All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
182 chapters
He looked at her and held her hands in his, grasping them without too much pressure, but without being weak either. Phoebe you scared me for a while there, I’m not he man that Marlin wants you to see, But I’ve grown through you and I’ve changed. Perhaps Phoebe’s heart was made of agony compounded by confusion, for she did not know what to do anymore. She tries to let the man as close as possible to be intimate with her but the thought still lingered on her mind. “I think I have no idea, Christian,” she said, shaking her head friously. “There is so much to comprehend. ” Christian agreed, looking seriously at me. “You have all the time you need Phoebe, I will just wait for you, hoping you could forget everything I have done that led to our break up and give me another try.” Marlin stopped and Phoebe, taking her hands back softly, stood up to move near the window. She looked at the peacefulness around her and wondered, the calm of the morning broken by
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Christian followed her with his eyes, his throat tightened, thinking of the woman he has been in love with all this time. He understood that he had to wait for her to come around, to slowly open up to him and this means giving her time. But the moments when we are cornered seemed to stretch until it felt like an eternity.  Suddenly,Phoebe shifted around to look at him squarely in the face, her determination reflected on her face. “Christian, I just want to be by myself for some time, there is a lot happening around me and I feel I need to figure some things out.I don’t want to hurt you but I need this right now, please. ”  Christian nodded, swallowing hard. He looked at her and said softly, “Of course Phoebe, I will be here awaiting your feedback, but trust me I really and truly love you from the bottom of my take as much time as you wish. ”  With that Phoebe left the room and her thoughts as jumbled as a bowl of
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‘Do not under any circumstances believe that liar, do you think that any word that marlin speaks is the truth,” she nearly snapped at her. “It is always good to know that Marlin has never liked you and he is only out to get on your nerves, Phoebe. Do not let him get to you, as he is not worth it.Sarah could not see Phoebe nodding but she continued speaking as though trilling to the affirmative of what Phoebe had said. “Oh, I know I should not react that way and should not let him affect me this way but things are just not right at all right now.”Sarah paused for a second to think about what to say next. She responded after a while and her voice was somehow less harsh, more soothing“Phoebe, I think you seriously should take a break, you have been through so much; you sound like you simply need some time off I propose that you and I take a two-day trip and leave Kingston and all the chaos behind. What do you think?”Phoebe decided to take a cup o
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It was time for the other details to be attended to at least they were from her perspective. She picked up her toiletries bag and went about putting in the bare necessities that include; a toothbrush, toothpaste, a small bottle of shampoo, and a few skin products. She put on the special perfume, a flower fragrance that she loved so much and this gave her a cheerful spirit. While packing she remembered how different she became over the recent months, how much she matured, and how it happened. This was not merely an escape, it was a getaway to rediscover herself, to uncover that fighter within her that she knew still existed though the years of insecurity and fear had tried to smother her.Phoebe spose to move to her nightstand and picked her phone scrolling through her music Playlist. She created a new one full of songs making her feel like a winner, songs that would bring back memories of better times and of hope. Music remained for her to be the best wa
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The drive was smooth, people were talking and joking with one another. This can range from a conversation about the favourite movies of the characters to the places that interested them for the trip. Finally Phoebe started laughing more than she have laughed in weeks and as the car moved on the burden on her felt lighter and lighter.“By the way, are there any specific areas you would like to go to while in the area?” Sarah inquired as they took the interstate.‘I am not certain yet,’ Phoebe said. “All I wish to do is wander around and see how these days turn out.”Sarah grinned. That sounds like a plan, I guess that going with no much planned schedule is always a good idea, we’ll wing it.Phoebe nodded her head slowly and felt quite relieved on this thought. She did not have to strategise or dictate every little detail. This trip was about surrender, about the absence of the need to plan and to control things and to take it easy and to be.Read more
