All Chapters of The Second Chance Billionaire: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
179 chapters
Chapter 91
InfidelityThe suite room was so dark that you could hardly see anything inside the room, not to mention seeing a human. Spider sat on the couch at the side of the room busy puffing out thick smoke from his cigarette.At that moment, his phone rang out. The screen of his phone lights up the part he is seated on. After taking a glimpse of the caller, he taps on his answer icon."Spider on the line." His cold baritone voice rang out. "Boss, there's something you need to know." The voice from the other end said anxiously."Then tell me, shasha. What's it?" He asked gruffly as he took more drags from his cigarette. "Zanky has placed a hit on his right hand man Xoxo. Xoxo is currently kidnapped by Zanky." Shasha says with a voice that looks more like a whisper.Spider knitted his brows at the words he had just heard. "Why? Why did he place a hit on his own man?" Spider finally asks. "For his son, boss. Zanky felt Xoxo should have taken the hit for his son but Xoxo couldn't do it and now,
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Chapter 92
Uncensored"Come to daddy, baby.." Zanky says grinning widely as he stared lustfully at Sassy. Sassy cringe at his gaze and more tears pour out of her eyes as she manages to get on her knees and crawl slowly towards him. Now the huge phallus was now standing upright in front of her making her whole body vibrate in fear. She didn't know what to do or where to start from. What was he expecting her to do with this thing pointing at her?"Get started, baby. Daddy is waiting for your warm touch." Zanky says and yanks her hair tight in a firm grip making her let out an agonizing cry. "Oh please…" she cried out as the pain was making her scalp hurt due to his tight grip."Stay still!" He ordered his grinning face suddenly turning into a frown as he took his phallus straight into her Mouth making her gag the moment it hit the back of her throat. "Umumum" She groaned as she couldn't breathe nor say a word as the phallus filled the whole of her mouth. Zanky chuckles loudly, loving her small mou
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Chapter 93
ScarZanky finished bathing and stepped out of the bathroom with just a towel wrap at his lower part. He was grateful Angela already left else, he was really gonna vent his anger on her. Zanky quickly dress up in a black ripped jean and a white sweat shirt. He combed his hair to the left part of his face giving him a killer looks.After seeing he was okay In his mirror, he pick up his phone and exits his room. As he walk along the hallway, his clan members kept on greeting him but, he ignored them all. He got into his car and his driver drove off.After driving for a long while, they finally pulled to a stop at a magnificent mansion. His driver got down quickly and pulls the door open for him to step out. Zanky made his way towards the building with the house keeper bowing in respect to him.The moment he step inside the living room, he heard a deep baritone voice "You finally decided to come after two weeks of inviting you over." The voice said before taking a sip from his glass of wi
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Chapter 94
AbductorSassy huddled down in her room. The room was an empty cold one. She has been here for one week. She craves being outside....anywhere. Anywhere at all that's not this cold barren space. Only one bunk bed occupied the side of the room.She hasn't seen her abductor in the past one week and that was the time he walked up to her, staring at her with the coldest eyes she has ever seen as she stood wearing one of those rags he had asked her to always wear.My sex slave. He'd called her.A chill went down Sassy's arms. She has never seen hatred more raw before, in anybody's eyes. It's so obvious this man in front of her hated her so much! But why her?A week ago, she was was her father's daughter. Daughter of Xoxo. She was respected by her father's friends and was well pampered by her lovely dad.The sound of footsteps drew Sassy's attention towards the door of the room. The door opened and a bodyguard entered.He held on to a tray of food and Sassy's stomach rumbled, hunger shoving
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Chapter 95
MineAfter the maids assigned to bathe her were done with her, she was immediately escorted by his guards to Zanky's room. Sassy was almost visibly shakened after she was left alone with the monster in his room.Without taking his eyes off what he was writing, his voice rang out "you know, if your father had been loyal enough to me and take that bullet for my son, my son won't had died and you won't be here as my sex slave. But then, your father saved his life instead and now , yours is also endangered! If you must know, your father worked with me and now, I'm gonna have a taste of his daughter."His cold eyes finally met hers. "You, Sassy, might not be enough for my revenge but for now, you are. Remove all of your underthings." He ordered in a stern voice.Sassy's ears still rang from everything he said to her. Her eyes still stung with tears. Why did her father have to do all these? Why did he have to work with these type of people?Her hands trembled as she removed her underthings,
