All Chapters of 5G SYSTEM ONLINE: Rise of Stephen king: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
139 chapters
Chapter 21- Facing the Jury
The day before, at King’s Empire, Victor sat at the head of the table with the board of management. The room buzzed with murmurs and impatient whispers. “Victor, why have you called us here? Shouldn’t we be at home?” one of the board members asked, clearly irritated. Victor raised his hand, signaling for silence. “Everyone, please, calm down. There’s no need to worry. I’ve called this meeting for one reason: Stephen.” The murmurs ceased as all eyes focused on Victor. “Stephen doesn’t belong here,” he continued. “He shouldn’t be leading us. The substantial profits we used to see from the empire aren’t coming in like before.” “What do you really want, Victor?” another board member asked sharply. Victor smiled, leaning back in his chair. “I want all of you to denounce Stephen in the court. If we do this, the jury will find him guilty. In return, everyone here will get what they want.” A hush fell over the room as the board members exchanged glances. “I know Stephen has offer
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Chapter 22- Start Game
The courtroom hushed as the judge reentered, calling for order. Stephen sat at the defendant's table, his mind racing. He stared blankly at the polished wood, trying to steady his thoughts. His once commanding presence seemed diminished, his shoulders slightly hunched, a stark contrast to his usual confident demeanor. Across the room, Enoch watched him with a slight smirk, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes.Stephen's mind churned with thoughts of betrayal and desperation. He tried accessing the system, a last-ditch effort to find something to defend himself, but nothing worked. Enoch's hack had been successful, cutting him off from the very tools he had relied upon. The realization of his isolation settled heavily on him, a sinking feeling of doom.Enoch glanced at Victor, who was talking with Ms. Daniels. To everyone else, it seemed like Enoch was Victor's ally, but in reality, Enoch had his own agenda. Victor was merely a pawn, someone to clear the path for Enoch's ultimate goal.
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Chapter 23- Lies and loyalty
Victor stepped out of the bathtub, water dripping from his hair. He grabbed a towel, muttering under his breath. “Stephen’s always using the system to his advantage. If I don’t do something, the truth will come out, and I’ll be banished like Enoch. Left with nothing.” He rubbed the towel over his face, feeling the frustration build. “If I had known, I would’ve stayed away from Marianne. She’s the one who brought him into my life.”Victor’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the TV in the living room. He tightened the towel around his waist and walked out, startled to see Enoch lounging on the couch, eyes fixed on the screen.“What are you doing here, Enoch?” Victor snapped. “I need privacy.”Enoch turned, a grin spreading across his face. “Sorry for not waiting for an invite. Thought you wouldn’t mind.” He shrugged, but his attempt at humor fell flat.Victor frowned, stepping closer. “This isn’t a joke. What’s the update on Stephen’s actions?”Enoch’s smile faded. He sat up, hi
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chapter 24- Lies and loyalty (II)
Stephen rushed into the lobby of the Empire Building, his heart pounding with adrenaline. The urgency of the situation drove him forward, his mind replaying the cryptic phone call and his decision to trust the mysterious ally's instructions. As he sprinted down the corridor towards his office, Stephen's footsteps echoed off the polished marble floors. He skidded to a halt as he reached the door, breathless and on edge. Pushing it open, he entered cautiously, scanning the dimly lit room. There, illuminated by the glow of multiple screens, stood a figure hunched over Stephen's computer. "Victor!" Stephen's voice rang out, sharp with accusation and urgency. The figure froze, hands hovering over the keyboard. In a swift motion, he lunged towards the nearest window, desperate to escape. But before he could unlatch it, Stephen tackled him from behind, crashing into the desk with a grunt. The figure retaliated with a powerful punch to Stephen's face, stunning him momentarily. Enduring t
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chapter 25- Seeking for the truth
Just as he turned to return the gun to its box , the doorbell rang sharply, echoing through the tense silence. Both Victor and Enoch froze, startled by the unexpected interruption. Victor shot a questioning glance at Enoch, whose expression mirrored his own confusion. "Who could that be at this hour?" Victor muttered under his breath, his mind racing with possibilities. He glanced warily at Enoch, who simply shrugged in response, equally clueless. With cautious steps, Victor made his way to the front door, the unease palpable in his movements. As he swung the door open, his apprehension turned to surprise. Standing before him were several police officers, their stern expressions giving away nothing of their purpose. Among them stood Stephen, his presence commanding yet strangely calm. "Long time no see, Victor," Stephen greeted evenly, his eyes fixed on Victor's unsettled demeanor. Victor's jaw tightened, his mind racing to comprehend the sudden turn of events. "What are you doing
