All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
182 chapters
He thought of the first time they had met, her look of curiosity and fair dose of defiance. He recalled how she had stared at him and from the look in her eyes he felt as if the whole world was his.Seth, yearned for something that he could not describe, but it gave him deep anguish in his chest. And although every other man who his pride would be equally frustrated, hurt, and betrayed by Phoebe’s actions.There was obviously love in Seth’s heart for phoebe. It was a love that had been put through the rigors and the stress but it is not totally killed. He realized that he can no longer bypass these feelings and that he had to face it whether he wants to get back together with her or to fully let her go.At least for a moment, there was a feeling that they could start over and fix all the things that were wrong. But he had his doubts, which remained an indecisive haze in his mind. Can they actually let go of the bitterness and get their lives back to a happ
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With a heavy heart Phoebe walked out of the bar and her mind was setting her free from Seth officially. This conversation exasperated her greatly and she realized that she could not dwell on it. Yes, after accepting the fact she had to prove herself, it was time for her to turn a new page in her life, If she had to do it single handed then she won’t back out.The night air hit her on the skin as she headed towards her car and that was the only small relief she had besides the chaos going on in her mind. She was still shaken and before she could lunge at him she needed to think, to strategize. She was enraged, heartbroken and, at the back of it all a small ember of hope. She wanted to regain the control for her life and for her worth.Phoebe finally went to Seth’s house late that evening; the house looked the same and yet she felt both comfort and grief inside. She exhaled, and she was ready to perform the next ordeal. she has been staying here for years a
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Phoebe sank into her new armchair, clutching the phone to her ear. Sarah’s voice was a balm to her raw nerves, a reminder of happier times before everything had become so complicated."I've been through a lot, Sarah," Phoebe said, her voice wavering. "My marriage... it fell apart. I’m in a new place now, trying to start over."There was a brief silence on the other end before Sarah spoke, her tone gentle and filled with concern. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Phoebe. You deserve so much better. Why didn’t you call me earlier? I could have been there for you."Phoebe sighed, her eyes welling up with tears. "I was ashamed, I guess. I didn’t want anyone to know how bad things had gotten.""Phoebe, you don’t have to go through this alone. We’ve been friends for so long. Remember college? How we used to stay up all night talking about our dreams and our fears?"Phoebe smiled through her tears, recalling those late night conversations. "Yeah, I re
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Sarah’s soothing voice over the telephone was what Phoebe needed. The words Marlin had said to her somehow left her completely heart broken, but Sarah’s support gave her the light at the end of the tunnel.“Phoebe, I told you before, do not let that bastard, Marlin get close to you because he only wants to see you in pain all because he couldn’t have you to himself”Sarah was right and Phoebe needed to take that into mind and quit thinking so much about herself and what she wanted. “I know you are right Sarah, it’s just that his words really dagger my feelings  and I just feel like I am in a loosing battle.”Sarah spoke comforting words to her ‘You are not alone in this, fighting Phoebe’. “I agree with you, let me tell you I am standing with you the entire process, we will find the solution.”Phoebe forced a smile which easily went to Sarah’s observation despite the fact that it was very weak. “Thank you Sarah, Your sentiments are a source of comf
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Her thoughts went to Seth and mixed emotions still linger with her. She recognised that their base is far from being a picture perfect couple, but she knew there is something deep inside her that still has feelings for him. The question that rose was, “can two people who are in love with each other look for ways to get back together after so many hurtful moments or are they are to remain separated forever?”With that, Phoebe shook her head waving the thoughts away to the back of her mind where she forced it to remain. Tonight was not the time for such seriously thoughtful thinking. The situation required her to take a closer look at herself and start on her own healing process.Going home, Phoebe felt something off her chest and she was utterly free. That evening she went to bed and for the first time in a while she slept and woke up very much at peace. With everything that Sarah has done for her plus her mindset, she felt somehow at peace.
