All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
181 chapters
"You mean Seth Rivera bought Nova? My my my, my days." Gem, Phoebe's friend gushed. They had come over to Seth's house to see Phoebe, who had woken up that morning to find that she was on her period and had crams. "What are you going to do about cooking today? Surely, he does not expect you to do all the housework while you are in pains." Melanie asked. Phoebe merely shook her head at them and shrugged her shoulders. The doorbell rang through out the house from outside. A classic tune, specifically, Beethoven. The Butler, who Seth had recently hired to run the little house errands went and handled it. They heard the door open and shut. "Who could that be? Are you expecting guests?" Melanie asked Phoebe, but she shook her head gently. "I see. Then who could it be? " Gem asked. A beautiful young lady walked into the house. She was dressed in turquoise skirt which showed off long, slender legs, and an off shoulder, white top. Her sandal heels glimmered as she walked into the
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Grand ma Patterson had girsts over at the mansion. She usually did that in preparation for the annual Memorial ceremony she normally had for her late husband. "I believe these patterns would look lovely on the new interiors. How soon until your second grand daughter walks down the aisle?" Mrs Yvette asked. She was a long time friend and event planner for the Patterson family. "Oh darling Gloria just wants to take her time. You know, to avoid making the same mistakes her sister did. We have downed enough shame to last us a lifetime already." Grandma Patterson replied. The hot, sultry afternoon air blew at them, as they sat in Grandma Patterson's beautiful, plush garden. "Oh, about that though. I hear the man is rich now. Do you know how that happened? Some people say he has pure luck, while others say you saved him a fortune and probably gave him some connections to the wealth he's acquired and others assume he is into drugs." Mrs Yvette said to her. "Speculations, speculations. D
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Seth had already instructed his driver to take a lunch pack to Phoebe's office. He knew she would still be having a bit of crams, and would not like to go out to eat. So, he prepared ahead of her, and ordered lunch from her favorite spot, Kentucky's. His driver into her Secretary's office held the food pack in his right hand, while he swung his car keys from his other hand. "I want to see Mrs Rivera. I have a delivery pack for her, courtesy of Mr. Rivera." He said to her Secretary. "Let him in." Phoebe said when her Secretary called to confirm whether or not to let him in. "What is it?" She asked when he placed the pack on her table. "Mr. Rivera thought you would not go out for lunch, so, he sent me to bring this to you. He said he would rather you do not stress too much, or go on an hungry stomach through out the day." Seth's driver explained to her. Phoebe could not help but smile at Seth's thoughtfulness towards her. But why was he being so nice to her? Was he trying to buy a
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The garden sprung with life as the bright lights came on, lighting up the evening sky. The red china lamps had been set up on the tents which had been set up for the D-jay, and the food and drinks. "This is so beautiful, and modern if you ask me, Mrs Patterson." Mrs Yvette, the event planner for the Patterson said in complacency regarding her own work. Grandma Patterson was dressed in a white lace, that bundled around her ankle, and had ruffled hands. Her white hair had been curled and styled in a braid which she pinned behind her head, and a beautiful flower Garland sat on her head, as it did on the heads of nearly everyone. "Yes, a garden celebration was a much more appropriate venue. I almost feel like I can inhale his presence in the wind, amongst the flowers." Grandma Patterson replied wiping a tear drop from her eye. "He is smiling down at you from wherever he is." Mrs Yvette said. Just then, Phoebe and Seth walked in. Seth wore a plain white shirt, which was open a few bu
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The music continued to play loudly, while everyone danced, and other had drinks. Seth turned around to find Marlin Murray walk into the party, bearing a large black box in his hand. He walked up to Grandma Patterson, and paid her his respects. It was not until he was done talking to Grandma Patterson that everyone who had noticed his entrance realised that the big box he held in his hands was not for grandma Patterson. Seth watched with intrigued eyes, as Marlin Murray walked up to where he stood beside Phoebe. She had been saying something to him, but, he was no longer listening. "Seth...Seth, do you..." She paused, turning to notice Marlin Murray standing in front of her bearing the black box in his hands. " Hello Phoebe, " he said to her. "Hello." Phoebe smiled courteously at him, with her arms folded. "This is for you." He said, presenting the box to her. "Who? Me? is not my birthday or something." She said looking from Marlin to Seth. Although, she thought it un
