All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
181 chapters
The weather was cool and pretty much at a soon to be freezing temperature yet Seth seemed to be hot.He wiped off something that trickled down his forehead, maybe sweat, but it turned out he had only imagined it.Normally, he wouldn't be feeling so uncomfortable around his grandmother in law but the way her gaze never left him caused him to feel that way. Why was she looking at him like that? Was she lost in thought? Was she trying to read something off of his face? And most importantly, why was Phoebe taking so long to come out of the hospital when all she needed to do was to invite her sister to join them for breakfast but not to convince him if she said no and was being adamant. “Uhm…” he nervously started. “What do you think is taking her so long to do? I mean I wonder if she is still trying to talk to her sister or she is already eating without us.”“I know right? I wonder too.” She responded in a very plain manner. He no
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Adjusting in his position, Seth managed to take a picture of the badge that was resting on the man's waist, before handing the phone over to Gloria.“Here, zoom in on the picture so you can see it clearly,” “It is indeed an officer in the picture,” Gloria exclaimed, squinting her eyes as she examined the picture closely, “he has a badge resting on his belt,” he continued,. before grandma snatched the phone from him.“But what do they want with us?” She inquired, asking no one in particular, “I have no idea,” Seth felt the need to explain, lowering his head, and whispering to them, “I noticed they were following us from the hospital and now their car was packed across the street, as they stared intently at us,”“What do you suggest we do?” Phoebe chimed, her pupils dilating to show the amount of fear that had gripped her. Seth put his cross to her, patting her back lovingly.“Whatever we do now would be deemed suspicious so I gu
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"Officers," Seth said, moving to stop the officers from speaking back to Grandma. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves with words." He stated and the younger looking officer from back then cleaned something off his ridiculous looking moustache. He must do that a lot, what with the manner in which he wiped his moustache. The elder police officer then cleared his throat while holding up a file. "So," he said in his gruff and screechy voice. "It says that your family has been going through some domestic fights?" He asked again and grandma rolled her eyes at that. "Oh my God!" She exclaimed with an eye roll. "Who the hell told you that?" She asked with a mean voice, looking at the police officer with an icy glare. "I would advise that you keep quiet ma'am and speak only when you are directly spoken to, and that, only answering the questions you are asked. " The older sheriff responded and Grandma gave another eye roll while Gloria moved uneasily towards her. "Maybe you should let t
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"Grandma, how can you let us leave Seth in the police station?" Phoebe screamed, upon entering the room grandma's shrugging and acting nonchalant. "Your husband is a grown man," grandma sneered," and not a baby. I hope you know that," she adds, popping a piece of gum and chewing it loudly. "And so what?" Phoebe snaps, turning to Grandma, her eyes glistening with fury, " Only the heavens know what treatment is being meted out to him," "Well he could have opted for bail but he keeps on asking for a good lawyer rather than actual help," grandma retorts, pulling out her phone and scrolling through it. "Why are you always ungrateful?" Phoebe counters, " He is doing this for this family," she roars, pointing her index finger at Grandma. "It isn't like he was forced in the first place," grandma shrugs, " He wholeheartedly submitted himself to the cops in exchange for our freedom," "Can you listen to yourself?" "Ohh please Phoebe quit being over dramatic," grandma rolls her eye
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The sound of the birds chirping in the distance, announced the break of morning. Stirring in bed, Phoebe sat up, rubbing her eyes and adjusting to her surroundings. It was 6am, and she barely got enough sleep, her mind was invaded by thoughts of Seth and his welfare, ridding me of all the sleep I tried to get. She doubted if he was given anything for dinner, she mused to herself, throwing the duvet off her body and springing out of the bed. Heading straight for the bathroom, she took the time to carefully strip herself of all clothing before getting under the shower, letting the water run over her body as though in an attempt to wash away the guilt that had consumed her all through the night. He should not be there in our place. “But he willingly volunteered to, didn't he?” her grandma's voice sounds in my head, contradicting her entire thought process. “I will find a way to get him out of there,” she declares solemnly, drying her body with the towel and applying lotion all ov