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Chapter 96
Regret itThe moment Zanky got out from the bathroom and found out Sassy is gone, he picked up his phone and dialed Angela's number. After few rings, she picked up."Decides to reach out to me today after sending me out of your house?" Angela's pissed off voice rang out from the other end of the phone. "Stop saying gibberish and come to me, now." Zanky ordered before ending the call and throwing his phone roughly on his bed. His d**k is still as hard as rock in his pant. He didn't actually reach his satisfaction with Sassy. He knew of he had lost himself inside her, no doubt she would had past out. It wasn't up to an hour when Angela arrived in his room wearing a gown that barely covered her butt and the deep V line show cased almost all of her cleavage. The moment Zanky saw her, he immediately ordered "Come satisfy Me, Gela!" He groaned out. Angela could only roll her eyes but, couldn't go against him. She quickly knelt in front of him and take his huge phallus into her mouth. S
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Chapter 97
MistressSassy made sure to spend a lot of time inside the bathroom as she was ready to wash off every touch of that man out of her skin. Once she was satisfied, she Dried off her skin and wrapped herself with a towel before stepping out of the bathroom.She was surprised to meet Shalie still waiting for her inside her room. "Finally you're out. Thought you were gonna spend the whole day in there." Shalie says and earned a slight chuckle from Sassy. "That's the dress you're gonna wear on your bed. Quickly dress up, let's head out." Shalie says earning an intense look from Sassy whose eyes reflected how scared she was at that moment."Where are we heading to?" Sassy couldn't stop herself from asking. "We are going to see my boss. You have to be calm, okay? No matter what happens, I'm sure he isn't gonna eat you raw, okay?" Shalie says trying to calm her down. Sassy took in a deep breath before nodding her head. Slowly she applied the lotion given to get by Shalie ln on her skin before
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Chapter 98
Sassy ShalieThe moment Shalie made her presence known, I was almost visibly shaken because I knew what he was requesting for me, isn't gonna turn out well. I tried to focus on the positive side that everything would be okay once again.The guard that seems to be his personal guard, Fred led us inside the monster's room. His back was turned to us as he was feeling his cup with a red wine. Without waiting to be told, I mumbled almost through gritted teeth ``Good morning, My King" Shalie greeted him too but still got no reply from him. I had almost grunted out of his annoying attitude! But I had to keep it inside of me. Sooner or later, I'll have the strength and mind to slit his throat in two… That's a promise!There was no reply from him. Once he was done, he picked up his cup and turned around. "Shalie.." He called out after taking a sip from his wine. "Yes, Boss" Shalie answered respectfully with her head bowed and her hands crossed behind her."Go get me, Rayman" He ordered witho
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Chapter 99
Hated"That's Enough, Rayman." His low voice reverberated, his eyes flared.Sassy would have sworn that she saw something his eyes for a minute, before he blinked and it was gone. Just the cold and unfeelingness again.Maybe she had imagined it. Why would he feel such for his slave?"You should Stop touching her and leave now!" The moment Rayman was out of the door, Zanky ordered. "Fred, Teach her how to pleasure a man." He ordered, and began sipping from his wine glass."As you wish, Boss." Fred urged her down from the table and lowered himself towards the nearest chair. He unbuckled his pants and pulled out his phallus out of his pants. He was big and Sassy was glad that the king called a stop to that Rayman guy taking pleasures from her body. It would have hurt like hell. That Rayman guy was way more bigger than Fred's."Run your hand on it. It's all yours." He urged, taking her hand and teaching her how to run it up and down his phallus. How to caress
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Chapter 100
RewardFred wrapped her up like his Boss had ordered and carried her out of his room. Sassy was still sleeping exhaustedly in his arms while he carried her away from the boss room, down to her room.He rounded a corner when he saw Angela stroding towards them, her heels clicking hard on the ground. She took one look at them, and her eyebrows shot up."What's wrong with that bitch?" She asked as she strode closer, her forehead knitted in a frown as she eyes the sleeping Sassy. "Boss had a session with her." Fred answered in a calm tone."She passed out? What session are you talking about? " She asked in awe. "Was she flogged or something? Was she tortured for killing my man's son?" She further asked while hoping for her to be flogged mercilessly."It wasn't any of those, Mistress Angela." That had Angela frowning again. She took a good look Sassy who was wrapped up in a sheet, her face peaceful in her sleep. She's more like a sleeping beauty.She searched for whipped bruises, but cou
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