All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
181 chapters
Sasha laughed bitterly. “You really don’t get it, do you? I am losing respect for myself Marlin, and I throw myself at him and he rejects me every time humiliation is what I get.” Sasha, Marlin said softly, knowing that she had agreed with her eyes open and realizing that Seth would not be easy to crack, but fairly sure that he had to be cracked, since he had to be on their side. “I know?” Sasha responded, her mouth practically touching the tall part of the receiver’s handle. ‘But I can’t go on like this anymore,’ she grew more serious, ‘It’s too much, I am degrading myself and I feel like I have no dignity left in me; I can’t go on with these façade.’ Marlin’s voice softened. “See Sasha, I get it. It’s not fun and if it is making you uncomfortable then I don’t want you to continue. But we’re in this far enough. We can’t get out now. Just…try and come up with a different tact. Think about what you are good at. You are smar
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Now that the important meeting with Mr. Harrison for Seth and Sasha is behind them, the two could begin to think of the time to go home. This week’s last corporate events and competitive presentation used all the strategies and delicate diplomacy that I was able to learn throughout this course. Now, that the deal was signed they could let their guards down, at least for some time.On the last day of the camping the sun was already rising Seth woke up feeling relieved but at the same time exhausted. He drew in a deep breath, enjoying the peace and calm before the storm as it were and before the day’s toil started. Today they would set off early, get ready, and leave for Kingston.Sasha came to Seth’s house at 8 AM as requested, punctually as a clock. There was elegance in a combination of the formal outfit she wore: with her composed face that looked professional, but not without the signs of tiredness, barely noticeable in her eyes.“He
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Looking somewhat embarrassed, Seth said, “It was rather difficult.” “But we finally closed the contract,” she said with a sigh, “It was not a piece of cake, but I am glad that we got it.”Surpised and delighted Phoebe asked, “Wow, Seth that is great I am so happy for you.”Seth smiled happy to be done with the project and feeling as if he had done a good job at it. “Thank you, Phoebe It was a teamwork adventure I guess so we have been a good team, Sasha and I at least.”Phoebe’s expression grew thoughtful. “How is Sasha doing?”Seth hesitated and then felt it would be better to tell the truth. “I believe she is... struggling Still, she was stressed during some performances, and she committed some errors She works hard I think she wants to be pardoned.”Phoebe nodded, and her gaze softened as if she understood exactly what Case was going through. “All is good to hear that she is taking steps to change, everyone should be given a second cha
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The sun had begun setting and the streets of Kingston was warm as Sasha rushed to Marlin’s apartment. He watched her becoming furious along with disappointment with a hint of plan B failed but there is hope. Every move was slower than the previous one, weighed down by the rejection that still could not change Seth’s mind. She got to the door of Marlin and knocked it with a lot of force, the knocking resounded in the silent corridor. After a few seconds, it creaked opened to reveal Marlin looking at me with a worried and quizzical look on his face. “Sasha ,” he said in a very gentle tone letting her inside the house. "Come in." The light was turned low in the apartment; only a lamp was on casting a cheerful light over the old furniture and papers scattered all over the room. Sasha began to feel very nervous; her mind was in a state of turmoil during the preparation of the meeting, where she would be forced to present their defects and possible strategies. Marlin became quiet a
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Well, Sasha,’ he said softly, and you did not hear the aggression in his words, I have known Phoebe for many years. Longer than Seth has. " She was about to say something, looked at him penetratingly, her curiosity being mixed with concern. ‘What do you mean?’ She said softly; While staring at the every bit of effort that was made to decorate their home. Marlin let out a sigh as he looked lost in thoughts for a moment before he could utter the following. Thus with candor he declared, ‘I have loved her from the very first sight.’ His voice had a tone of the pathos of the past. ”Perhaps when we were … young, running around in the hills, by her grandmother’s house, she seemed so … so alive.” Sasha remained silent, listening to every word Marlin had to say, her tender heart feeling the emotional distress, which was resonating in the man’s voice. ‘What happened?’ She asked gently pushing him to tell her more. He slowly inhaled, and when he looked into her eyes there was pain, there was
