Wesley on the other hand was bent on taking a tour around this magnificent palace. So engulfed was he in the ravishing beauty of the palace that he forgot to read the instructions, clearly pasted on the beautiful walls of the city. "Thank you, White" he bowed. "I almost had a heart attack with that!" He heaved. "This place is just so beautiful. It's hard to not be blown away." "I know, take your time. Soak it all in but don't fall in love " she joked. "What am I saying? Love is a beautiful thing right?" She goofed as she puffed away. She had disappeared into thin air. It was
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Chapter 99
Cruelt had managed to fly back home. He nursed his injured wings for the following weeks. Sadly for him. He had a wicked and ruthless ruler. Who wouldn't hear of it, he still had to report to work in his condition. Things however still proceeded beautiful in White's Palace. The players were now getting stronger in battle, not just game. Solar, the commander in chief of the armed forces of the palace had made sure to it that training was targeted at the weak points of the players-their weaknesses were revealed through tests before they proceeded to join the targeted training. "Wesley! You're doing well! Push harder!" He instructed from afar off. Shadow had sought the assistance of Fizo Tan because he was related to the goddess but committed treason against the palace and thus was banished. This however did not extinguish his ethereal traits. He still had distinct ethereal traits and could switch back and forth when he liked, since his expulsion from the palace resulted in physical
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Chapter 100
"Why would you want to kill me" Wesley shivered, tears welling up in his eyes. "Not you. The entity behind you." Solar roared. "What entity?" "It's invisible to players, only we, inhabitants of the palace can see it" "It's an exact replica of you. It's not you. Just a facade invented with the intent of deceiving those who know you." "Who would want to do that?" "There's only one who though no longer in the palace has access to it. He also retains his ethereal traits. Fizo Tan." "I know him. We crossed paths once on my track. He's definitely not one to be messed with." Solar continued on, explaining intricate secrets of their palace and world to Wesley. In the palace, they possessed special guns called Toughers. These guns had the ability to completely extinguish entities that were invisible to the players. Fizo Tan had snickered his way into the palace but remained hidden until uncovered when he tried to formulate a clone of Wesley. "Your royal highness. Fizo Tan is in the p
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Chapter 101
"The choice is peace, Solar." She phrased, completely calm this time. "Peace! How? Your highness." "We choose not to go to war against Fizo Tan." "What if he has formed allies with Shadow and his aids-the Shadowains?" "Then we loose the battle." She said after a brief pause, her face stiff, trying to fight her emotions. "Mind I ask, your graciousness, how did this thought occur to her royal highness?" "Fizo Tan is a threat to not just the Lightans but every other realm, world, everything!!" "Letting him off the leash would be a promise of damnation to all, not just the Lightans." "What was his crime? Solar? Tell me? What was his crime? Born a giant?' "Snap out of the madness! Solar! Fizo Tan is one of us. Peace is the only way to get him back on her side. Come to think of it, imagine he returns home and we all team up against the villainous?" "I never really did see it that way my lady. But wait a minute my lady, is Tempest, the player, responsible for planting these absurd
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