All Chapters of Wildheart chronicles : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
49 chapters
Chapter 31: Leaving 1
The butler led them through a series of corridors. As they walked, the surroundings became more elegant and grand until they arrived at the governor's lounge."Your guests are here, sir," the butler announced as he let Bjorn and Avery into the room."Bjorn, Avery, come sit with me," the governor said excitedly, rising to welcome them and pointing towards the empty sofas.As Bjorn and Avery stepped into the room, they saw the governor was not alone. A mage of the Stormveil Order was sitting beside him."Thank you for the invitation," Avery said, shaking the governor's hand."Bloodblade!" Avery exclaimed in surprise, recognizing the other mage as he took his seat.Bloodblade, an eighteen-year-old mage, had smooth, alabaster skin. His eyes were deep black with a red ring around the pupils. His pitch-black hair, streaked with red, was tied back in a ponytail. He sat calmly on the couch, sipping wine, exuding intense focus and quiet confidence."Ghost," Bloodblade nodded in acknowledgment.
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Chapter 32: Oath bound
Before Bjorn, a vast green landscape stretched out, perhaps a mile below. Rolling green lands spread as far as the eye could see. Snow fell gently, making the scene even more beautiful. Although he should have seen the silhouettes of distant mountains, what he saw instead were endless green lands with rivers flowing through them. In the distance, the outline of a huge city stood tall in the middle of the valley. Despite the distance, Bjorn knew this was the biggest city he had ever seen. "Come on, let's go," Bloodblade said, leading them toward the city. It took them about two hours to arrive. Standing on a hill overlooking the city, Bjorn saw an old, grand city. The city was so large that he had trouble comprehending its size, maybe calling it a small kingdom might do it justice. Nassau was the largest city Bjorn had ever seen, a city so large it didn’t have walls. Yet, the one before him seemed to surpass Nassau by far. But that was not all; a large wall circled the grander b
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Chapter 33: The Valley
It's been four days since Bloodblade's departure. Bjorn was walking through the streets of the First Valley. As the name suggests, this is one of the seven valleys of the Storm Veil Order. To cover the entire border, the Order's forces were spread out, with the valleys as their homes. Each valley was controlled by the Order, led by a Patriarch or Matriarch and a council of Elders. "Are all the valleys this large and ancient?" Bjorn thought as he navigated the streets. He arrived at an alchemy store in the open plaza. The pleasant smell of plants drifted from the chimney, making him feel calm. He pushed the door open and walked in. Inside, the store was elegant, with green decor and soft, high-quality carpets. Glass shelves lined the walls, each holding different pills, potions, poisons, and wild herbs. Some small display cases with higher-quality potions or pills were placed around the room for customers to see. Bjorn was surprised that he could recognize some of the herbs and ev
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Chapter 34: Leaving 2
Bloodblade hurried them out of the inn and into the bustling streets. He moved swiftly, expertly weaving through alleys, taking shortcuts, and avoiding as many mages as he could. In three hours, they were beyond the city walls.“How long can you keep running?” Bloodblade asked suddenly.“As long as I need to,” Bjorn replied confidently.“Good. Follow me.” Bloodblade took off running, pushing Bjorn to his limits, or at least as much as Bjorn allowed him to see, as they left the city far behind.“Why are we in such a rush?” Bjorn asked.It was obvious something had scared Bloodblade, and whatever it was, it posed a danger to Bjorn too.“I’ll tell you when—” Bloodblade started.“No!” Bjorn interrupted. “I’m tired of running headfirst into danger without knowing why,” he said, struggling to keep his anger in check. “Tell me now, or I’m going back to the city to find another novice.” He meant every word.Seeing the determination in Bjorn's eyes, Bloodblade decided to reveal the truth. His
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Chapter 35: Schemes
Bjorn woke up early, feeling the cool morning air in the cave. The sun hadn’t risen yet, and the sky outside was a soft gray. He stretched quietly, careful not to wake Bloodblade, who was still fast asleep nearby.Bjorn decided to make breakfast. He gathered some dry wood and started a small fire just outside the cave. The flames crackled softly, casting a warm light. He pulled out some beast meat from his spatial ring and sliced it into pieces. The rich, savory smell of cooking meat soon filled the air.As the sun began to rise, it cast a golden glow over the landscape. The jagged rocks and tall trees looked almost beautiful in the morning light. Bjorn took a deep breath, enjoying the quiet moment.The meat was ready. Bjorn walked over to Bloodblade and gently shook his shoulder. “Wake up. Breakfast is ready.”Bloodblade stirred, opening his eyes slowly. He looked exhausted but managed a small smile at the smell of the food. “Thanks, Wildheart,” he said, sitting up.They ate together
