All Chapters of The Second Chance Billionaire: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
179 chapters
Chapter 141
Gamechanger[THE NEXT DAY]Elian stood outside Michael's office, his heart racing with anticipation. He had the evidence, and he was ready to confront the man who had wronged him.He took a deep breath, straightened his shoulders, and walked into the office. Michael looked up from his desk, a look of surprise followed by a sneer."Elian Gray," Michael said, his voice dripping with contempt. "I thought you were still crawling in the gutter where you belong."Elian smiled, his eyes glinting with determination. "Hell Michael, still using that crappy trash talk, it seems you ain't got anything new."Michael snorted. "You're still a nobody, Elian. You'll never be able to touch me."“Man, ain't that sick? Well, I have something I'm sure will shut you up and make you sing a different tone.”Elian pulled out his phone and played the recording he had obtained at the charity event. Michael's eyes widened as he realized what was happening. Not only did Elian show up and ruined his follow-up plan
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Chapter 142
DangerElian walked into his small apartment, exhausted but triumphant. He had just completed his mission and gathered evidence of Michael's wrongdoing. He couldn't wait to see the look on Michael's face when he was brought to justice.First things first, Elian decided to use his rewards to upgrade his living situation. He had been living in a small, dingy apartment for months, and it was time for a change.He took out his small mobile phone and decided to phone a company he once saw in an ad somewhere.“Hello. Is this Joaquin Rentals? I'm calling to know if there's vacancy in your area. I need an apartment.”“Yes, this is Joaquin. And yes there's vacancy. What kind of an apartment do you need?” the voice of a female rang forth.“What can ten grand get me?” Elian asked.“Certainly not a villa, but something close to it.”“Good. I will be down at your office in tomorrow morning.” Elian said, a bit ecstatic. He had just used the $10,000 reward to rent a new apartment, one that going to
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Chapter 143
JealousElian walked into his computer class, still shaken by the confrontation with Michael. He took his seat, trying to focus on the lesson ahead.Mister Erikson, the computer teacher, walked in, a laptop in hand. "Alright, class. Today, we're going to learn about hacking. Each of you will come up to my desk and try to hack into my phone."The students murmured excitedly as Mister Erikson called the first student up. One by one, they tried to hack into the phone, some succeeding, others failing.When it was Michael's turn, the class erupted in praise. "Oh, Michael's going to crush this!" said Sarah."He's so rich and talented!" added John."I bet he can hack into anything!" chimed in Emily.Michael smiled smugly, taking his place at the desk."Yeah, I'm basically a genius," he said, winking at his friends. Michael walked majestically towards the desk, opened the laptop and connected to the internet. It was time for him to shine.But as he started typing, his smile faltered. He tried
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Chapter 144
JealousElian walked into his computer class, still shaken by the confrontation with Michael. He took his seat, trying to focus on the lesson ahead.Mister Erikson, the computer teacher, walked in, a laptop in hand. "Alright, class. Today, we're going to learn about hacking. Each of you will come up to my desk and try to hack into my phone."The students murmured excitedly as Mister Erikson called the first student up. One by one, they tried to hack into the phone, some succeeding, others failing.When it was Michael's turn, the class erupted in praise. "Oh, Michael's going to crush this!" said Sarah."He's so rich and talented!" added John."I bet he can hack into anything!" chimed in Emily.Michael smiled smugly, taking his place at the desk."Yeah, I'm basically a genius," he said, winking at his friends. Michael walked majestically towards the desk, opened the laptop and connected to the internet. It was time for him to shine.But as he started typing, his smile faltered. He trie
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Chapter 145
AltercationElian walked out of the classroom, his mind still reeling from the confrontation with Rory. He couldn't believe she would defend Michael like that. As he walked down the hallway, someone bumped into him, apologizing profusely. But as Elian looked up, he saw it was one of Rory's friends, holding out a letter."Rory wants you to meet her at the basketball court," she said, before quickly scurrying away.Elian's heart sank. What did Rory want now? He hesitated for a moment, but his curiosity got the better of him. He made his way to the basketball court, his senses on high alert.As he approached the court, he saw Rory standing alone, her eyes fixed on him. But as he got closer, he realized it wasn't just Rory waiting for him. Michael's entire gang was there, their faces twisted in sneers and snarls."Welcome, Elian," Michael sneered, his eyes gleaming with malice. "We've been waiting for you."Elian's instincts screamed at him to run, but his feet seemed rooted to the spot.
