2. Come to Future







"Argh. Where am I?" Jansen asked as he held his head.

With a groan of pain, Jansen tried to get up from his position. He flinched briefly as he massaged the back of his aching head.



[100%... SUCCESS!]







[This power ability is a form of immunity that heals pain without the need for medicine. It will work automatically when you get attacked by half-human parasite monsters].

Jansen suddenly gasped in panic at the sight of a blue beam in front of his face. He spontaneously waved his hand repeatedly to repel the blue light. But his efforts were unsuccessful.

"Hey! What is this?! Gosh!" Jansen grumbled in annoyance and a bit of fear.

[Alexander Jansen! I introduce myself as the Power Ability System that will help you run your life in 2070]

Jansen furrowed his forehead with a very surprised expression.

"What? The year 2070?" asked Jansen who started to stop his hand movements.

[Your main task is to return to the time before you came here]

[The only way is for you to complete all the missions I give you. Those missions will give you points and various power abilities].

[Every time you complete a mission, you will increase your point level and power ability points]

[That way, you will reach the highest peak of God Levelling in this chaotic world]

"What is this guy talking about? Hey! Tell me who you are! Don't prank me with a light like this!" complained Jansen.

No matter how Jansen tried to shake his hand, the blue light was still there. Jansen looked around to see who had turned on the blue light.


There was no response.

The curious Jansen finally stood up. Automatically the blue light of the system in front of his face disappeared.

At that moment, Jansen immediately realized the pain in the back of his head disappeared. Jansen repeatedly hit the back of his own head but there was still no pain.

"Oh? How can this pain disappear?" Jansen asked.

Jansen didn't really care about this.

Feeling very curious, Jansen immediately continued his steps towards the white light. Like sunlight at the end of the tunnel.

When his steps arrived at the end of the tunnel, Jansen was surprised to see abandoned buildings. Jansen spontaneously stopped his steps to look around.

The atmosphere was deserted, building debris scattered around the tunnel, several charred cars abandoned, and fences and plants that were completely damaged.

"What happened?" asked Jansen. "Wait, where am I?"

Jansen remembered that there were no abandoned areas like this in New York. Moreover, the buildings were abandoned, mossy, and almost completely filled with debris.

So where was Jansen?

"The voice I heard just now said 2070. Wait, is that..." Jansen stopped his steps for a moment.

Jansen was stunned for a moment.

"Am I in the year 2070? A cityscape like this? It's supposed to be the year of the advancement of human civilization," said an astonished Jansen.

Before Jansen could find the answer to his question, he heard a hissing sound. Jansen's whole body suddenly stiffened. The sound was getting closer and closer from the side.


Jansen frowned after hearing a small growl. He seemed to recognize this kind of sound. Decades ago, while conducting research on half-human parasite monsters, he had heard the small growls of the first victims of the parasite virus.

A sound that signaled the victim was about to turn into a monster-or had already turned into one. But as Jansen recalls, the first victim of the monster was still locked up in the incubator room of his company's laboratory.

Why was it being heard outside now?


The voice was getting closer. It felt like it was only a few meters away from her.

"Damn, there can't be monsters..." Jansen muttered.

Jansen immediately let out a rough sigh while placing both hands on his waist.

"Oh my god. If it's true-"

Before Jansen could finish his sentence, he heard the sound of the ceiling slamming. Along with that was the sound of a sizable bedebum.

Suddenly Jansen turned his gaze with a jolt of surprise. He glared to see a large creature with a human body crawling slowly. It was three meters tall. There were several legs dangling in the air.

Its posture almost resembled that of a spider. But the body shape at the center was truly a human. It's just that it's so big and hairy.

Jansen was stunned to see the monster in front of him. He could barely move. He didn't expect to see a monster like this.

"What kind of monster is this? I've never seen this monster before," Jansen said softly.

In his stunned state, a blue light appeared in front of his face.


[LV. 3]


Jansen slowly moved back with a panicked look. Jansen was dumbfounded without being able to say anything.

'How can I face a monster this big? How?!' thought a terrified Jansen.


Jansen suddenly exclaimed with a jerk of his body, he jumped a few steps back to dodge. He was stunned to see the monster screaming open its mouth, showing slime from its canine teeth.

"Shit!" Jansen cursed.

Unable to fight back, Jansen decided to run. Even though he knew his efforts would be in vain.


"Ah! What should I do?" asked a confused Jansen as he ran away.  

As he ran, in front of Jansen's face, the system's blue light showed writing.


"I don't even know what to do!" Jansen said in exasperation.  


"Help!" Jansen said in the middle of running while looking back.

Every time the monster let out a loud roar, Jansen held his mouth to keep from screeching. He well remembered the results of his first monster research, monsters could feel more threatened at the sound of an enemy.





"Damn it! Why do you have to give me a choice!" cursed Jansen.

Jansen was breathing heavily. Meanwhile, the monster behind him was getting closer.

Finally, Jansen, who could not help but panic, immediately stepped aside. Hiding himself when he saw a gap in the rocks and three large tree trunks.

Jansen tried to catch his breath while covering his mouth. He closed his eyes and hoped silently that the monster wouldn't catch him.


Jansen heard a groan as he walked closer. It turned out that the monster was no longer running after him.

It was just that Jansen could see the silhouette of the monster's shadow taking a step.


Jansen heard someone's voice, he was somewhat surprised. But he tried to stay calm.


There was the scraping sound of a bow shooting out, then the sound of a monster growling in pain.  

"You want another reward? Taste this!"

The monster could be heard screeching in pain. Then the sound of its big feet walking backwards.

From the silhouette of the shadow Jansen saw, the monster seemed to lose its balance. Jansen pressed his body closer to the hiding place so as not to be seen by the monster.



Jansen closed his eyes in surprise after hearing a loud thud as well as the sound of wind friction. It seemed that the weapon used by whoever it was wasn't just an arrow.

"There are other humans," Jansen muttered softly.  

"WOHOOO! Feel you for my gun!"

Shortly after that, Jansen heard the monster fall with a thud. the sound was so loud that Jansen gasped in shock for the umpteenth time.

"Oh my. It's tiring hunting down ugly monsters!" someone said.

Jansen frowned. He paused for a moment to listen to what the situation was.

"I think I see someone. If you're hiding, you better come out! It's safe!"

Although somewhat hesitant, Jansen moved out of hiding. He saw a man of the same age as him carrying a crossbow and a small version of a long cannon-like weapon.

"Hey! I didn't expect to meet a normal human here," the man said as he stepped closer to Jansen.

Jansen felt a bit worried so he took a step back.

"Who are you?" asked Jansen.

The man stopped walking when he realized Jansen was scared. After giving a lopsided smile, he extended his hand to Jansen.

"Matthew. More precisely, Christopher Matthew. Half-human parasite monster hunter."

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