The game was harmless as the two friends asked questions in the first few rounds and the tasks were simple and amusing. What is your worst shame? What is something you have done that you regret or consider as ridiculous? and tests such as the egg challenge where couples have to either verbally spar or make silly faces at each other, and simple dares for example, dance like a chicken or sing a random song. However, the truths were moving toward becoming more serious as the game extended, which means that the dares also became more invasive.Phoebe drew a heart, and Sarah looked at the paper, and smirked. ‘The truth!’ Swallowing lightly, So Phoebe, if you could alter something in your past what would that be?’This was well personal to Phoebe so she paused, the question hitting her deep inside probably more than what she had anticipated. She looked at the fire then back at Sarah and calmly pondered over her reply. That was a loaded question and for a long time she re
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Sarah stared at her as if she understood what exactly she was feeling. “Sometimes people just want someone to guide them to let go a little and be friendly; I’m glad you persuaded me to go on this trip”Phoebe stood up and followed sarah back to the bed and sat down next to her. “I think so too. I have bottled up so many things for so long that actually it made me heavy.”Phoebe looked up at her and then saw that Sarah had got up and was standing beside her tentatively reaching out to place her hand on Phoebe’s arm, she then squeezed Phoebe’s hand. “Why do you always load it all on to yourself, you have friends, relatives who will support you and help.”Phoebe examined the woman’s slender hand resting in her own, and a lump rose in Phoebe’s throat. “I know,” she whispered. “And now I’m realizing that It is alright for people to be there for you, to be needed, to help.”Sarah looked at her pleasantly and her eyes said it all, yes she understood wha
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Sarah took Phoebe's hands and gave it a gentle grip. “And I always will be”, you never have to face anything alone Phoebe, we are in this together.Phoebe squeezed her hand back, for the emotion that touched her threatened to well up in the form of tears at the back of her throat. “Thank you, Sarah I would probably never be able to express just how much you mean to me.”Sarah replied with a warm look on her face. “You don’t need to. I understand”They sighed and sat there for a few moments in a silence which was significant of the deep conversation they have just had. Then, Sarah continued, ‘Hey.“Tell me, what would you like to do tomorrow?” She cheerfully changed the topic so as to not invite sad memories.Phoebe smiled as she was happy Sarah had changed the atmosphere of her thoughts.“I was thinking we could go driving out to the lake that we saw depicted in that painting you bought me, it looked so serene and I’m sure we could find gr
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They continued to take their time, she left her striking her legs on the water until they agreed to go for a swim. The water was nice and they were so immersed in water, they carried out childish frolics like they didn’t have a single worry in the world. For the span of several hours, it felt like all their problems disappeared and all that was left was happiness and the company of the other people present.They had to wait for the sun to set, turn the red gold, and when they gathered up their belongings, returned to the car. However, instead of proceeding back to the house, Sarah proposed that they go to another town which she was told by a friend.“It’s meant to be this adorable provincial town with this fabulous restaurant,” Sarah said as she got into the driver’s seat. “I think that we should grab a meal on the way before proceeding back.”Phoebe nodded in agreement having had an interest in seeing more of the area. The drive to the town was minutes an
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The facade of daylight slipped through the curtains just the way a shy child entered Phoebe's room. She was lying in bed, watching how the sunlight drew the patterns on the walls. Repeated in her mind were the events of the past few days: the entire incidents of Mary’s dream, every sobering and uplifting moment she spent with Sarah. The lake, the picnic, the terribly mundane, happy nothingness of just being in each other’s company was all so removed from the chaos she had fled.A sigh escaped Phoebe lips as she turned upside down and saw Sarah was still asleep on the other side of the room. Immediately, She had not quite comprehended how much it was going to benefit her to have a break, companionship, and a friend who was more like a sister. Their rapport had strengthened over the couple of days, and the feeling of knowing each other for long years crept in.Not being able to put up with his coldness any longer, Phoebe got up carefully, not to wake Sarah up, and we
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