All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
181 chapters
Early the next morning, Phoebe got up to leave for work, and found that the house had been cleaned. Everywhere had been left sparkling and not a single dust was in sight. The living room had been vacuumed properly and dusted.She walked up to the dining and found a cup of coffee with a note attached to it. The little paper stamp had a smiling emoji drawn on it. A single rose flower laid on the plate of food which had been covered and placed on a tray.There was a tray of assorted foods, salmon, steak, toasts, eggs a d a glass of juice. What exactly was going on. She felt like she had slept and woken up in a dream. She pinched herself severally, but found that she was still awake.She picked up a piece of toast, and found that it was still warm. "How did he..?" She thought to herself.Gloria walked into the house with her bag and the necessary documents for their presentation and meeting at Chroma Creative."Whoa, did you order breakfast?" She exclaimed at the sight of the delicious lo
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Phoebe stared open mouthed at Seth, who was seated at the head of the table, with his beard neatly shaved and his hair beautifully cut.A snug smile played on Seth's lips as he stared back at her, his eyes remaining strained on hers. He was being pleased with the expression on her face that told him she could not believe what was happening.The cards had been reversed, and she was now standing in a position of helplessness and she needed his help.Seth's jaws tightened as he continued to hold her gaze with his steadily. Phoebe was the first to break it, as she lowered her eyes in embarrassment."Miss Patterson, I believe you have a presentation to make? Or do we have to wait all day?" He raised an eyebrow at her.Suddenly remembering who she was, Phoebe raised her head with pride, dashing Seth a daring glare. She placed her laptop down on the table as Gloria helped her work the projector.Seth glanced at his pure gold Catier wrist watch, and turned his gaze on Phoebe."You have thirty
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Seth Rivera sat outside Phoebe's house watching her from across the street. He had seen her walk into the house later that night, tired. He knew she would not have anything to eat, and would desire to order out.Pizza was always her go to food when she could not have something freshly cooked, and so, he called Kingston's best Pizza palace, "pizza Hart".The operator came on, and someone spoke over the phone."Pizza Hart here, how may we serve you today?" The female voice asked over the phone."I would like to order a maxi cheese pizza, with toppings, no veggies please, just beef, hotdog and any other topping you have available." Seth said to the operator."Sure, super, we can do that. Maxi cheese pizza, full toppings, no veggies. Dealio sir, we've got you!" The ecstatic voice chirped obertthe phone.Seth loved the loveliness of these people. Pizza Hart was a family that shared love in everything they did, and that was why their tag line said, "Tastes love in every bite".About thirty
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Seth stood on the porche of his villa waiting for the trucks to arrive from Phoebe's house. He expected to find her furious about the whole situation. When the trucks arrived, Phoebe's car sped up behind them, and slammed the door as she got down."What do you think you are doing??" She yelled at him."We are married, aren't we?" He asked her back."Yes we are, but moving things without talking to me about it? I was not even prepared." She said to him."I understand that, but a luxurious life is one you have always wanted, you really want to go ahead with the divorce, I'll sign it now." Seth said to her sternly.Phoebe's eyes widened with surprise as his words echoed in her ears. "He wants to get a divorce?" She thought to herself."I..." She looked around speechless at his words."You...?" He asked, waiting for her to give a response."I...I didn't say anything about getting a divorce." She said back to him."Then welcome to your new home." He said to her , moving back for h
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Phoebe hurried home later that evening, beating traffic as fast as she could, she got there at exactly seven PM. It relieved her to know that Seth wasn't home yet. That much, she had confirmed from the Maid who was meant to assist her, but was now leaving for the day."Aren't you sleeping over?" Phoebe asked , looking at her with a scowl on her face."No Ma'am, I was asked to leave as soon as it was seven PM." The Maid replied. The cleaner had long been done with his work for the and left by five PM."So, what happens with the remaining hours of the day? Who runs the errands?" Phoebe asked in wonderment."The boss said you will handle it, and when I asked him if you would be okay with it, he said you didn't have much choice, and would gladly do it." The maid replied."Well, I am not okay with it! I have all these things I need stacked in the refrigerator. So who's going to do them? Here, stack them in." Phoebe said to her, handing her the bag
