After a few moments Phoebe started to compose herself. In her thoughts, she replayed all moments they had together as a couple thinking of the good and bad times they had. She glanced at Seth, and he looked furious and in pain. She realized that although he was well put together outside, inside he was as saddened as she was.

“Seth,” she tried to say something but her voice is not stable. “I did not try to bring you down and make you feel inferior to everyone.I had my reckless moments that affected you; but regardless of that, I always stood for you Seth and you know that.Yes I ran away because I thought I could live a life without you but I was wrong.”

Seth cut him short with a head shake, his face even more rigid than before. “You got straight back into my life because of the riches I possess now, you didn’t come back for me; you came back because I now have what you seek for.”

‘Well that’s not true,” Phoebe said in defense. “I came back because I had to, Seth, I want to be with you
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