All Chapters of 5G SYSTEM ONLINE: Rise of Stephen king: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
139 chapters
Chapter 11- Game of cat and mouse 1
Stephen stepped out of the elevator into the top floor of the hotel, his mind inside a whirlwind of ruminations on the weird dictum of the system. He neared his penthouse door, fumbling in his pocket for his keycard. Bringing it out, he unlocked the door and stepped inside. To his surprise, Marianne was there, seated in his sofa in a striking red gown that hugged provocatively her curves. Stephen's eyebrows rose in a frown. "Marianne, what are you doing here?" he enquired, trying to keep a suspicion from springing into his voice. Marianne smiled at him carnally, her eyes shining with some kind of scheming. "I thought we could spend some time together, sweetheart," she purred, her words dripping with honeyed sweetness. Stephen's ire was continuing to burn, but he was still trying to maintain his cool. "I am not in the mood for games, Marianne," he said firmly. "What have you really come here for?" Marianne's smile flickered again, and her mask slipped. "I. wanted to see you," she ad
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Chapter 12- Game of cat and mouse 2
Enoch leaned in closer, his voice barely a whisper. "I know someone—a cybersecurity expert. They can hack into the system, remove the malicious software, but..." He hesitated, glancing around cautiously. "We'll need to keep Stephen close. Real close." Victor's brow furrowed in thought. "Stephen won't just waltz into our trap. He's too clever for that." Enoch nodded, his eyes scanning the room. "We'll have to bait him. Make him believe there's something valuable for him." Victor's mind raced with possibilities. "The company's confidential files. He's been after those for years." Enoch's lips curled into a knowing smile. "Exactly. We leak false information about a big data breach. He'll come running." Victor's expression hardened with determination. "Then we'll be waiting for him. Ready to strike." Enoch clapped a hand on Victor's shoulder. "Together, we'll take him down and reclaim what's rightfully ours." Victor nodded, a steely resolve in his eyes. "Let's do it. For our
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Chapter 13- Decrypting the system
Victor's entrance startled everyone in the room, his voice echoing with disbelief. "Marianne, what are you doing?" he demanded, his eyes searching hers for recognition. But Marianne's response left him stunned. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion as she looked at him blankly. Victor's frustration bubbled to the surface, his jaw tensing. "How can you not remember me?" he exclaimed, his tone a mixture of anger and hurt. The doctor stepped in, his voice calm but firm. "Mrs. King has suffered memory loss due to her accident," he explained, his words carrying weight in the tense atmosphere. Victor's brows furrowed in frustration. "I don't care," he retorted, his gaze unwavering. "She's my wife, and she's coming home with me." But Mr. Harriganton's voice interrupted, his tone decisive. "It's Marianne's decision," he stated firmly, his gaze steady as he looked at his daughter. Victor turned to Marianne, his heart aching at the thought of her not recognizing him. "
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Chapter 14- Debited 200 million!!
Stephen left the room, his expression unreadable. Victor watched him go, frustration gnawing at him. As soon as Stephen was out of sight, Victor spoke into his earpod. "Was it successful?"Enoch's voice crackled through. "No, it hung at 99%. We need to stay close to Stephen to complete the decryption."Victor sighed, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "After all that effort..." He clenched his fists, struggling to contain his frustration.Victor paced the room, his mind racing. "Why did Marianne call Stephen?" he muttered to himself. "What is she up to?"Enoch's voice was calm but urgent. "We'll figure it out, but we need to be patient. Getting the decryption completed is our priority."Victor took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "Right. Patience." He forced a smile, already planning his next move. He had to get closer to Stephen, to complete the decryption and weaken his defence. But he also had to keep an eye on Marianne and understand her motives."Enoch, keep me upda
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Chapter 15- Stranded
Stephen woke up the next morning with a stiff neck from sleeping on the couch. Marianne’s loud snoring had kept him awake most of the night. He sighed, feeling the weight of exhaustion pressing down on him. His stomach growled, reminding him he hadn’t eaten since yesterday.He walked to the dining table, hoping to find something to eat, but the sight made him groan. Plates and leftover food were scattered everywhere. It was a mess, clearly Marianne’s doing. He shook his head, deciding it was better to head to King’s Empire. Even the monotony of business meetings was preferable to dealing with this chaos.Stephen headed to the bathroom to freshen up. When he lifted the toilet lid, he recoiled. Marianne hadn’t flushed. The sight and smell made him gag. He flushed the toilet, muttering to himself, “This is unbelievable.”After showering and dressing, Stephen left the penthouse, escaping the mess and Marianne’s torment. He took the elevator down, the silence giving him a brief respite. As
