All Chapters of The Almighty Lord Janssn: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
42 chapters
11. The First Serious Battle
"WELCOME TO THE TRAINING CENTER! ENJOY THE VARIOUS TECHNOLOGICAL FEATURES THAT WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER. Jansen was speechless as he entered the lobby of the Training Center building. As he walked with Matthew and nearly 148 other selected individuals, Jansen took in the futuristic design of the building. There was a large LED screen stretching across the gate that separates the lobby from the inner building. To the left were six glass-tube elevators, several flying robots, and a high ceiling that curved slightly inward. In the center of the lobby was a circular reception desk, guarded by giant robots on each of its four sides. What surprised Jansen was that there were four humans standing guard at the reception desk. What were they there for? Several weapons were mounted on the right and left sides of the ceiling area. Jansen was confused as to why these weapons were pointed at the lobby floor where he was. "Matthew, did they deliberately place these weapons near the ceiling?
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12. Dangerous Situation
[HEALTH POINT -150] [ALERT! YOU'VE LOST TOO MUCH BLOOD! THE SYSTEM DETECTED YOUR BODY'S WEAKNESS!] [IMMEDIATELY INCREASE YOUR HEALTH POINTS FOR 24 HOURS!] Jansen groaned in pain in his weakened state. His vision was blurry, but he could still read the warnings given by the system. Somehow he was so resigned that he couldn't do anything. Jansen looked at the parasitic human monster that was already lying dead a few meters away from his position. The monster's body was covered in blood. This was the first time Jansen had killed a parasitic human monster. Now Jansen felt no residual energy in his body. He heard the echo of people's voices calling out to him. "Jansen! Are you okay?" From the side, Jansen felt someone panicking while patting his cheek. Jansen had some difficulty moving his head to look up."Jansen! Wake up!" Matthew, who looked very worried, tried to wake Jansen up. Then came Ryann and Joseph who hurriedly squatted on Jansen's right side. They both looked at Jans
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13. Attempted Escape
"Aish. Shit." Jansen's breath caught in his throat as he looked at the blood oozing from his wrist. Jansen tried to remove the chip device that was about to be inserted into his wrist. From the slightly open incision wound, Jansen tried to pull out the chip device that had not been fully installed. He clearly knew this chip device was deliberately used by Frank to control him. "Argh!" Jansen let out a small groan when the chip was completely removed. The cut on his wrist was still open. The blood flowed quite heavily until Jansen tried to cover it with the palm of his right hand. "How am I supposed to cover this blood?" muttered Jansen, looking around the restroom. Jansen was now in a staff-only restroom that didn't have many cubicles. He had just escaped from some Black Warrior members who were chasing him. Unfortunately at that time Jansen did not find anything to impede the flow of blood from his wrist. "Shit. Why is Frank doing this?!" muttered an exasperated Jansen. Now
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14. "I'm Not Your Guinea Pig!"
Jansen let out a long exasperated breath. Not wanting to stall for time, Jansen then folded the long clothes in his hands. After that, he put it on his upper body and tied it to the back of his neck so it wouldn't slip off. Jansen turned around, looking at his exposed back through the mirror. "At least I'm not walking around with my front body exposed," Jansen said with resignation. Jansen stepped out of the toilet room. He moved slowly as he looked around. He made sure there were no Black Warrior members around. After feeling that everything was safe, Jansen walked quickly down the hallway. Just as Jansen was about to turn the corner, he heard footsteps. "Mr. Frank says there's someone among the trainees he's really interested in. He's different than the other trainees." "Really? You mean, the one Mr. Frank brought to the testing room?" "Yes. That trainee really has unusual strength. He can even kill half-human monsters, and has a strong immunity in his body." Janse
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15. The Bullying
"Isn't this one of the participants who has achieved the highest points in the training center?" Since the last battle against the half-human parasite monster, Jansen's name was instantly recognized by almost all the training members. Now Jansen walked with Ryann and Joseph to the cafeteria of the training center building. From the moment he stepped into the cafeteria, Jansen had noticed that all eyes were on him. It was as if they were astonished to see someone who had managed to kill a total of one rather terrifying monster. Now, just as Jansen was about to devour his food, someone arrived. A man with a fairly burly and muscular body. Jansen recognized him as the senior gang leader of The Chosen People. "What brings you to our table?" asked Joseph, who looked annoyed. Jansen didn't look back and still tried to leisurely devour his food. He didn't really care about the presence of the man named Charlie. "I didn't expect you to be brave enough to show up at The Chosen Peop
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16. They're Trying to Provoke
"Ah, shit..."Jansen walked backwards with a dumbfounded expression on his face. His entire body froze watching the figure of a man staring at him intently. The form of the man beside him was human, but Jansen saw that both his hands were covered in sleeves. Jansen already felt an uncomfortable feeling. His mind pictured the half-human parasitic monster in Mr. Frank's room a few hours ago. "No one is allowed to wander around during the late hours of the night. Rules are rules," said the stranger beside Jansen. The stranger's tone implied a small growl. Although his gaze was intense, there was still a calmness to it. "I didn't do anything. I just accidentally saw this room," Jansen replied awkwardly. "Go away. Don't let me forcibly evict you," the man retorted threateningly. Jansen did not move immediately. He held his hands low as he watched the man in front of him from the ground up. At that moment Jansen's curiosity was somehow drawn to the two arms of the man in front of h
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17. Do You Hide Something From Us?
