All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
182 chapters
She was simple and pure in his otherwise messy life that seemed to be full of troubles. She was also sincere and sweet, which meant a lot to him because such was a company he was not used to. He required that more than ever before, perhaps because he is a cynical city guy who can’t take the country life anymore. Days later, he was in the bar when she appeared to be standing just outside waiting for him to arrive and her looked happy to see him.“Seth!” she said aloud and her tone was soothing, sexually provocative. She gestured to him to come closer and she smiled wasting no time in waving at him. He had no choice but to smile back and felt even some of the burden off his back.:”Hi, Emma,” he said when he got closer to her. ‘I appreciate for your meeting me as requested on this short notice.’‘Of course,’ she said although her eyes were full of concern. "Is everything okay?"Seth frowned and bitterly remarked still shaking his head in denial: ‘No not really, it has been a hectic nigh
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Emma continued, “ Seth the feelings I have for you are likely beyond friendship. But I never plan to intrude into your life, let alone all that is happening to you at the moment”Seth’s chest pounds heavily, he finally opened up a small, true smile on his face. He inclined forwards and for a second the both of them breathed with their faces close. City lights were on around them and the mild light fell on their faces. “Emma.” He exclaimed with a strong face.He focused on her lips, nodding and smiling gently, ‘You are welcome, I needed to hear that so much you know’.***Phoebe approached Gloria’s apartment as tears rolled down her cheeks; her eyes were puffy, and red. Phoebe went in through the back door using the spare key she had with her.The two sisters stare at each other in silence for a moment before she slumped down on the couch and put her head in her hands. Gloria being her sister, noticed her uncomfortable state
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Tears choked Gloria and she went on, “I saw how he would stare at you, Phoebe He cared for you so much and I didn’t see it beyond the color of his skin Indeed, I may have contributed to the downfall of your relationship.”Obviously, they both felt the pain in each other’s embrace Phoebe held her and was aware of how heavy it was for her. “Gloria, it’s not about what we can or cannot do in the past,But it is about learning from our mistakes and making amends to right all the wrong that has been done.”Gloria wiped her cheeks and sniffed, her crying having just started. “As I said I just wish I had realized it earlier maybe things would have not been this bad by now”They both remained quiet for a few minutes lost in their own worlds. The room was filled with their low weeping; the failure and the grief could be felt by everyone in the room.Then, Phoebe could not remain silent any longer. “Gloria, you being a woman, do you have think Seth will get
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Phoebe sat on the edge of her and started her day’s narration. “I was at Elegance Couture today trying to get some clothes, Then a handsome man named Christian was checking through the clothes rack as well and was looking for a gift for his sister and then asked my opinion on the dress that he was buying.“Oh come on Gloria, do not disgust me with that look,” phoebe said to her lightly hitting her on the shoulder.“Sounds like a typical pick-up line,” Gloria cut into the conversation with a smirk on her face.Phoebe laughed. “Somehow tho, but he did listen to me and we started discussing fashion, work, life in general He is a corporate lawyer you know.”Gloria had a look of glee in her eyes. “A lawyer, huh? Fantastic. And then what happened”“We talked more about ourselves and after clearing the bill he said he’d like to take me for coffee, and we spent hours talking in this small cafe like we have known each other for years.”Gloria
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Raw emotion welled up in phoebe’s cheek she stare at Seth listening to his words. “You actually expect me to thank you for letting me stay here? Isn’t this suppose to be our house? I don’t feel like I am living in your house where you can do me a favor. And Marlin? Don’t you even dare to include him on this… This is between me and you, Seth.”Seth moved a step closer to her and his eyes had yellow flames. “I am not dragging him into this. You have been engaged in defiant behaviors and eccentricities such as leaving the house vwithout informing me for days You also know how dangerous the outside world is particularly for you.”Phoebe frowned at him and folded her arms even more across her chest. “Dangerous? You are talking about the real world? The world that I have to survive as a wife to a husband who has not cared to spend time with me for the past few months? Do not try to guise your self-concern when all you have been doing for the past few days are neglecting