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Chapter 146
Devious planElian hailed a cab and headed to his new apartment, a luxurious penthouse in the heart of the city. As he stepped out of the elevator, he was greeted by the stunning view of the city skyline. The apartment was sleek and modern, with marble floors and crystal chandeliers. The living room was spacious, with a grand piano in one corner and a state-of-the-art home theater system.Elian dropped his bag on the floor and walked over to the floor-to-ceiling windows, gazing out at the breathtaking view. He felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that he had earned this luxurious lifestyle through his hard work and determination.After settling in, Elian picked up his phone and dialed Rachel's number. "Hey, Rachel. I'm settled into my new apartment. I'll be in your office in an hour to discuss the recordings."Rachel's voice was crisp and professional. "Great, Elian. I'm looking forward to hearing your plan. See you soon."Elian hung up the phone and took a deep breath, f
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Chapter 147
Blow off steamElian returned to the dojo, his heart racing with anticipation. Today was the day he would prove himself worthy of being a teacher at the dojo. He would face off against all four of the dojo teachers, one after the other, in a series of fights that would test his skills to the limit.The first fight was against Sensei Tanaka, a master of hand-to-hand combat. The two of them faced off in the center of the dojo, their fists clenched and ready.The fight began, and Elian and Sensei Tanaka circled each other, sizing each other up. Sensei Tanaka threw the first punch, a powerful jab that Elian dodged easily. Elian countered with a swift kick, but Sensei Tanaka blocked it with his arm.The two of them exchanged blows, their fists flying back and forth in a flurry of movement. Elian's training kicked in, and he began to anticipate Sensei Tanaka's moves, dodging and countering with ease.Sensei Tanaka was impressed, but he refused to back down. He launched a series of powerful
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Chapter 148
Phone callElian trudged into his apartment, exhausted from a long day of teaching. He collapsed onto his bed, not even bothering to change out of his gi. Within minutes, he was fast asleep.Meanwhile, in Michael's office, a different kind of meeting was taking place. Michael was on a phone call with Doctor Lee, the man in charge of his secret protocol."Doctor Lee, I need you to hurry up and track down Elian with the synthetic robot soldiers," Michael said, his voice urgent."I can't let him release those recordings. It would ruin everything.""I understand, Michael," Doctor Lee replied. "But building twelve synthetic robot soldiers, controlled by an AI, is no easy feat. It takes time and resources.""I don't care about the resources," Michael snapped."I care about results. I want those soldiers ready and deployed as soon as possible. Can you make that happen?"There was a pause on the other end of the line before Doctor Lee spoke up."Yes, Michael. I can make it happen. But I need
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Chapter 149
Live-in“Atlas!” an angry lady's voice could be heard even from a mile away. This shout came from the Erikson family mansion. The Erikson has been a well respected family in Vasterly Nation due to one simple fact; Wealth.Atlas Parker, orphaned at a young age but worked double shifts at a restaurant to pay his intuition. He had been fortunate, or rather unfortunate to once run into Cheyenne Erikson who had come into the restaurant to escape from a few thugs. Atlas didn't know what had transpired or why she was being pursued by thugs, but he knew he had to do something, so hid her inside the kitchen and pretended nothing happened. When the coast was clear, Cheyenne Erikson came out and thanked him. That simple act had attracted her to him. They dated for a few weeks, he never knew exactly who she was until one fateful night when they were attacked by thugs whose aim was to pressure Cheyenne to accept the marriage proposal of the young master of the Michaelson family; Chador.Cheyenne h
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Chapter 150
RushApproximately ten meters from the Oceania Corporation, in an alley filled with trash cans, a lifeless body of a young man laid there in eternal silence.There was no heartbeat, no movement. The once ironed white shirt was now bloody and muddy. It had already been a few minutes since the deed was done, yet no one came to take a look. A life was snuffed out just like that. But in that ominous, sorrowful situation, a miraculous thing was happening... Even though he was confirmed dead by his assailants, and his heart had stopped beating, somehow his mind was still working.. or rather something else was going on in his subconscious mind.«Data collection complete. Host matches the requirement of the system. Host's current status: Deceased. Injecting revitalization serum to Host. Host current status: critical. Injecting advanced healing serum to Host. Host current status: Salvageable. System booting in progress. Time required: One hour thirty minutes.»Thump.. Thump.. Thump..The hear
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