All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
182 chapters
After that, they traveled for several hours of shooting: from hilly country to deep woodlands to the vast steppe. Of course, they listened to the radio and danced, told funny jokes, and simply enjoyed the fact that the world around them is so beautiful. It was such a relief to have no plan, to just travel for the trip to be the purpose.They pulled into a diner; the bright light came from the walls that were covered with checkered linoleum and the neon signs blinked even in the midday. They called a diner and ordered milkshakes and burgers; they savored the relatively benign experience of a meal and camaraderie.There Phoebe and Sarah stayed in the booth drinking their milkshakes and as the night progresses Phoebe found herself telling Sarah a lot more information. The dreams that she was forced to leave behind whenever life became unbearable to bear were the topic of the day. She mentioned how she has plans to go travel, to go out there and explore the world. This
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Seth sat in his office looking at the distal minaret of the city through the window. Of course, the loneliness that has started since when Phoebe walked out of his life, it took months for him to experience the emptiness she left. However, in the intervals between business bustle and economic operations that his company presupposes, Seth comprehended that he has changed. He had always considered himself as a man of great mannerism and that he could never lose his cool even when things were going wrong. But it was the leaving of Phoebe that really left him destabilized. The heartbreak,the regret, the aching longing for phoebe all of it had struck him as harder than anything he could raise upon himself. He had many occasions where he lay awake at night worrying about the mistakes he made, the ways he discharged her, and the love he had wasted. Seth struggled to change his view but as the week become months he was able to view things from a different perspective. He began to realize
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They made time,they were discovering each other’s bodies like they were blind, touching each other gently. It took Seth by storm to realize that he could easily bare himself to this lady and that is Emma. He too had issues of intimacy, issues of attachment where he did not want anyone to get near him. Yet with someone like Emma it was not wrong. I felt like coming to my own home. Although Seth had gained much ground, he still had occasional periods of uncertainty. Now and then he would discover that he thought about Phoebe and wonder how things may have been if he hadn’t left her.He understood that he had once loved her with all his heart, all his soul and that he would always feel for her at least compassionate feelings. But he also remembered that they had had a toxic love, based on deep insecurities and distrust. Seth had to face these feelings if he was to be determined in developing a new life with Emma. the patient had talked to his therapist for several hours, about his con
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Phoebe relaxed on her couch, the day did not seem to be so bright as it was in the morning and the curtains were rather thin. The house, or what was left of it, was very silent and seemed to be abandoned compared to the lively life that the young girl had enjoyed together with Seth. For a moment she looked round as if she still could not fully reconcile herself to the situation. The walls had no pictures, the furniture was quite scanty, but it was her own. Her phone rang on the coffee table making her sit up with a start. The screen illuminated in Christian’s name. For some time, Phoebe looked at it, then after a second’s thinking, she picked the call.There was a flutter in her chest as she replied. ‘Hello Christian,’ she attempted to be friendly with him although her heart was really racing. “Phoebe, hi,” Christian’s voice was a cheerful welcome into the room. “I just wanted to really hear from you, it’s been a while, or am I catching you at a bad time.” ‘No, not at all,’ she
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A knock on the door interrupted her and brought her back from her imaginary world.Phoebe’s heart beat fast and as she moved towards the door the hand which she used to open, had the shake. She inhaled sharply before she was able to open it. That is the man they remember: standing in front of the camera, looking quite relaxed in jeans and light jacket with an overnight bag hooked over one shoulder. He smiled brightly with his two sharp eyes which were full of the same kind nature that she had always appreciated in him. “Hi, Phoebe,” Christian said to her, his voice was gentle but there was an undertone of affection in it. ‘Hello there’ Pheobe said to Christian and opened the door as wider as possible to allow him in. "Come on in." And as he walked into the apartment, the smell of his familiar cologne reached her nose, The kind of smell that remind one of happiness and vanished age of innocence. Christian placed his bag beside the door and then looked at her squarely in the eye, he
