All Chapters of Wildheart chronicles : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
49 chapters
Chapter 21: Grizzly Bear
Bjorn groggily woke up in a warm cozy room with the fireplace lit, he found himself lying on a warm bed made of beast furs. I took him about a minute to orient himself. “Where am I?” He muttered as he tried to get up but his body protested in pain, every inch hurts. With a grunt Bjorn pushed through the pain and made his way to the door of the small hut, he opened the door and found himself in a large clearing, with another smaller hut in the clearing, probably the storage room of whomever his host is. Bjorn was about to step out onto the clearing when he saw a large giant savage looking man step into the clearing with a much larger dead bear hanging from his shoulders. The savage giant towered over Bjorn, his massive frame shrouded in a tangle of messy brown hair that cascaded down his back like a blazing waterfall. His enormous, unkempt beard, thick and wild, bristled with the ferocity of a storm, framing a face marked by harsh features and piercing brown eyes that burned with u
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Chapter 22: Body Refinement
Bjorn ate until he couldn’t eat anymore. His belly was so full that he could barely move, yet he watched in amazement as Grizzly continued to eat like a ravenous beast. The mage had the appetite of ten men combined, devouring everything in sight with unrelenting ferocity.Finally, after finishing his meal, Grizzly turned his attention back to Bjorn. "Let's begin," he said.Bjorn shifted into a lotus position, feeling a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. Grizzly placed a hand on his back, and Bjorn could feel a strange but powerful energy start to flow through his body. Grizzly was guiding this energy in a precise, intricate pattern, controlling its circulation with expert skill.“We draw our magical essence from sources beyond this world, often ignoring the natural essence of our own,” Grizzly explained, his voice calm and authoritative. “But it’s this very natural essence that most beasts rely on to gain their power.”As Grizzly spoke, Bjorn could feel the natural essence being
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Chapter 23: The Farewell Gift
Bjorn can be seen seated in by a serene stream, cultivating and trying to break through on his shadow avatar arts, possessing a second shadow will be a big boost to his power.possessing two perfect scouts would be something anyone would wish for and Bjorn desires the same and his recent breakthrough in the lightning demon arts has only motivated him more to do this.This process is delicate and requires immense concentration. He closed his eyes and focused inward, reaching deep into his soul.With a sharp mental effort, he cut a tiny part of his soul. The pain was intense, like a burning knife slicing through him, but he gritted his teeth and pushed through. He could feel the small piece of his soul pulsing in his mind, a glowing fragment of his very essence.Next, he summoned his shadow from the source, a dark, shifting form that seemed alive with potential. Holding the soul fragment in his mind, he carefully guided it towards the shadow. The moment they touched, a powerful surge of
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Chapter 24: Small council
In a room bathed in brilliant light, the walls shimmered with intricate gold inlaid designs, capturing the eye and enhancing the room's majestic atmosphere. Tapestries adorned the walls, each one telling a vivid story of the church's remarkable feats. Scenes of bravery, faith, and divine intervention were woven into these tapestries, depicting the rich history and spiritual conquests of the church.At the center of this magnificent room stood a grand semicircular table, crafted from the finest wood and polished to a gleaming finish. The table was large enough to comfortably seat thirteen individuals, with one chair, more opulent and commanding than the others, positioned at the head. This grand chair was reserved for someone of immense significance, a leader among leaders.This room was the heart of the church's decision-making body, the small council. Here, a select group of powerful men and women gathered to deliberate on the church's path and its future. These were the twelve cardi
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Chapter 25: Nassau city
It took Bjorn another full day of travel before he arrived at Nassau, one of the cities in the Order's territory.Nassau sprawled endlessly, with no clear boundaries or gates. Perpetual darkness enveloped the city, as the mountains behind cast a vast, embracing shadow. This gloom was chased away by countless magical lanterns glowing throughout the city.Despite its immense size, Nassau was orderly, with buildings lined along clean, well-paved roads, clearly constructed by mages. Each sector catered to its residents' needs: bustling markets, serene residential areas, and industrious workshops. The city’s layout, with the perpetual twilight from the mountains and the glowing lights, gave it an eerie yet harmonious ambiance, where every part fit perfectly into the grand design.Bjorn passed by many mages dressed in dark trousers and deep blue tops that shimmered like the night sky, adorned with unique lightning patterns that seemed to crackle with energy. Their uniforms were both practic
