All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
182 chapters
‘’Can I help you?’’ the officer inquired, his voice falling on the ears listlessly. ‘Yes, my wife is missing,’ Seth said in a tone that clearly showed he was very worried. ”This is supposed to be a young lady and she was to have returned hours ago, the only call I received is that she has been kidnapped.” The reaction of the officer immediately transformed into wakefulness and clear-sightedness. ”Please sit down,” he said indicating to a chair. “I will call somebody who will attend on you, right now.” Seth nodded in agreement, and hesitantly he dropped himself in the chair and raked his fingers through his hair. A few minutes later a tall detective with an embarrassed look on his face walked up to him saying he was Harris; a detective. “Mr. Rivera, the wife is missing,” Harris said, this time his tone was quite authoritative as he posed the questions to the man. Seth sighed and began narrating what happened in the evening, Phoebe going to the market and up to the time he received
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Seth’s cellphone rang as they were setting off to the market. It was a message from Sasha The sender’s name, in this case the person we received the message from, was Sasha. “Tell me more about Phoebe please or Are there any other ways that I could assist?.” Sasha asked pretending not to know about phoebe. Seth hesitated. Sasha had become a point of conflict recently, but he could not spare anyone who might assist him. “Currently I am browsing through the security cameras’ tapes” he said “If you hear anything, or see anything strange, let me know, okay?” “Will do,”Sasha responded. Seth began to plan his every move accompanied by Officer Smith driving him to the market. He had to be strong for Phoebe as much as the situation required it. They went to the market; full of people carrying out their activities as they did their shopping. Sherlock felt out of place for looking for clues from within the usual routine reality. The discussion went on until Smith said, “So let me kick it
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“Where is Phoebe Patterson?” Seth blurred out, advancing. ‘The words are all that echo the unheard screams, the unheard pleas, the hatred, the pain; “What have you done with her?” Seeing this, Victor looked around nervously and one could clearly see the expressions of fear on his face. ”It was not the girl that I picked, I have no idea where she is at the moment.” “Then why are you hiding?” The question came from Harris but the tone of his voice reflected the suspicion that was in him. “I have to pay Marlin some cash,” went on saying Victor. “He went to my place looking for me He sent people after me I have been living here in order to avoid them.” Seth looked at Harris, and they both gave each other a nod. As it often happens in such cases, the situation was much more complex than they had predicted. “Do you know anything about Phoebe’s disappearance?” Harris insisted within his probe. Absolutely not, ‘No’ spilled out of Victor’s lips through a vigorous shake of his head. “No,
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Marlin could hardly hide the facial expression which ranged from frown and look of sheer terror. This is because he understands it would pain you, Seth, and it would already be a way of paying for his sins in as much as you would also be paining me. Seth began to clench his fists at his sides as he listen to all of this. The relationship between them seemed perfect, but ‘Where would he take her?’ You said, ‘I still know the way.’ “I have already explained about the factory,” Marlin said as he folded his arms and was now looking pale. “But they place is there. The warehouse down by the port. He had some kind of office there sometimes.” Harris nodded, making a mental note. “We will see if it is true. But Marlin, if you are just lying here and we are being trapped…” “I am not lying!” Marlin interrupted with widened eyes and despair in them. “I swear I’m not! I just want this thing to stop; I don’t want him anymore.” Seth pushed off the wall drawing closer to the table. “Marlin,
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Seth left work very late because the he had a lot of thing to settle at work.He had too many meetings and a lot of files to attend to so they were too much for him. He needed to take a break, even if just for a little time. He drove through the street looking left and right if he could site any bar or lounge. Not long after moving around for some minutes he found a bar. He parked some distance away from it so as to not be noticed by his staffs . Then he walked towards the direction of the bar the outside view of it was full of flashy lights and he could hear people talking and glasses making noise behind the closed doors. He opened the door and went in. The place felt very warm and friendly. This time the noise were so loud. Seth sat at the left corner of the bar. “Bartender!!!” He called out. He asked for some wine. The man behind the bar, who was big and had a nice smile, poured him some wine. Setg drank the wine and the feeling of being relaxed suddenly took over him he enjoy