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"How did last night go?" Melanie asked Phoebe as they walked down the streets of fifth Avenue. They were headed towards the fashion store they usually got materials from. "Well, he was furious that is for sure. But, he just acted as though he was cool with the whole thing, and when he was done talking, he got up and went to bed." Phoebe replied. "Wow, anyway, that serves him right. I honestly think you should give Marlin a chance. I mean if we are being honest, he is way better than that Rivera of a man. I honestly don't know what you saw in him to begin with." Melanie scoffed. "I think we should ease up on the suggestions and think about what clothes to wear for the fashionista party Friday night." Phoebe said to her. As they walked forward, they came across a boutique that had a beautiful dress she liked. "I think you should totally get, let's go inside." Melanie said to her. As they walked into the store, they came across a beautiful lilac dress that had rose flowers pinned a
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Aidan reached for the ball pen across his table. He had been flicking it back and forth ever since he got off the phone with Seth Rivera. He had agreed to meet him at the State Library to talk about the new contract he wanted offer him. Seth had been used to the devious ways of the Patterson by now, and even though he had no idea what it was they were up to this time, he was certain it was no good. He walked into the state library building. It was a huge building, tall, made out of coloured bricks which formed the structure into a big, magnificent stack of books. Even the pillars that held it up had been painted according to the pattern. Dressed in his brown, tailored suit and red tie matched the small bow on his dark brown, shiny shoe. He found Aidan seated at the Library's cafe , near the window. Aidan wore a thick, black shirt that hung loosely around him. His dark, shoulder length hair accentuates the depths of his black rimmed eyes. Seth could smell the mischief from af
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Seth smiled as he walked Aidan up to the pretty lady at the table. She smiled up at them and put forth her hand for a shake. "It is lovely to meet you again, Mr. Rivera." She smiled up at him. Dylan kissed the back of her hand and took the seat across from her. Aidan joined him with a silly smile on his face. "So, Mr. Rivera, friend of yours?" She asked, admiring Aidan. "Exquisitely so. His name is Aidan Patterson of the famous Patterson family ." Seth replied prestigiously. "How... opulent."she replied. "Hi, I am Dahlia Ramirez." She put her hand forth for him to shake it. Aidan took the hand with a silly smile on his face, and kissed the back of her band just like Seth had. "It is a beautiful pleasure to meet you too, Miss Ramirez. " He said. "Dahlia, please, call me Dahlia. I think it would sound much better on your lips." She smirked at him. Seth was extremely surprised and amused to see Aidan Patterson blush like a little girl. He continued to watch in amazement as Aidan
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Phoebe was still packing up for the night, when she realized how far along time has been spent "Lights out boo, I have run now." Melanie said and gave Phoebe a hug before rushing out. "Alright, drive safe!" Phoebe called out to her. As usual, Seth had sent his list for dinner, but she had not been able to make it back in time, considering all the orders she had received that morning, plus the designs for Fashion week they still had to put up. She got back home extremely tired, and worried that Seth would throw up a stormy feat at her for not preparing dinner, but she was the least worried. They had a deal, but she was equally making money. Phoebe pushed the house door open and the fragrance of roasted meat and sauce wafted easily into her nose. "Oh thank goodness, he cooked." She said to herself as she walked into the villa. To her surprise, she found Seth at the dinning room with another woman. Their laughter reached her from the doorway. "Oh, Miss Patterson, you are back al
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Phoebe woke up with the sun streaming in through the curtains. She had slept through like a baby and had awoken to the sound of tweeting birds at the window. She turned around to touch Seth, but he was not there. Afraid that he had immediately regretted his actions and had probably rushed out angrily. Phoebe sat there with her head in her hands, close to tears for having been so stupid. Yet, last night, he had shown her so much passion she could only have believed that he wanted it too. Now? Now she was just not sure anymore. Her scattered hair fell onto her hands in a mass as she continued to fret for what he could have been thinking in that moment. She fell abck in bed, clutching the sheets to her chest tight. With a sigh, she decided to get up and head back to her room, before he returned and threw a feat at the sight of her still in his bed. Phoebe picked up her lingerie and threw it over her body, sulking her way to the door, she pulled it open. Not expecting to run into him
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