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Marlin’s maniacal laughter went on in the background as a loud knock sounded on the door of the small apartment snapped him back to reality. He gathered himself and managing to wash the evil grin off his face and proceeded to walk to the door. He could only think about who could be coming to see him at such a time of the night. There was a sound of the door being slowly opened and in came Gloria who is Phoebe’s sister, and is younger than her. Gloria was a beautiful woman of approximately twenty-five, she had the Phoebe’s eyes but overall appeared more business-minded and purposeful. That is how she was standing there with her facial features that were majorly carved out of look of concern but also a look of determination to do the needful. ”Gloria,” Marlin said, faking a surprised tone. ‘’What are you doing here?’’he asked. Gloria entered without being offered to do so, her gaze moving around the room, taking in the mess in the apartment. It was a very simple conversation that
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He would not be deterred by pleas or by threats from her.“She doesn’t understand,” in his mind. “No one does” “but I will prove them otherwise, I will force them to understand” He crossed the room and pulled the curtains apart to stare at the night-lit city of Kingston far in the distance. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, but one thing remained clear: He also would not give up on Phoebe no matter how painful the rejection had seemed to be. He’d never let Gloria get in the way of his work again. And now he remained in front of the window looking at the city outside and still, he could hear the words of Gloria. But he repelled them dismissing the thoughts and ideas staying with his strategies only. H e would do all that lies within his power to make sure that Phoebe gets back with him. Marlin sat up, his stomach twisting into knots, Realising that he had a long fight in front of him, he closed his eyes and take a deep breath. It was far from being over he said to hi
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Sunlight began to enter the Seth and Phoebe’s warm apartment through the windows as they enjoyed cups of coffee while sitting on the chairs in the kitchen area around the table. They got immensely involved with their eloquent expressions about the impending tour atmosphere in the air. Phoebe sat back on the chair and she looked provocatively at Seth across the table wearing a smile on her lips. “Are you even realizing we are doing this?” she asked as smile stretched across her beautiful face all ear to ear. ‘He pulled out a brochure, ‘A couple’s tour, just you and me’. Seth smiled back at her and there was happiness in his eyes like in her. “Oh, I can hardly wait”, he said, and taking her hand across the table, he held it in his. “It seems to me that this is just the kind of moment we need now to stop for a while and just spend some time together.” She looked into his eyes and smiled, Phoebe squeezing his hand appreciatively, felt a rush of heat pass through her. "Absolutely,
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The sound of the hurrying traffic and the monotonous yelling of the salesmen and the constant annoying beeping of cars’ horns – all of that was drowned by the clashing of freshly squeezed fruits and vegetables and by the smell of spices and fresh hot smell of the oil which surrounded Phoebe at the market. She carefully selected items that would sustain them during long drives and leisurely picnics: There are cakes, some homemade finalist cheeses, crust bread, many types of fresh fruits, and some chocolates when people wanted to feel a little naughty. The snack section and Seth was also an irresistible combination that she couldn’t pass without availing herself of some trail mix and other treats that would help give a taste of the region to their holiday. Each garment she bought made her think of Seth’s pleasant response and their future happiness while en-route in their small joys. Phoebe right went to stand and make her purchases when she felt a tap on her shoulders. Looking back,
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She has dreams and hope for freedom, consequently, she understands that her life is in the balance and the only way to survive is to be ready for the chances that will show up. The van eventually halted at an area that is surrounded by some trees, in an area that is far from the city. Phoebe was then lead out and into a warehouse that was rather dark before being introduced a man with his face half masked. He sounded confident when he talked and that was the last thing Phoebe wanted to hear. “You and your husband are valuable clients,” he started, though his tone openly hostile. “There lies our hope; we need his cooperation,” the other man said, “You will remain here with him until he gets it into his head that there are repercussions for rebellion.” Deep down Phoebe’s heart dropped and she knew that the situation they were in was really a bad one. She understood that Seth would not stop till he found her again, but she also did not want him to die. Phoebe’s heart raced as she was
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