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Chapter 26- Behind the Scene
Stephen strode back through the living room, his every step deliberate and filled with authority. His gaze swept over the officers meticulously scouring drawers and cabinets, their actions frozen at his approach. With a commanding gesture, he signaled them to halt. "That's enough. Pack up and leave," Stephen commanded firmly, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere. His steely gaze brooked no argument. The officer holding the clipboard hesitated, surprise etched on his face. "But sir, we haven't finished the search. We have a warrant," he protested, his voice faltering under Stephen's unwavering presence. Stephen's expression remained resolute, his jaw set with determination. "I said leave," he repeated with unyielding resolve, his authority palpable. The officers exchanged uncertain glances but obeyed, swiftly gathering their equipment and exiting the apartment. Enoch watched with wide eyes, unsure of what had transpired but relieved to see the police depart. Turning to Vic
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Chapter 27- guilty or not guilty
Victor sat on the edge of his bed, the first light of dawn filtering through the curtains, casting eerie shadows across the room. He hadn't slept a wink. Ju-won, the man who held the key to his downfall, was set to testify in court today. Victor's mind raced as he thought about the fortune he had spent trying to keep Ju-won quiet. If Ju-won revealed the truth, it would be the end for him. The walls seemed to close in, suffocating him with the weight of his predicament. Jumping out of bed, Victor grabbed his phone and scrolled through his contacts until he found the number he had always used in times of trouble. His finger hesitated for a moment before pressing call. The phone rang twice before a dangerous voice answered. "Long time, Victor," the voice drawled. "I don't need your greetings," Victor snapped. "I paid you to get a job done. Instead, you sent your lackey, and now Ju-won's been caught and is testifying today." "Calm down," the voice replied, seemingly unfazed. "Calm d
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Chapter 28- Guilty or not guilty 2
Victor sat alone in the small, starkly lit room adjacent to the courtroom, his mind racing. His usual calm demeanor was eroding under the pressure. He knew he was cornered. The evidence Ju-won presented was damning, and the cross-examination had done little to discredit him. He needed a new strategy—something drastic. The door opened, and Ms. Daniels entered, her expression grim. "Victor, we need to talk," she said, closing the door behind her. Victor looked up, his eyes filled with desperation. "What's our next move? We need something to turn this around, and fast." Ms. Daniels sighed, setting her briefcase on the table and taking a seat across from him. "Victor, the evidence is overwhelming. Ju-won's documents are authentic and verified. Discrediting him further might not be enough. We need a more concrete plan." Victor clenched his fists, his mind whirling with possibilities. "There has to be something. What about Enoch? Can we use him somehow?" Ms. Daniels shook her head. "En
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Chapter 29- Caught black Handed
Stephen bursts into the bathroom just as Mr. Lee raises the knife. Without hesitation, Stephen charges at Mr. Lee, grabbing his arm and struggling to wrestle the weapon away. The knife glints dangerously close to Stephen's face, and he can feel the sharp edge grazing his skin."Ju-won, get out!" Stephen shouts, his voice strained with effort.Ju-won, paralyzed by fear, snaps into action and dashes towards the door. Meanwhile, Stephen and Mr. Lee grapple violently. Mr. Lee’s strength is overwhelming, but Stephen fights with sheer determination. The knife slashes Stephen's arm, and he grunts in pain, feeling the warm blood trickle down."You're done, Lee," Stephen growls, his voice a mix of pain and anger.With a final, desperate surge of energy, Stephen twists Mr. Lee's wrist, forcing him to drop the knife. It clatters to the floor, and Stephen kicks it away. Mr. Lee, now disarmed, shoves Stephen hard, sending him sprawling to the ground."Stephen!" Ju-won cries out, frozen in the door
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Chapter 30- End of the Line
Victor stood speechless, his face drained of color. He stared at the camera replaying the recording of his damning conversation with Lee. His eyes darted around the courtroom, seeing the looks of shock and disdain on the faces of the judge, jury, and spectators. Stephen, with a confident smirk, locked eyes with the judge, who nodded solemnly. "Mr. Stephen," the judge said, his voice steady, "the evidence presented here is conclusive. You are cleared of all charges." Relief washed over Stephen, but he kept his focus sharp. The judge turned to Victor, whose expression had morphed from surprise to rage. "Victor King," the judge continued, his tone cold, "you are charged with conspiracy to commit murder and embezzlement, as evidenced by this recording. Your actions are reprehensible and will be met with the full force of the law. You are hereby sentenced to 25 years." The courtroom buzzed with murmurs. Victor's fists clenched at his sides, his mind racing for an escape, but there was
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