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In the office of Marlin Murray, and the only thing that was to be heard was the turning of the air conditioning system. The room was vast with all the modern furnishes and abstract arts that instantly gave it a luxurious look. From the large glass windows one could see the skyline of Kingston and the city’s active life happening far down below. However, in these four walls, there was complete silence as if something was wrong. Marlin leaned back in his chair that had the shinny mahogany furniture and was tapping his fingers on the desk. His neatly combed black hair had peeked through his baseball cap and his forehead was creased roughly in the middle. He pulled out his phone and a rarely used number which he had engraved in his heart. When a business man makes a call into an inferior, he does not want to talk things over civilly: “Sasha, get to my office immediately,” he snarled into the telephone before hurling it down on the hook. Several minutes later there was a knock on
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The rushing sun was setting its colorful tones over Kingston when Seth Rivera got back home. The sound of his shoes thudded against the floor of the long corridor of his plush apartment, the reality of his actions of the previous night weighing him down. He realized he had to, and at some point the facts would come out, that he had to talk to Phoebe. Seth’s heartbeat was fast as he opened the door leading to their house. Phoebe was seated with her back to him when he came in and as she swiveled round to face him she had a look of intense distrust in her eyes. “Seth,” she said her voice sounding very much serious and so controlled. Therefore, such questions as “Where were you last night?” Seth was frozen for a moment trying to think of a reason that she would not suspect him. “I was involved in a business meeting that ended rather late.” Phoebe laughed, her lips compressed into a thin line with a smirk “A business meeting, Seth? Is that the best you have got to say right now
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Sasha sat down on the armchair and the fatigue that had stuck to her all through displayed itself on her booed shoulders. The dim and steady lighting of Kingston made the outside view across the windows resist calm and was as disturbed as her mind. She has wasted the day on walking on the tight rope and trying to be loyal to Marlin while at the same time having increasing affection towards Seth. The nature of her life was rapidly compromising her and she saw the ragged seams threatening to burst open at any given time. She took her heels off and tried to relax by closing her eyes, she needed that moment of solace so badly. But the tranquility she searched for was peace and she could not find it. The apartment she found so comforting in any other night felt so claustrophobic tonight. She received a call and this disrupted the quite moment that they had. She woke up and then turned a little and looked at the screen. It was a
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Phoebe was still for a moment and ended her comments with more of an assertion that brought a lingering feeling of incompleteness. Seth breathed in sharply his anger to the brim and ready to burst at any moment. He looked at her and observed the lady sitting in front of him with her hands well arranged on her lap while having a war inside her. “You can’t do this anymore?” Seth’s tone was biting as if he was amused by my weakness. “What specific thing is it that you can’t Phoebe? Living in a comfortable environment having anything that you desire at your fingertips?” Phoebe was surprised at the way he said those words, but she ensured that she kept a stiff upper lip. “That’s not what I said, Seth. I’m talking of this fake joviality where one rubs on the other only for everything to be a facade of all is well when it is not. You are not the man I married anymore. You changed” “Changed?” Seth laughed bitterly. ‘You really believe I’ve turned into a different person? Oh, you don’
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After a few moments Phoebe started to compose herself. In her thoughts, she replayed all moments they had together as a couple thinking of the good and bad times they had. She glanced at Seth, and he looked furious and in pain. She realized that although he was well put together outside, inside he was as saddened as she was.“Seth,” she tried to say something but her voice is not stable. “I did not try to bring you down and make you feel inferior to everyone.I had my reckless moments that affected you; but regardless of that, I always stood for you Seth and you know that.Yes I ran away because I thought I could live a life without you but I was wrong.”Seth cut him short with a head shake, his face even more rigid than before. “You got straight back into my life because of the riches I possess now, you didn’t come back for me; you came back because I now have what you seek for.”‘Well that’s not true,” Phoebe said in defense. “I came back because I had to, Seth, I want to be with you
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