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Chapter 26: Coliseum Fight
The following morning, Bjorn woke up with a hangover. He wasn't used to drinking, and Grizzly's brew was strong. Still nursing his headache, Bjorn grudgingly freshened up. He dressed in snug black attire and left his room to meet Avery in the common room as they had agreed the night before. Bjorn ordered a bowl of soup as he waited. "I have a strong body and feel this bad. I wonder how Avery feels," he thought as he scooped the soup into his mouth. An hour later, Avery finally showed up. He looked worse than Bjorn, his cheeks flushed and his eyes drooping from the hangover. Bjorn ordered another bowl of steaming soup for him. Bjorn waited in silence as Avery devoured the soup. After eating and feeling better, they got down to business."We have to go to the arena. You need to show your skills. Important people will be there looking for strong recruits, and I think you'll impress them," Avery said thoughtfully.Bjorn was hesitant. "That will put me in the spotlight. I have powerful
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Chapter 27: Coliseum Fight 2
Bjorn and the redheaded mage faced each other in the arena. The crowd fell silent, anticipation thick in the air.Even though Bjorn was furious, he kept a cool head and limited his strength to that of a novice. Revealing his real power to potential enemies would be foolish.Bjorn moved first, lightning crackling around him as he lunged forward with incredible speed. His sword slashed through the air, aiming for the mage's chest. The mage, quick and cunning, dodged to the side and countered with a burst of lightning from his hands.Bjorn spun away, barely avoiding the attack. He struck again, faster and fiercer, his sword a blur. The mage blocked with a shimmering barrier of wind magic, then slid around Bjorn, aiming a kick at his side.Bjorn absorbed the hit and retaliated with a lightning-charged punch. The mage ducked under it and swept Bjorn's legs out from under him. Bjorn hit the ground but rolled away, springing back to his feet with a savage snarl.Bjorn couldn’t get any real a
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Chapter 28: Meeting the Governor
Why are you called Ghost?” Bjorn asked Avery as they walked toward the governor's mansion.Instead of answering him, Avery thought it would be better to demonstrate his powers to Bjorn. With a focused expression, he began to manipulate the light around him. The air shimmered as the light bent and twisted under his control. Slowly, his figure started to blur and fade.The bright rays of sunlight seemed to wrap around Avery, creating a halo effect that made it difficult to distinguish his outline. As he continued, his body blended more with the surroundings. Soon, he was almost invisible, just a faint ripple in the air.Bjorn watched in awe as Avery nearly disappeared. His presence was only betrayed by the slightest distortion in the light, like heat waves on a summer day.Bjorn was stunned, even Savage was impressed by Avery’s display. He had to admit that the kid possessed an insidious power, perfect for assassination.It took some time for Bjorn to collect himself. “I have to always
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Chapter 29: BloodSoaked Queen
**Clang! Clang!! Clang!!!**The sound of clashing weapons rang out as Bjorn and Avery trained on a hill some distance away from the farm.Bjorn lunged forward with a quick strike. Avery blocked with his spear, the metal clanging loudly. Bjorn stepped back, then swung his sword in a wide arc, trying to catch Avery off guard. Avery danced away, his movements smooth and fast.They continued to clash, their weapons meeting with powerful strikes. Bjorn’s attacks were strong and precise, each blow aimed to overpower. Avery, however, was quick and agile, dodging and parrying with ease.Bjorn stepped back, a slight smile on his face. "You're fast, but let’s see how you handle this," he said. He incorporated the first stage of the lightning demon arts. The air crackled with energy as blue sparks danced around his body and blade. Bjorn’s speed increased, his attacks becoming a blur of lightning and steel.Avery matched him using his light magic, showing his speedster ability as he left behind a
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Chapter 30: Coliseum Fight 3
"Where is everyone?" Bjorn asked as they strolled through the streets of Nassau.He'd returned to the city with Avery after the strange encounter with the Bloodsoaked Queen the previous day."Today is the monthly tournament. Everyone in the city usually heads to the coliseum to watch the games," Avery said, leading Bjorn toward the coliseum in the distance."Everyone?" Bjorn asked, surprised. Even though the coliseum was enormous, with a capacity of about forty thousand people, Bjorn knew it couldn't hold the entire population of Nassau, which had over a hundred thousand residents."Not literally everyone," Avery explained. "There's a device that shows the events happening in the arena. Some inn owners have these vision crystals in their establishments, where people can relax and watch the games."After about thirty minutes of walking through the nearly empty streets, they arrived at the coliseum. Avery led Bjorn to a more opulent entrance, different from the one Bjorn had used during
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