"Jansen, are you okay?" Jansen was still trying to calm himself down after the fight that happened a few moments ago. While on his right side, there was a male nurse treating a wide cut on his right shoulder. Jansen was now in a special treatment room in the organization's training center building. Actually, Jansen was still quite shocked because he was facing another type of human monster. Jansen also didn't expect that The Strong People group would trap him. "Ah, I guess you're not okay," said Matthew who immediately sighed heavily after realizing the wide slash wound on his right shoulder. "Hey, why did you come here?" asked Ryann in a sarcastic tone. "You're from The Strong People group. Doesn't your group feel superior to us?" Matthew turned an exasperated gaze towards Ryann. Although he was actually annoyed, he couldn't argue with Ryann's words. What Jansen experienced was indeed true due to the actions of the members of The Strong People group. "Don't be like that to Ma
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18. A Secret Document
"Hey, why are you suspecting me?" Jansen said with a chuckle. Trying to create an atmosphere that wasn't awkward. Matthew, Ryann, and Joseph were still watching Jansen curiously. As if they wanted to find out whether Jansen was lying or not. "Matthew, you met me in the tunnel. You know best that I couldn't possibly know Mr. Frank, when we come from different neighborhoods," Jansen said later, trying to be convincing. "I don't even know where you're from, Jansen," Matthew retorted. His hands were already folded in front of his chest. Jansen let out an exasperated sigh after hearing Matthew's words. "But if you think about it logically, Mr. Frank is very busy taking care of the organization and the training base. Besides, his age is so different from mine, how do we know each other?" Jansen asked. "Alright, let's stop this conversation. If anyone overhears us talking about Mr. Frank and there's a misunderstanding, we could get punished," Joseph retorted. Seeing Joseph's very cau
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19. Richard's Cooperation Offer
"What are you looking for, Richard?" asked Jansen as he watched Richard tracing one book after another with his index finger. Richard was still mumbling and smiling as he watched his index finger move through the books one by one. His face looked very serious as if he was thinking about something. "You know, Jansen, I've actually read about the history of the Parasitic Creature Eradication Organization," Richard replied. Jansen frowned with a surprised expression. When he heard Richard's answer, there was a slight sense of concern that arose. But he pretended not to think anything of it. "So, what did you find?" asked Jansen. Richard's gaze shifted to Jansen. A smile that implied a curved meaning. "Very interesting. I didn't expect that the person who started this organization had disappeared for so many years," Richard said. The direction of Richard's conversation was predictable to Jansen. The nervousness Jansen felt increased slightly, making him feel uncomfortable. M
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20. A Fight With Half-Human Monster
[WARNING! SYSTEM DETECTS DANGER!] [VIRUS MONSTERS ARE WITHIN YOUR IMMEDIATE RANGE RADIUS!]Jansen closed his eyes after reading the system notification that appeared. Amidst the silence in the room, the sound of footsteps being dragged echoed. All of his goosebumps were already bristling. By now, Jansen and Richard were hiding in the gap between two tall bookshelves on opposite sides. Richard was in the bookcase gap on Jansen's left side. While in the middle of them, there was a path that was enough for three people to pass through. A few moments ago, Jansen and Richard were in a hurry to find a bookshelf that had a small gap in the room. In this room, there were indeed a number of bookshelves - which were so big - that had a small space. Luckily, Jansen and Richard were near the corner of the room. 'GRRR...' Jansen's breath caught even more at the sound of the growling that was slowly approaching. It was certain that the parasitic monster that came was in a close radius to his
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