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They got back to work and interestingly for the first time in a long while Phoebe felt relieved and happier. The encounter with Jason was quite positive and meeting him was refreshing so she was glad about her day.When they had finalized moving the last of the boxes, Jason moved closer to Phoebe and smiled at her. “Wow, you really saved my ass today, I start my new job in one month’s time and this is making it much easier and much more enjoyable.”"Anytime, Jason," Phoebe replied. Nicely said, men It was my pleasure .Any other help you may need feel free to ask.“I’ll definitely keep that in mind.” Jason smirked. “And maybe the next time we can try organizing something which will be slightly more entertaining than the process of moving the boxes.”‘Sure thing,’ said Phoebe, agreeing to the plan. “Hello there Jason,” “I am happy to see you, welcome to the neighborhood,” and “It was lovely meeting you, welcome to the hood.”“Oh, You are we
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“I’m glad you think so, then let us prepare for it. So, the first step could be something like a gallery or a community center.” “That sounds perfect. I feel more reassured by it already.” ‘And maybe that will make someone else who doesn’t think they have any artistic skills, realize that they do, and start painting trees too.’ Phoebe replied. "Oh, without a doubt! Art also has the facility to create closure and make people see life from a different angle. I am quite looking forward to this, Phoebe.” “Oh me too Jason It’s good to have the prospect of something to look forward to and another thing is that it is always better to go through it with a friend.” ‘By the way, have you got any near trips in the pipeline? I know that traveling to new places makes me feel like I discover new muse’Jadon asked her expectingly. “No at the moment, but I have been entertaining the idea of going for a mountain trip since la
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“Yes, my dear, we see each other at 4 in the afternoon.” Phoebe texted back.When she was putting on her sandals, she contemplated what this meeting would be like. This was coffee; however, it seems the meeting was more than just a cup of coffee.She grabbed her purse and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before opening the door and stepping out.Phoebe, being punctual, got to the café a few minutes before the time agreed for and got a table for two near the window. The light entering the room through the windows made her feel comfortable, and she relaxed. A few minutes later Christian entered the room, and seeing her, he greeted her enthusiastically with a wink.“Hi Phoebe,” he said briefly and sat opposite her. "You look great."“Thanks Christian. You also look good.” She said as the tension left her.They took their time placing their drinks and then moved into small casual talk. Christian described the case that has been recently s
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They both went on with the conversation until midnight, discussing more of the things they wanted for themselves and for each other, and even their fears. Finally, just before the chiming of the clock twelve, Christian saw Phoebe trying to hide her yawn. “Tired are you; might as well spend the night here, I have an extra bedroom and you can… sleep in there,” he said. Phoebe looked at her for a moment and then slowly nodded. “I do, Christian and thanks for the compliment.” Christian introduced her to the guest room and ensured she had all that she wanted or needed. “If there is anything you require please feel free to knock on my door, I am just a door away.” Phoebe got comfortable in the guest room, was glad to be in Christian’s apartment which was warm and comfortable. The lovely outfit he had bought her was comfortable sleepwear that she slipped into; she got on the bed but sleep never came. Day’s activities and almost bl
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The next morning Phoebe woke up with a feeling that she had not experienced in a long time, the feeling of contentment. She woke up yawning she saw Christian sitting up already, brewing coffee in the tiny kitchenette. She smiled enjoying the calmness of simply being just two people cooking in the kitchen. As they prepared to sit down for their meal the sound of compelling knock could be heard at the door. All of a sudden Phoebe felt a swift beasting flutter in her bosom as Christian moved to answer it. Unfortunately, she could not rid herself of the negative feelings that seized her. This had not crossed her mind till one morning she woke up to this message: “Who could it be this early?” Christian swiftly opened the door on the other side stood Marlin, looking very pleased with himself. Phoebe's blood ran cold. She had not been able to set her eyes on him since the time they exchanged some harsh words over the telephone. “C
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