All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
182 chapters
What You Really Want
Christian put the spatula that he was holding in his hand down on the center table, and then calmly walked up to her looking very much sad, but understanding. “I know you didn't know Phoebe, but every time things are not well and I can see that they are not what they seem to be”She agreed by nodding and her eyes started to water again. “You have been so tolerant of me, so gracious; and I don’t want to cause you suffering, Christian.”Christian extended forth and touched her hand, holding it softly its temperature a comfortable one. “I do like you, Phoebe … a lot … but I think I need to know something very important first.Are you still in love with Seth?”Phoebe was standing before Christian and all she felt was a chill run down her spine. The question lingered between them yet again; full of the reality, which Sophie had been trying to avoid so much. She brought her hands to the table and linked them with his; she couldn’t even look at him any longer. Then she said in a low tone: “I
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I Still Love Her
Seth sat in his office with his back resting on the comfortable black leather executive chair and his eyes glued on the big glass that framed. Skylines which are symbolic of the pride of human achievement felt claustrophobic today. The morning had been one long string of meetings and phone calls, and she had hardly been conscious of what had been going on. The meeting at the apartment alone with Phoebe occupied his mind constantly, as well as the fact of their separation.Deep in his mind, Seth recalled the last few moments of the family’s encounter with the bad people and his fists tightened. Just watching the ease with which the man accepted himself, felt at home in Phoebe’s apartment, had threatened to make him mad with jealousy and frustration. He had visited Phoebe there to enquire from her how she was feeling after all that they had been subjected to.unfortunately Christian showed up at her house which was making him think that she has really moved on with her life without him
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I'm Confused
The truth was that there was something more than friendship between her and Seth and she had felt this way for quite some time. But she also knew that he was in love with Phoebe and never will stop being in love with her.Sasha hesitated, and the minute Seth stepped off the porch, she let the tears for which she had been fighting fall. She was quite sure that she had done the right thing, still the pain did not seem to be far from the truth.Sasha clea her tears, breathed deeply and regained the composure that she had been accustomed to. She had always been busy, and there was still much to do, which was why she could not afford to be stupid now and simply give in. But the pain in her chest brought her back to the fact that some wars were waged internally and out of the sight of others.And for Sasha, this was one battle of hers she was fully aware that she could never hope to come out on the winning side.Lucy was awakened by morning sunlight and she found Phoebe sitting on the edge
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Grandma's Visit
It was as if every space in Phoebe’s apartment was filled with a sort of tension that was inherited from the day. Christian sat on the couch thinking in circles all the while looking at the cup of coffee Christy handed him. Rising from the breakfast table, Christian was still weighed down by the morning’s developments; the feeling was a twinge of hope and a dash of apprehension churning in his stomach. He tried to control himself, tried to remain calm and collected in front of Phoebe, as she needed a strong man in her life. However, that was a huge issue that had led to tension between the two since the man did not know where he stood in the lady’s life.His musings were interrupted by a loud knock on the door which snapped him right back to reality. He frowned not seeing anyone that he anticipated to meet. But the sensation in his stomach did not let him go and he felt apprehensive as he got near the door.He of course did not think that the woman standing behind the door when he op
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The Man at The Bar
And if you can’t demonstrate to her that you are all those things, that you are different and you are the one she should be with, she will move to the next man. Well, you’re on your own then, buddy or maybe I’m speaking to you, you never know. ”Suffocating with the pressure of her words was what Christian experienced Cameroonian could literally feel the weight from her words. He could not think of anyone who had an easier time with the girl of his dreams; he could not imagine that he would have to compete to have her.‘I’m not going to pressure her,’ he murmured, nearly choking on the words. “I am too fond of her to do that.”Grandma Patterson’s eyes drooped, but just a little and for a brief second only with disapproval. “That does not go well with caring, Christian. Not if Seth is still in the picture. You have to be assertive, have to prove to her who you are and that you are ready to go to the end of the world for her.”Christian squeezed two tight fists before him, the turbulent
