All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
181 chapters
Seth drove into the town's central park where Sasha had stationed herself. He found her already dishing out the foods and sharing them.He got out of the car, and observed the crowd in front of her. He walked slowly through it until he got to the platform where she had placed each food, and was serving. Seth watched her impressively dish out the food into plates, and share it."Need a hand?" He asked peering up at her. "I thought you wouldn't make it today? I did not want you to bother at all. It is a lot of work just being up here, and I'm sure you must be really tired already." She replied as more homeless people trooped in to get food."How did you manage to get them to be so organised?" Seth asked her."Well I promise to tell you if you help me get the food to everyone left." She said with a smile.Seth nodded and picked up the plates of foods she had already dished out. As soon as everyone had eaten, the food was almost don
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Sasha continued to run Seth'shand, until he gently pulled it out from under her touch."Anyway, so, I suppose we have to get right to the buffet then. You can pick up a plate and choose what you want to eat, okay?" She smiled chirpily to cover the awkwardness of the situation.Seth smiled back at her, equally playing along.They ate and drank, talking about work, and each other's lives before and how they each happened upon the wealth that they currently had."I am so happy you came! I mean honestly." Sasha said, getting up. She tripped on her feet and fell back into the sofa, beside Seth, who reached out and caught her.He was equally tipsy, but not far gone that he did not know what he was doing. Sasha got up again, and this time, he helped her up. "Easy okay? You don't want to fall and hurt your pretty wrist," he said, letting his hand drop weakly.She sat back down beside him, and placed her head on his chest. He lo
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The ball tip pen still in his hands as the doctor hovered over him, Seth knew quite well that he could not afford to sign the document. The document for lease or for the request of a room has to be done with the consent of an actual family member. The cop had already assured him that he definitely was not a member of the Patterson house no matter how hard he forced himself in. Despite the fact that the officer's words had gotten to him, in as much he only spewed facts in his face, he could not still get himself to leave. Because no matter how much he tried to deny it, he had fallen in love with Phoebe and hoped she would try to reciprocate those feelings as well. The sound of the gate followed by the drive in of a car alerted him and he say up in his position and tried to maintain composure. “What is going on here?” Grandma's voice came almost immediately after he placed the unsigned paper on the table, dusting his hands as though dusting off fingerprints and DNA proof that he had
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"Hey babe" Phoebe kissed Seth on his lips as she walked into his room with her box of clothes early in the morning, at five AM. Seth stood frozen at the door and completely surprised at the fact that she had even called him babe, secondly, she was moving into the master bedroom. Knowing that he couldn't stop her, not now, not after they had finally gotten intimate. He did not want to ruin things, but that did not change the fact that he was still sceptical about their relationship. "So, I'll keep these here and these here." She said walking up to the dresser and placing some of her things on it. Seth sat back on the bed and watched around with expertise. He smiled as she took.some things off a spot and took them to another. "Honestly? This room lacks organisation. I'm not surprised, you never organised it back then, what should I expect from you now?" She asked . Back then, he thought. Back then when there was no master bedroom, but only his room. Back then when he was not allow
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Main walked up angrily into the opposite building from Chroma Creatives. STEM Holdings has always been a number one support system for Chroma Creatives. They sponsored the majority of Chroma Creatives' projects, and handed a percentage of their budgets. Marlin knew this, and he also knew that their CEO, Sasha Banks was a good friend of Seth's, and as beautiful as she was, she had a huge crush on Seth Rivera, and was more than willing to step in where Phoebe was incapable. This was the very reason she did not mind going over to Seth's place to help him cook dinner and make Phoebe jealous. Even though she actually wished that he wanted her instead of Phoebe. Dressed in a white suit, her slender figure stood out with a perfect hourglass shape. Marlin would have gone for her too, but she was interested in Seth, and Seth was not interested in her. What he wanted was what Seth had that he felt he had stolen from him. And that included Chroma Creatives, and Phoebe Patterson. "Hello, Mis
