All Chapters of The Second Chance Billionaire: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
179 chapters
Chapter 11
Superstar SystemZachary blinked as his eyes adjusted. He gazed at the translucent blue book, wide-eyed, mouth agape, and face frozen in wonderment. Zachary had read many system- tagged web novels before he'd returned to his past. He could instantly comprehend what was happening. He was sure that he might be acquiring a leveling-up system' like all those protagonists in the novels. That was the dream cheat for any passionate fan of web novels.The system could help him level up his soccer skills and make him a star player within a few years if it was anything like in those novels. Since he was injured, this was the first time Zachary felt optimistic about pursuing his dream of becoming an internationally recognized soccer player. With a system, he could become one of the best players in Tron Empire or even in the whole world.He could then easily acquire mansions, supermodels, posh and big cars, without ever resorting to robbery and selling drugs like in his past life. The sky was the
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Chapter 12
Daily TrainingZachary was jogging at a steady pace. He was mindful of neither the ever-present potholes in the dirt-roads of the Kinsh town nor the mud heaps brought about by the rain of the previous day. He hummed the Chris Brown song(Don't Wake Me Up) that was supposed to be released two years later.Zachary smiled softly. He was in a good mood. Above him loomed the blue sky with just a few stratus clouds making their unhurried way toward the town hall. The sun was already a golden ball of yellow above, promising more heat as the day progressed. All in all, he could not have asked for better weather to complete the system mission. It had been six days since Zacharyreturned to the past, and he was very close to completing the tasks in his first system mission.He had been exercising like there was no tomorrow in his vocabulary.With the Superstar system, he had the motivation to work hard and thus never once thought about giving up when the going got tough.Every morning, he would
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Chapter 13
RewardEven in his previous lifetime, Zachary, as a general rule, hid his emotions. He figured they were intel he should not hand over, and so at all times, his face was blank.But today was different. Zachary had just received the first mission rewards from the system, and excitement poured out of him like sunshine through fine white linen; he glowed from the inside out. It felt like every fiber of his being was vibrating with anticipation when he looked at the virtual screen before him. He first rubbed his palms together and sat down on his bed before tapping on the system-shop tab that was still blinking red.[Ding!SYSTEM SHOP->Gift Packs (temporarily-unlocked) (1 msg)->Purchase Skills (locked)->Purchase Elixirs (locked)->Lottery Coupons (locked)->lnventory (temporarily-unlocked)(1 msg)]The Gift-Pack tab was blinking red,and Zachary right away extendedhis right forefinger and tapped onit. For the first time, he noticed thatthe screen felt tangible against histouch but d
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Chapter 14.
A special skillHope bloomed inside Zachary after reading the words below the superstar skill card.Without a moment of hesitation, he clicked on the image of the skill card filling up the screen and learned the Zinedine visual skill.He was looking forward to how it could improve his budding football career.Instantly, he felt pang of headache assaulting his brain as the system implanted new information into his mind. But a while later, his head cleared, and he noticed that there seemed to be no perceivable transformation within his body or mind.He thus opened the user-stats tab that was already blinking red on the system User-lnterface to understand the changes in his stats.[Ding!Host Stats:->Physical Fitness: B-->Soccer Technique: B+->Game Intelligence: A+->Mental Ability and Mindset: C-->X-Factors: F>Superstar skill: 1(1 msg)]Zachary's soccer-technique had once again leveled-up from the grading of B- to B+ in a single evening. His game intelligence had jumped from the C+
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Chapter 15
All according to planZachary slept off as soon as he hit the soft mattress. He couldn't believe that things were finally going to be different. Oh how he wish it's already here.. that moment he will finally achieve his dreams. Zachary smiled as he drifted of to sleep.*In a superb football field. Well trimmed grass, sunny weather, fans screaming in ecstasy to show their supports to the individual teams, flags were waving in the air. Twenty-two men clad in two different uniforms were running around the field doing their best to outdo the opponent team.Wardens F.C team were known for their gold uniform, while their opponent, the Crowders wore their signature Red and Black.Zachary Bemba was a striker for the Wardens F.C and right now he had managed to get the ball for the first time since the match began.“Zachary has just gotten the ball at his feet, will he be able to cope with his knee injury?” a male voice was heard through the speaker of the soccer field.“We all know that he wo
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Chapter 16.