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Meeting Alex
Phoebe chuckled softly. “That obvious, huh?”He smiled. ‘Only to someone who has been in such a position before’.She looked at the notebook that lies on the table. “Are you a writer?”“Sort of,” he replied, pointing to the cover. “I like to take papers and write down the things that I am thinking about. It aids my thinking processes because it is only when I see them written down in black and white do I actually stop and analyze my real thoughts.”Phoebe looked at him, and after absorbing all that he had said she nodded. ‘I say to you that one time I was a writer, at least I tried it, but now I do not write anymore’.“Perhaps you should,” he said, a gentle look in his eyes. “It may help you understand what is going on in that head of yours.” He said pointing to his forehead.Phoebe threw her head back and took a long swig of beer, frowning as she ran her finger round the circumference of the glass. “It’s like I have no clue what I want, but at the same time I can’t even imagine want
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You Have to Make a Choice
He could not get the previous night out of his head and even if he tried, something would trigger it again. It was on that note of dialogue that they had chatted and laughed for hours, and even establish certain form of intimacy, but inside her, he could feel her reluctance. She had feelings for Seth, as much as she fought them and that was the biggest blow to his pride.He remained seated for some time engrossed in his thoughts when his phone rang on the desk. He looked at the screen of the phone and realized that the message was written by his good friend, Alex. “Lunch today?”Christian stared at the message for a moment before typing a quick response: "Of Course bro, I will see you at our usual hangout place.”When Christian got to the café it was teeming with clients who were getting to-have their lunch. He saw Alex at the seat that they both frequent near the window and walked up to him. Alex was already halfway through his coffee, he sat there watching the screen of his smartpho
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Sasha's Feelings
It had been a tiring day for Seth, who was engaged in meetings as well as business dealings which he would have fondly preferred had the circumstances been different. And yet today, anticipation of the contracts, of the further development of the company, of the new deals, wasn’t on his mind at all. It was on Phoebe. It was a warm afternoon and Seth was sitting at his desk in his office with the blinds open and the sunlight filling the spacious room and casting a sharp thin fingers of shadows over the polished floor and as he looked at the computer screen before him, at the blinking cursor on the newly typed line, he couldn’t help but feel that he was slowly letting her go. But this suggestion made him shiver, and at the same time he felt that the thought was still present, as a pain which turned into an obsession.He had attempted to commit, to apply himself through the business, it was futile. Each time he cracked open a file or lifted up a phone, her image filled his mind. To the
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Shadow Plans
Sasha looked at him and then she smiled but the smile that graced her face was a tragic one. “It has to change things, Seth. It already has. But being afraid does not mean that I can’t try and continue our friendship and try to move on with things.”Seth nodded and for a moment he felt guilty. He had never intended to harm her let alone make her cry. He remembered that this was something for which they would both have to come to terms with.“You have as much time as you want, Sasha I am here for you in whatever way you need me.”Sasha nodded, getting out from the close range and standing away. “It’s alright, Seth. That’s very kind of you. But at the same time I think I should be alone for a while, at least for a few days.”Seth understood.“Well, you’ve got all the time you need.” Yes, I will wait for you when you feel like you can proceed.”Sasha walked away, but just when she was about to open the door and walk out, she stopped and stared at him. “Seth, I really do hope you get her b
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Your Final Decision
Christian I… I have nothing to say to you.”This was the response Phoebe gave him while looking up at him, her eyes filled with mixed feelings.‘Just tell me the truth,’ he pleaded. “It doesn’t matter what emotion you are experiencing now, you just have to let me know”Phoebe sighed and looked at the ground, her words shaking as she said the following. “I am so messed up, Christian I do love you so much and maybe if it were not for Seth then I could easily be with you but Seth is a part of me, I do not think I will ever be able to let go of him.”Christian felt an electric jolt go through him but he held her hand tight. “I know, Phoebe. I do not think it’s your fault for feeling that way. But Still, you have to decide what you want, you obviously can’t have both of us.”“I know,” she whispered, cloning the words he had said to her but it was very soft as if she was afraid of waking someone. “I understand that I have to do it and it pains me to do so but, I can’t, I will not do that to
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