The Almighty Lord Janssn
The Almighty Lord Janssn
Author: Author Debora
1. The Accident



Jansen was already out of breath when Frank's hand grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. His body was cornered after being slammed against the wall.

Jansen's heart was beating quite fast. As he tried to compose himself, he was transfixed by the glint of ambition in Frank's eyes.

Meanwhile, there was no one else in the area at the edge of the forest. Even if Jansen tried to shout for help, no one would hear him.

"I told you to take me up on my offer to work together! This business is going to be very profitable, Jansen," Frank said in an emphatic voice.

Jansen shook his head. His grip on the document automatically tightened. He hid the folder behind his back.

"Use your head, Mr. Frank. You're using virus victims as your own personal weapon to make huge profits. You're crazy!"

Frank grinned after hearing Jansen's words.

"You're too naive. Do you think the spread of the virus will be stopped? Sooner or later, they'll die!"

"No," Jansen argued, shaking his head. "They will be cured. I've obtained samples of how the virus works, how it is destroyed, and how it can live in the human body."

"Therefore, give me the research documents, Jansen!" Frank said with emphasis.

The more he saw the frustrated look on Frank's face, the more convinced Jansen was to reject his offer. It had been four months since Frank had tried to persuade Jansen to agree to the plan to develop a parasitic virus in the human body.

The problem was that Frank didn't care about human life. He only wanted to make big money by using the victims of the parasitic virus.

Since the discovery of the parasitic virus in a woman's body, Jansen-CEO of Lyeonredd A.J Chemical Company, a company with the largest chemical laboratory, conducted serious research.

After six months he finally got some information about the virus. Many victims of the virus appeared, so the Parasitic Creature Eradication Organization was formed.

Unfortunately, after Jansen's company found a concoction of antidotes, some of the Parasitic Creature Eradication Organization turned to betray the goal, including Frank.

"The other members of the organization also agree with me, Jansen. Why did you reject my offer?" Frank asked.  

Jansen laughed sarcastically. "You forced them to agree to your words, didn't you? You threatened them!"

Frank immediately tightened his grip on Jansen's collar. His breathing sounded even more labored as the emotion in his eyes became more intense.

"Hey, Jansen. Don't you like money? Wake up, even if they survive, how can you make sure the virus doesn't grow, huh?"

Jansen tried to take in oxygen as Frank's grip began to feel suffocating.

"Do you want to kill other humans? Those who've been infected with the parasitic virus are useless! We can use-"

"Cut the crap, asshole!" Jansen shouted angrily as he tried to kick Frank in the stomach.  

Frank was instantly pushed away. He wasn't expecting Jansen's attack. He looked at Jansen who was running away with his body staggering.  

"STOP, ASSHOLE!" Frank shouted loudly.  

Jansen didn't want to listen to Frank. Even though his body ached from the fight with Frank a few moments ago, he still forced himself to run away.

As he ran, Jansen tried to keep the document in his hand tight. This was the document Frank had been after for a long time. If Frank got his hands on it, something very dangerous would happen.


As Jansen ran deeper into the forest, his adrenaline was pumping. Jansen didn't care about the dark surroundings.

When Jansen saw a tunnel, he hurriedly turned into it. He accelerated his pace while occasionally looking at Frank-the man was lagging far behind.

Jansen thought about finding a hiding place. He entered the abandoned-looking tunnel, not stopping running until he reached the center of the tunnel.

"Gosh. Why is he chasing me so eagerly like that?" muttered Jansen, trying to catch his breath.

Jansen's steps moved slowly the further he entered the tunnel. There was no light other than the dim lamp on the abandoned post box.  

Jansen stopped at the abandoned post box, watching in wonder.

"Who would use a post box in a place like this?" Jansen asked, feeling strange.

"Do you think you've run far enough, Mr. Jansen?"

Jansen stiffened at the sound of that voice. He looked to the side and saw a shadowy silhouette from a few meters away. The dark atmosphere made it impossible for him to see clearly.

"Who are you?" asked Jansen, starting to feel wary.

The sound of footsteps scraping the asphalt could be heard as the silhouette drew closer to Jansen.

"Hey, who are you?"

Then came a sardonic laugh.

"Too bad it's going to be bad for you, Mr. Jansen. You've tried to be the best CEO you can be," the voice said later.


Right after the words were heard, Jansen groaned as he felt a bullet pierce one of his legs. Jansen fell after a second bullet pierced his leg again.

As Jansen felt the bleeding on his leg, he saw someone dressed in black standing nearby.


Something slammed into Jansen's head causing a dizzy sensation. His vision blurred, making it impossible for him to see who the person standing next to him was.

"Say goodbye to your company, Jansen."

Jansen's body relaxed, lying on the asphalt of the tunnel. His gaze was fixed on his document folder that had fallen a few feet away from him.

In the dim lamplight he could see the mysterious man picking up the folder. There was a sardonic chuckle.

"I wonder why you're so protective of that useless virus victim," he said mockingly.

Jansen couldn't do anything about it. His vision blurred more and more. He saw the mysterious man walking away with his folder of documents.

The intense pain made Jansen feel as if he was on the verge of death. His limbs could not move at all.

In just a few seconds Jansen's eyes closed completely. But in the midst of the remaining consciousness, the sound of something echoing was heard.






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