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Chapter 36: Breakthrough
Bjorn and Bloodblade trained in a vast, open meadow, unaware that their journey had just become much more dangerous. Now, three factions of the Order, along with assassins and mercenaries, were hunting them.It had been a month since they fled the valley. Bloodblade kept them moving steadily southwest, avoiding any towns or cities. They seized every chance to train, just as they were doing now.In a large clearing, hundreds of meters wide, they sparred intensely. Bjorn realized why Bloodblade had earned his fearsome title. Bloodblade had a rare power called the blood source. He was born for the battlefield, where bloodshed was constant.Bloodblade could control blood. He could manipulate his opponent’s blood flow, immobilizing them or controlling weaker enemies. He could sense the life force of any living being nearby and track someone thousands of miles away with just a drop of blood, making him a perfect tracker and assassin.His blood-sensing abilities also gave him an edge in comb
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Chapter 37: The Observers
Bjorn and Bloodblade trudged along a dusty road, unaware of the increasing danger they faced. It had been three days since Bloodblade's breakthrough, and after much deliberation, they decided it was time to interact with civilization again.Bloodblade needed seven rare herbs to create an antidote for the poison used on the patriarch. He already had two of the seven herbs and needed help finding the rest."One more time, I need to hear their names," Bloodblade requested."Moonshade leaf, Starfall sage, Elderbark roots…" Bjorn listed the herbs, describing their appearance and function.Bjorn paid close attention, determined to succeed in their mission despite the tedious task of learning about herbs."Good, good. One of the herbs grows in this region. I hope we can find it in the town ahead or at least get a lead on where to find it," Bloodblade mused aloud.They trekked for three long hours before spotting a town in the distance. With hurried steps, they arrived at the small town, whic
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Chapter 38: Power Up
As Bjorn and Bloodblade stepped outside, his shadow stealthily attached itself back to him, while the other shadow followed their stalkers, keeping an eye on the people following them. Bjorn and Bloodblade left the town with determined steps. Immediately after they passed the gates, they set off on a run. They ran at a fast pace, making sure that whoever was tracking them could follow them but not make it too easy since they didn’t bother covering their tracks for them.They ran for hours before heading into the wilderness. Immediately after they got into the forest, Bjorn released his first shadow to scout ahead and provide the location of adept-level beasts.Bjorn was taking no chances since they didn’t know the cultivation base of their pursuers. To make sure they survived, he was going to devour the life force of the beasts his shadow would find.“Do you think you can find adept-level beasts with your blood sensory skill?” Bjorn asked out of the blue.“Why are you after beasts w
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Chapter 39: Assassins
Bjorn and Bloodblade turned to face the masked individuals that stepped into the clearing. They were wearing black robes that covered every inch of their bodies, and their figures seemed hazy, making it hard to study anything about them.“Assassins!” Bjorn and Bloodblade thought at the same time, their eyes narrowing.The assassins were relaxed as they took in the state of the clearing with dead beasts littering the ground. “Impressive,” one of the assassins commented.“Why are you after us?” Bjorn asked in a frosty tone.The assassins seemed confident. Assassins are known to always strike from the shadows, but these ones were bold enough to face them head-on. “Either they are way stronger than us, or they are underestimating us,” Bjorn thought to himself.“If they underestimate us, I will make them pay dearly,” Bjorn vowed.“You knew we were coming after you?” the masked man standing in the middle asked in a bewildered tone.Neither Bjorn nor Bloodblade deigned to reply to them, just
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Chapter 40: Savage Battle
While Bjorn fought the leader of the masked assassins, Bloodblade faced a fight on two fronts. He battled the assassin in front of him and struggled against the dark monkey's will inside him.Bloodblade rarely used this power because it put a huge strain on his body, leaving him extremely weak afterward. He also had to resist the will of the beast whose bloodline he was taking on. The ability to use any bloodline for a short time was extremely rare for a blood mage. But, like all power, it came at a great cost. Bloodblade had to fight to stay conscious and remember who he was, struggling against the bloodline's influence. If he lost, he risked turning into a mindless beast.Seeing Bjorn’s determination to hunt and devour beast lifeforce, just to be ready for anything, sparked something inside Bloodblade. He now understood why his father never spoiled him with resources, even though he could easily have done so. His father always pushed him to attain anything he wanted through hard w
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