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Chapter 16- A day before the wedding
Stephen's face tightened as he looked back and forth between Victor and Marianne, suspicion hanging in the air like a heavy fog. He didn't waste a moment before speaking with authority, "Victor, we need to talk. Now. In my office." Victor nodded, sensing the urgency in Stephen’s voice. He shot a quick glance at Marianne, hoping she wouldn’t catch onto their conversation. Following Stephen's lead, Victor trailed closely behind as they made their way to Stephen’s office, his mind already racing with anticipation of what was to come. Inside the office, tension filled the room as both men settled into their seats, their eyes locking in a serious exchange. Stephen broke the silence, his tone commanding, "Go on, Victor." Victor, who had been prepared for a different discussion, felt a flood of relief wash over him. "It’s about your brother," he began, recalling their earlier conversation about bringing Stephen’s brother back to the empire. Stephen's demeanor softened slightly as he list
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Chapter 17- Got an upgrade at the wedding party
Stephen stood before the mirror, adjusting his suit. He sprayed on his favorite cologne, the scent calming his nerves. Today was the day he'd finally expose Marianne. He smiled to himself as he left the penthouse, ready for the confrontation. Marianne had chosen the hotel's grand hall for their wedding. Music echoed through the building as guests mingled and congratulated Stephen. He forced a smile, hiding his true intentions. Arriving at the entrance, the doors opened to reveal a crowd of familiar and unfamiliar faces. The room was filled with influential and wealthy individuals, all waiting for the ceremony to begin. Stephen smirked as he saw Marianne standing at the altar, dressed in a pristine white gown and holding a bouquet. Her parents stood nearby, looking uneasy. Stephen walked down the aisle, his steps measured and confident. He joined Marianne at the altar, the priest beginning the ceremony. The atmosphere was tense, a sharp contrast to the cheerful facade. When the pri
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Chapter 18- Reputation
Victor leaned back in his armchair, his eyes fixed on the television screen. The news anchor’s voice was crisp, cutting through the room's quiet. "In a shocking turn of events, Stephen King, the newly appointed CEO of King's Empire, married and divorced his wife, Marianne Harrington, within three days. Marianne and her parents are now in police custody, charged with conspiracy to commit murder and fraud."He sipped his whiskey, the smooth burn helping him process the events. He had known Marianne for years, and seeing her fall from grace this way was jarring. She could have avoided all this if she had just trusted him with her plans. He sighed, feeling a pang of regret.Just then, the door opened, and Enoch strolled in. "Quite a wedding party," Enoch said with a chuckle, making himself at home by grabbing Victor's whiskey and taking a generous sip.Victor gave him a questioning look. "Did I say you could take that?"Enoch shrugged, unbothered. "You looked like you needed company." He
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Chapter 19- who to trust
Gaga leaned back, the lollipop still in her mouth. "We received a call from your company a few days ago," she began. "A complaint from one of your staff." Stephen glanced at Victor, suspecting he might be the one behind the call. "I treat my workers well," Stephen said, folding his arms. "I've increased their salaries. Any complaints might be from someone jealous of me." Victor didn't flinch, maintaining his composed demeanor. Gaga stood up, sauntering over to the table in a seductive manner. "Darling," she said, perching on the edge of the table, "will you explain the financial discrepancies and incompetence in management?" Stephen frowned. "What do you mean?" Gaga's voice turned serious. "We've been monitoring your accounts. There's a significant amount of money there, far more than King's Empire has made recently. And you're risking the company's future by mining all the gold at once, ignoring warnings fro
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Chapter 20- Facing the Jury 1
Stephen stood outside the King's Empire building, frustration consuming him as he attempted once more to activate his system without success. "What's going on?" he muttered to himself, his mind racing. If only the system were functioning, he could uncover the truth before his impending trial. But he couldn't rely on it now. He had to find answers on his own.With determination, he climbed into his car and drove to the mining site. The journey seemed longer than usual, thoughts swirling about who might have framed him. Arriving at the factory, he saw workers in worn-out clothes, sweating profusely under the blazing sun. Armed guards kept watch, vigilant and tense.Exiting his car, Stephen was immediately hit by the heat and dust of the mining operation. The miners, dirty and exhausted, recognized him and stopped their work, watching him with a mix of respect and curiosity."Boss, what brings you here?" asked an elderly man, leaning wearily on his shovel."I'm here for information about
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