Atlas of Vistakris“Atlas!” an angry lady's voice could be heard even from a mile away. This shout came from the Erikson family mansion. The Erikson has been a well respected family in Vasterly Nation due to one simple fact; Wealth.Atlas Parker, orphaned at a young age but worked double shifts at a restaurant to pay his intuition. He had been fortunate, or rather unfortunate to once run into Cheyenne Erikson who had come into the restaurant to escape from a few thugs. Atlas didn't know what had transpired or why she was being pursued by thugs, but he knew he had to do something, so hid her inside the kitchen and pretended nothing happened. When the coast was clear, Cheyenne Erikson came out and thanked him. That simple act had attracted her to him. They dated for a few weeks, he never knew exactly who she was until one fateful night when they were attacked by thugs whose aim was to pressure Cheyenne to accept the marriage proposal of the young master of the Michaelson family; Chador.
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Chapter 17
Another ChosenApproximately ten meters from the Oceania Corporation, in an alley filled with trash cans, a lifeless body of a young man laid there in eternal silence.There was no heartbeat, no movement. The once ironed white shirt was now bloody and muddy. It had already been a few minutes since the deed was done, yet no one came to take a look. A life was snuffed out just like that. But in that ominous, sorrowful situation, a miraculous thing was happening... Even though he was confirmed dead by his assailants, and his heart had stopped beating, somehow his mind was still working.. or rather something else was going on in his subconscious mind.«Data collection complete. Host matches the requirement of the system. Host's current status: Deceased. Injecting revitalization serum to Host. Host current status: critical. Injecting advanced healing serum to Host. Host current status: Salvageable. System booting in progress. Time required: One hour thirty minutes.»Thump.. Thump.. Thump..
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Chapter 18
System of Fortune[VERSALEEN TREAT UPPER RESTAURANT. VISTASKRIS NATION]The woman with a melon-seeded face, black hair and an appearance of 85 points, casually glanced at Atlas who was seated on the opposite side, drinking coffee, a look of disdain appeared on her face.For a while, the woman used a somewhat arrogant tone and said;“So this is all you can afford now? It is a pity that you have been reduced to such state. If you are hungry, I can order better food for you, besides I earn an annual salary of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).”Although Atlas was a bit handsome, Helen could not help but have a look of disdain on her face. This man had once tried to woo her, luckily she didn't fall for his words of a bright future, hence she will be here having coffee and soda biscuits for breakfast. Helen clicked her tongue in arrogance and picked the glass of juice in front of her and drank it casually.Atlas had to admit that although Helen was indeed beautiful, her lofty tone and disdai
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Chapter 19
Wealth Atlas drove the Lamborghini bull, galloping all the way. He was like a dazzling laser light, attracting attention wherever he went.After a while, Atlas came to a public parking lot. He stepped out of the car, with a driving permit and a registration certificate with his name written on it.“Damn! This is too good to be true. Perhaps I'm still lying by the alley battered up and all these is just a dream.” Atlas could not help but wonder if all these was truly real? He had just gone from a penniless live-in son in-law to a Lamborghini owner.. all in a few minutes.At this time Atlas's phone vibrated again.“Huh!? Didn't the message say it will need about twenty three hours before it delivers more rewards?” Damien muttered as he read the message on the phone screen.«Ding!Wealth System has sent Newbie Package ahead of schedule. Does Host wish to receive the Newbie Package?»'Is that a trick question or something? Of course I would be more than happy to receive this package' At
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Chapter 20
Un-acceptableThe cab stopped in front of the Erikson residence. Atlas came out, paid the cab driver and turned towards the mansion.He then walked towards the front door. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he heard some boisterous laughter coming from the inside.“Young master Chador, since you are so sincere about Cheyenne, we can be straightforward. Let us just settle on a date.”Atlas was stunned. He reckoned that the voice belonged to Carrie; his mother inlaw and Cheyenne's mother.Missus Carrie, you're being too polite. Since we're going to be family in the future, don't be so formal. Just call me by my name.” a very familiar voice sounded in Atlas's ear. This was a voice son.”When Atlas heard this, his face turned extremely gloomy, and he could tolerate it no longer.He was almost killed by that Chador Michaelson today and yet he heard her family talking about her remarriage? While he was still alive? Was Cheyenne in on this? No matter what? He had to see her to clar
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