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Handing her the bag, she turned her back and headed towards the door. “Where are you going?” her voice asked behind phoebe “To see my husband, it's fine if you guys have forgotten about paying him an actual visit, after it isn't y'all's fault that he Willing volunteered to be the sacrificial lamb.”she said, giving her a scornful look. It is nice that they could all sit and act like a supposed member of their family was not in the police custody. “Ohh wait Phoebe,” she calls behind phoebe, “here have my lawyer's contact,” she offers, standing up from her chair, “Tsk,” she clicks her tongue, “i will find a way to have him out of there myself,” Walking towards the bed, her eyes fixed on Aidan who was lying down face up on the bed. “What are you doing, are you a doctor now?” Gloria says behind her. “Maybe I took night lessons,” phoebe shrugged nonchalantly. His chest moving in up and down heaves. “Is it possible for me to denote what happened to him,” she mused to herself, trudg
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Ending the call with Sebastian, his heart finally settling after the call. “I have faith in him. He is a total tech genius and would not leave traces of anything.” Seth said to himself, swaying his head in thought. Hiding the phone back in the boxer briefs he wore under his trousers and returning back to his cell room, the officer waited by the door. “What took you so long,” The officer sneered, holding the cell door open for Seth as he reached. “You really don't want to know the deets,” he grinned, holding eye contact with him, watching as he retreats his eyes away from him, dragging his eyes to now focus on his boots. Seth could not make out the colour of the sky, there wasn't a single window provided and the doors were always guarded. The only sign of a brand new day that Seth could detect, is the distant chatter from the other prison cells. Alerting him that is day break and time for us to get up, even though he barely got enough sleep. “Seth,” the officer calls from outside
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Watching Seth intently, I could tell that he was trying too hard to maintain a smile. He is always like that, putting others emotions and feelings before his own.I know why he is doing all this; he doesn't want me to see him at his lowest, and he doesn't want me to think of the situation as too difficult to handle.“Hey, everything will be fine,” I assure him, squeezing his hand softly.“I know it will,” he smiles. "I am more worried about you,” he trails off, his gaze lingering on mine.Typical! Always worried about me first. It will be better if he can be selfish, at least just once.“Seth, it's okay for you to think about your condition, even if it's just once.” I groan, trying to hide the edge in my voice.“Babe, it is fine,” he assures, holding his gaze with me a little longer as we approach the counter up front.Upon moving to the counter with Seth, I spotted the officer whom I had tipped off earlier."YYour time is up,” he declares, motioning to Seth to break his touch with me
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"You are where?" Sasha screams into the phone, her voice peeking out of the phone. She was barely able to get a chance to congratulate Seth on his release and now they were back in the prison? See just could not wrap her head around what was happening. It was happening all too fast and my head was already dizzy from trying to put things together. "Police station Sasha," Marlin snorts, "and will you quit screaming in my ears? My ear buds are bleeding at this point," "I am sorry,"she pleads, " but you know you could have just avoided the fight with for Pete's sake..I hope you did not injure him," "Are you calling for me or for your delusional man?" He snorts, growing irritated by the mere sound of Sasha's voice. "I can't help it,". She sighs into the phone, "but I am still concerned about you tho," "Whatever," he hisses. "But why did you get into the fight in the first place?" She probes, still unable to wrap his head around the fact that Marlin had just dropped her off a
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The sound of the birds chirping in the distance, announced the break of morning. Stirring in bed, Phoebe sat up, rubbing her eyes and adjusting to her surroundings. It was 6am, and she barely got enough sleep, her mind was invaded by thoughts of Seth and his welfare, ridding me of all the sleep I tried to get. She doubted if he was given anything for dinner, she mused to herself, throwing the duvet off her body and springing out of the bed. Heading straight for the bathroom, she took the time to carefully strip herself of all clothing before getting under the shower, letting the water run over her body as though in an attempt to wash away the guilt that had consumed her all through the night. He should not be there in our place. “But he willingly volunteered to, didn't he?” her grandma's voice sounds in my head, contradicting her entire thought process. “I will find a way to get him out of there,” she declares solemnly, drying her body with the towel and applying lotion all o
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