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Phoebe, was preparing a meal in the kitchen and the place was filled with aroma of fresh vegetables, food in all sorts of preparation, and numerous kitchen gadgets cluttered the room. There was the smell of garlic and herbs sizzling; she was slicing vegetables with a graceful dexterity. Baking and cooking was always a kind of an hubby for her, a way to tune out the world and focus on a plate of delicious meals that she is making. Today, she felt that the urge to make something special for herself.The troubles that had been happening for the last couple of weeks had overstressed her emotionally. From her breaking relationship with Seth to the feeling she is beginning to nurture towards Christian. Most of the time she was in doubt each time she had to make a decision or feel something. This certainly gave her anxiety but in the kitchen she felt she always had some degree of control.Phoebe was abstracted by a pot of boiling sa
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Phoebe's mind was reeling. Fiancée?Her eyes scannned the room, looking for a way to flee or, at the very best, to gain some comprehension of what was happening here and now. Christian is standing at her side and now he takes her hand, slowly but surely, and she could see the pride and love in his eyes.The room began to softly first and then rise to full applause and cheers congratulating her for her victory. A middle aged woman with Christian’s blue shiny eyes and white pleasant teeth greeted them, producing her arms round Phoebe.“I’m Lucy, Christian’s sister,” she said then draw back to look at her audience more closely and found Phoebe. “Oh it is great to meet you I have heard so much about you from Christian.”It was too much for Phoebe to bear and she mustered a feeble smile to express that she understood all that had been said. ”It is also a pleasure to know you Lucy, Hope you had an awesome birthday.”Christian smiled from ear to ear and l
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When phoebe and Christian left the party. Phoebe, again, was thinking of Emma. The lovely, friendly lady who looked like she truly wanted to help Phoebe out with her appearance and make her feel better. Phoebe, who is unaware that the woman Seth has been dating is Emma, or else she would have not been so close with her.however Phoebe was sheerly happy and could not but appreciate the growing feelings that were developing between them.He unlocked the car and opened the door for her, and as he handed her the seat belt he looked into her face caressingly. “How was the party… did you enjoy it?” he inquired getting behind the wheel and turning the key on the car.Phoebe smile, she felt good deep in her chest. “It was great, yes thank you, your family is nice I like them And Emma especially she is very friendly.”Christian looked at her and a half smile appeared on his face. “I’m glad you two became friends She is a good friend of
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Sasha parked her car and walked towards Seth’s office, a high risen building, with a large glass outer wall. Her chest chest began to fluttere expectantly and slightly nervously. she is dressed as a perfect woman, thinking that this meeting with Seth can define their future together.With regard to Seth and Phoebe’s relationship, they traveled in different directions, thus offering an opportunity for her to worm her way back into Seth’s life. That’s all she needed, a chance.She walked in the lobby and was dressed in very tight red dress that accentuated her figure and lots of people looked at her. She turned a deaf ear to them, the feeling knowing that her only resort was to get the job done. Sasha crossed the hallway and entered the elevator,her hands were shaking when she pushed the button to go to Seth’s office. The ride appeared to have been like an eternity too her, every second spent in pondering how she would strike the first conversation, what sh
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Seth quickly stepped back from Sasha and he was panting hard and thinking quickly. His eyes bore deep into hers, he was panting; evidently struggling to keep his temper in check. “Sasha this is not right” he said in a strain voice. Sasha gazed at him with wide eyes. she was clearly confused and seemed to be begging him with her eyes. “How is this not right, Seth?” Sasha said looking so confused “You mean we’re not capable of doing this now?” Seth stood up and moved slightly from her reach. I can't do this. Not like this. He combed his fingers through his hair, attempting at unfoggling his mind “I still love Phoebe and I therefore cannot turn a blind eye on this, can I?” “Phoebe? You still have feeling for her?”she said with anger raging over her.Sasha sat up abruptly, her face which before was filled with some kind of desperation was now reddened with intense anger. “Seth, she has been a problem in your life causing you nothing but pain. Well,
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