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Phoebe was trying to enjoy her glass of wine on the comfortable sofa in her apartment. Due to this, there were low rates of illumination, which only presented an amber hue to the room and there was the feeling that everyone was together in a small room. It was a harmless evening;Though she had not intended to get so intoxicated, the conversation between them had been engaging and, as they continued to talk, they had opened another bottle of wine, and then a third.Christian sat across from her, and positioned himself comfortably, with his arms rested behind the chair, while his gaze remained fixated on her face. He appeared to be calm, the strict formalism typical of him slightly blurred by the drink. It was Phoebe’s first encounter with his hair, a dark wavy hair which had qualities of a mop with this difference: some of it had fallen over his face especially his eyes, making him look like a schoolboy, a boy with a charm that made her feel something deep in within her she did not kn
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Phoebe shook her head, and a tear that had been trickling down her cheek reached her chin. “It’s not your fault, Christian. I just… I’m still trying to figure things out. My life is such a mess right now.”Christian nodded, and his face looked sad. “I understand that you have been through a lot and I do not want to make things worse for you.”Phoebe stared at him, relieved that he was the only one who seemed to comprehend. “Thank you,” she murmured, tears welling up in her eyes. “I just need some time.”Christian smiled gently and then he took her hand in his. “You take all the time you need, Phoebe, I am not going anywhere.”They remained motionless for a few minutes, and the hostility between them gradually gave way to a kind of camaraderie. Phoebe was glad that Christian was patient with her, glad that he had not lost his temper. He could have pushed her, could have attempted to make her kiss him, but he did not. But he had given her what she wanted, and that was more important to
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Phoebe woke up to the sound of the city early morning silence, still drowned by traffic noise: the world outside went on as always and as still Phoebe found herself imprisoned in limbo. Her head felt just a little sore as the result of the wine Christian had offered her the previous night. She yawned, turned over on her side, her glance flickering at the dim light that came in round the cotton curtains. The facts that she was recreating in her mind from the previous evening were too sharp, and that only made her feel more confused. Christian had been polite, non-aggressive and tolerant all the time. But, as she came to the sitting position and pulled the bedding to cover her chest, she felt guilty. Regret as a result of not being able to reciprocate the warm, loving feelings Christian gave. Guilt for the part of her heart that had never forgotten Seth; that had never let him go. She got out of the bed and felt the floor with her bare feet, as it was wooden; she then proceeded to the
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The Uninvited Guest
Phoebe was in a state of confusion, her heart feeling the impact of having to make this decision. She needed her to embrace, to cling to the warmth that Christian was willing to provide but she realized that would be selfish on her part and on his as well.“I need time,”she murmured. “When I’m alone and unleashed, that’s when I do things which seems needful to my soul, the soul that needs to be set clear in a direction I yearn for or spend time in contemplation, in thought of things I so dearest desire, I hope you will comprehend that?”Christian sighed, but there was nothing but sorrow in the eyes which were fixed on phoebe. “I do. And I hope that whatever happens between us, we’ll be able to remain friends because you are really important to me Phoebe, and I don’t want to have you out of my life altogether.”Phoebe closed her throat feeling the bitterness of sweet moment she had with him. “You a
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Do You Still Love Him?
Seth looked at Christian and for once, his face could not be understood. “I am not here to mess up things I need to speak to my wife.”It was as if saying the word “wife” was a kind of sin, and seeing the word on paper hurt Phoebe’s eyes as well as her heart. It was so ironical that she had been struggling to let go of that title, and to avoid being typecast as a woman who was only known professionally as being married to Seth. But here he was, dragging her back into the very thing she was trying to escape from, into degradation, sin and death.“Perhaps they should be left alone,” Phoebe Augustine said to Christian Hardy. It was the last thing she wanted; she did not want this to turn into something else than what it had become.Christian tried to look away but his eyes met Seth’s, he thought for a minute then finally bobbed his head up and down. ‘I think that it’s better that two of you get some space,’ he stated unwelcomingly, but his tone betrayed him. He got up and hugged her and
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