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Seth walked into the Company building a couple of minutes late for his meeting as a result of the delay."I told you people, he is not fit to be a CEO! I have been a long standing marketing executive in this Chroma Creatives. I have brought results for the last few years, leading us to the top, and this riff raff comes out of nowhere and suddenly, is he that CEO?" Marlin complained to the board of directors who had gathered for a proceeding meeting.Seth walked in on Murray's statement to the board of Directors. The minute he entered the room, everyone went silent.Sethe looked around the room with a cool, steady expression, unaffected by the way he had heard Marlin speak.The graveyard silence that went through the room, told him that at least they revered him to an extent, and the minute he walked into the room, and pulled his chair, he got a clearer view of their visibly shaken faces.Seth settled into his chair at the head of the conference room table. He looked at all the faces o
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Later that day when Seth got back to the house, Phoebe had already returned home and he could perceive burning from the living room."Phoebe? Phoebe?" He called out to her, as he rushed into the kitchen and found Phoebe amidst the smoke coughing and choking on the effect of the burning food. The smoke detectors had not gone off yet."What is going on?!" He asked her over the noise of the sizzling pots which she had placed inside the sink to cool underneath the rushing tap."I...I was just trying to make the food you requested! I did not expect things to go this horribly!" She yelled over the noise.Seth reached over the sink and pushed open the window vents which opened up to the outsides of the house, so that the smoke could escape through them."This is insane! Were you trying to burn down the house or something?!" Seth yelled at her when the smoke had subsided and everything had returned to normal. "You said you wanted lasagn
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Caught in traffic, Seth sat in his car waiting to get through traffic, when a call came into his phone."Hello," Seth said into the phone."Am I speaking with Mr. Seth Rivera?" The deep, manly voice asked over the phone."Yes, you are" Seth replied, looking at the caller ID again, and realizing he did not recognize the caller."That's great. It is great that I was able to finally get a hold of you.This is the First Aide to the President of the United States." "Your  Company, Chroma Creatives, came up as one of the top three Creative Companies in the United States, and the President would like to host you in his home this afternoon." The man said."Oh, wow, that is great Sir, I am honored. Although, I never heard of the event before." Seth said honestly."We have been trying to get a hold of Chroma Creatives for so long. But we were told it was no longer under your leadership. The investment you made seven years ago has
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"How dare he?!! That riff raff from the street just yesterday. How did he manage to be number one over me?!" Aidan fumed angrily as he paced up and down Grandma Patterson's study, which was within the Patterson mansion. "Calm down, Aidan. What do you mean by he came out as number one? Are you trying to tell me that you lost the deal?" She said in a tone that was laced with venom. "I ..I did not lose the deal per say Grandmother. I am not the one who was handling the deal in the first place, okay?" Aidan responded to her. "Aidan, I paid thirty million dollars to get that a lot, and now you are telling me that some riff raff I rejected as my son in law got the slot??? How is that even possible?!" Grand ma Patterson stamped her staff on the carpeted floor in anger. "I do not know, grandmother. I will get to the root of this nonetheless. That idiot cannot make a mockery of me and get away with it..I worked hard for that slot. There will be a meeti
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"Let me see your hands! Don't take another step towards the car." The rough masculine voice said behind Seth. It was the day of the Presidential convening, for the discussion of the President's business olanz and what he intended to do for the youths. Seth had gotten the deal, and it was important for him to be there. On his way out of Chroma Creatives building, he was accepted by two men at the garage, which was void of people and dimly lit. "Who sent you?!" Seth asked them, but they did not respond. They were both hefty, and one of them punched Seth across the face. While the other one stabbed his knife into all his tires, causing all the air to escape. "Shit" Seth groaned silently. The person who held the knife, pinned the tip to his back, and Seth could feel the sharp edge piercing through his suit jacket. "You are coming with us, buddy." The man said and pushed Seth towards the black van they had stepped out of. Seth quietly followed them, their faces were covered a
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