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Watching Seth intently, I could tell that he was trying too hard to maintain a smile. He is always like that, putting others emotions and feelings first before his.I know why he is doing all this, he doesn't want me to see him at his lowest, he doesn't want me to think of the situation as too difficult to handle.“Hey, everything will be fine,” I assure him, squeezing his hand softly“”I know it will,” he smiles, " I am more worried about you,” his trails off, his gaze lingering on mine.Typical! Always worried about me first. It will be better if he can be selfish, at least just once.“Seth, it's okay for you to think about your condition, even if it's just once,” I groan, trying to hide the edge in my voice.“babe it is fine,” he assures, holding his gaze with me a little longer as we approach the counter up front. Upon moving to the counter with Seth, I spotted the officer whom I had tipped off earlier. “ Your time is up,” he declares, motioning to Seth to break his touch with
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“Good morning Mrs Dahlia, I hope you were able to get more than enough sleep than I did. To be honest, I didn't sleep a wink, a lot of things kept me awake. “But anyway, I'm alright now and I'm heading home for a shower then I'll return to meet you at the hospital. The lawyer was not able to get me a bail, but he said would try to get me one by eight. I'll be here by then, don't worry. “And Aidan? Is he still in the hospital?” She asked, wondering why he was obliged to attend to their family member anyway. “Yes he is.” He replied curtly, “and with the current situation of things, I suggest it would be best if we were to put a halt to our communication,” he added, glancing around to make sure no one heard him. He could tell Grandma Patterson had her eyes on him even though Phoebe claimed he was over thinking things a lot. “Oh, I also took care of our call histories and amended it to perfection. If you go through
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“Grandma what you did was not cool,” Phoebe cried, shutting the door behind her as she stormed inside the house. The light from the TV is the only source of lighting in the dimly lit living room. Her grandma's loud cackle filled the entire room, as she fed her eyes with the characters and drama that displayed on the television. “And what did I do my dear?” She inquired, craning her neck in the direction of a very annoyed Phoebe. “Leaving Seth to tend to Aidan all alone,” she flared, her chest heaving up and down as she spoke while her Grandma watched in sheer amusement, “ Grandma you embarrassed him by making a scene at your arrival in the reception,” “Oh please,” she chuckled softly, returning her eyes to the television in front of her, “you are overthinking the entire thing,” “No I am not grandma,” she insisted, trudging towards the centre of the living room,. obstructing her view,
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The air around them was cold and Phoebe heaved a cloud of smoke. It hadn't even started to snow yet and the weather was already that cold. They had known that the winter would be a little extra cold than normal and everyone seemed to be preparing well for it. All save for the Patterson family, the situation on their hands was just time consuming and they wondered if they would ever finish the one on their plate before more would get served up. After a short argument, Phoebe had stepped out to get some air and her husband went with her while grandma remained to scold her own granddaughter. After a while of relaxing and taking control over her emotions, Phoebe returned into the hospital main building and found her parents sitting apart on two distant chairs. But instead of trying to talk to her grandmother and her sister to resolve like she always did, she walked towards her mother and wherever she went, Seth followed. “Mom, are you hungry? Let me buy you breakfast so we
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Phoebe really got a big shock something that she had never expected to hear in her lifetime when she heard the voice of Gloria. Claire looked surprised too. Phoebe had revealed to Claire her problems with Gloria but she did not expect him to follow her here. “Gloria?” Phoebe asked more to herself and turned to Claire who was nodding. “Come in,” Claire said so she could stand up and open the door for the young man. After a couple of minutes Gloria entered the living room looking very much stressed and exhausted. Phoebe was equally anxious and concerned at what the doctor would tell her. “Why are you here?” Phoebe inquired after attempting to control her emotions. The look in Gloria’s eyes softened as he looked at her. “Phoebe I must have a word with you, it is quite urgent.” Feeling the heat, Claire felt she needed to back off from the two men. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me” she stated, and walked out the room shutting the door behind her. Gloria thus noticed puzzl
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