All Chapters of Urban King Reborn System : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
103 chapters
41. Get Ready With the Revenge Plan
"Alright then, I agree to Mr. Joshua joining your plan." Ghenna, who had strongly opposed Mr. Joshua's intervention in Leo's plan, finally agreed after repeated reassurances from Leo. Then, Leo invited everyone to sit at the meeting table to discuss the chronology of what happened to Ghenna. "Tell me the true chronology of what happened, Ghenna, until you were in that hotel room," Leo asked Ghenna to recount the incident."It actually started because I was having economic difficulties. My family had a lot of debts everywhere. As the first child, I felt that I had to take on the burden of my family's debts by working in several places..." Ghenna began to tell the story with a slightly trembling voice. "Until one day I met Mr. Bennard's men, was offered to become an artist and promised I would pay off all my family's debts," Ghenna began to recount the beginning of her story."Then did you accept the offer?" asked Leo in a gentle tone as if concerned about Ghenna's situation at the
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42. The Negotiation Success
Just as Leo had ordered yesterday, Bram had arranged a meeting between Leo and Mr. Sergio. This time the meeting was held at a VVIP lounge, The Premiere Lounge 72, a place where conglomerate people usually held meetings. Mr. Sergio, who had just arrived at the VVIP room, was immediately welcomed by Leo."Welcome, Mr. Sergio, introduce me Leo," said Leo welcoming Mr. Sergio while extending his right hand."Good evening, Mr. Leo," Mr. Sergio replied by welcoming Leo's hand."It's nice to meet a great man like you, Mr. Sergio," Leo said, trying to break the ice."Yes, I'm glad to meet you too," Mr. Sergio replied briefly and curtly. His tone did not match what he had just said. "Hahah, I am so honored that Mr. Sergio is willing to come to this meeting in the midst of your very busy schedule," Leo said in a joking tone typical of businessmen."Yes, indeed my schedule is very busy and that's why I came here not just to hear your pleasantries, just get to the point. What case should I hand
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45. A Rescue for Her
Afterwards Leo drove Ghenna to his private apartment for her to stay in while the case was pending. Leo also brought five of Mr. Holland's bodyguards to stand guard around the apartment. There were also three maids to take care of Ghenna's needs and help her stay in the apartment. "These are the maids who will be with you during your stay here," Leo began, introducing the maid now standing in front of him and Ghenna. "This is Alexa who is in charge of the apartment during your stay, you can tell Alexa or the others if you need anything," Leo continued as he pointed to the maid standing in the center and immediately smiled kindly at Ghenna.Then after finishing introducing the three maids, Leo told the maids to return to their respective duties. Meanwhile, Leo was now walking to give Ghenna directions regarding the apartment."Do you see the red button on the back of this vase, Ghenna? That button is a special emergency button that has been connected to my, Bram's, and Hans' cell pho
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44. The Threat
"Then Mr. Bennard will trap his artists into signing fake contracts and force his female artists to serve the men at Garand Ocean. If they refused, Mr. Bennard threatened to spread the scandalous videos of the artists. "Mr. Tory, on the other hand, will bring many customers to Grand Ocean as well as become a regular there," Leo explained Mr. Jonsen's connections with some of the men while occasionally pointing to the names on the LED screen. "How could anyone do such a heinous thing? I really didn't expect anyone to run a business by demeaning others like them," Hans said in a furious tone and clenched his hands as if holding back his emotions. "I feel like I want to immediately thwart their plans and destroy them," said Bram, who was also upset. "You're right, people like Mr. Jonsen must be destroyed immediately. However, I don't think it will be easy if we target Mr. Jonsen directly," said Leo. "Then who should we destroy first, Mr. Leo?" asked Hans curiously. "We should
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45. A Talk On Phone
In the middle of Leo's conversation with Mr. Holland, his father, Leo's cell phone rang and showed the name Hans. Leo picked it up immediately. "Hello? How is Hans, what's the news?" Leo said in response to Hans' phone call."Hello, Mr. Leo, I would like to give you a report on the results of the interrogation of the three female victims who were rescued from the club yesterday." Hans said. "The three of them did not provide any information, every time they were questioned by detectives, they always remained silent. Then, the special prison psychologist also stated that their mental state is still in severe shock and it will take several weeks or even months to recover," Hans continued, sounding regretful.Leo's facial expression immediately changed drastically. His body went limp and he leaned against the back of the sofa. However, Leo did not show it to Hans."I see. Then, was there anything else said by the detective?" asked Leo who covered his disappointment calmly."The police
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46. We're Gonna Destroy Them
"You're very good at finding that out, Bram. I believe you can easily do that," Leo replied trying to be convincing. "After that, what will you do. Leo?" "Then after finding out the chief prosecutor's secret, I will use it to threaten the chief prosecutor. That will be checkmate for Mr. Bennard," Leo said explaining his final plan to bring down Mr. Bennard. In the middle of Leo's conversation with Hans and Bram, Mr. Joshua suddenly came to Leo's mansion. Although he was surprised to learn of Mr. Joshua's arrival at his mansion, Leo still welcomed him in a friendly manner and a little pleasantries. "Wow, look who came to my mansion, welcome, Mr. Joshua, please sit down," said Leo who stood up to welcome Mr. Joshua. "I came here to ask about your plans, Mr. Leo," said Mr. Joshua, who went straight to the point of his purpose to Leo's mansion. "Don't be too serious Mr. Joshua, sit down first, you came here because you agreed to work with me, didn't you? It's worth having a
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47. The Kidnapping Plan
After the phone call with Mr. Jonsen was over, Leo immediately approached his father who was still sitting on the sofa with an occasional cup of coffee in front of him. Leo with an annoyed expression told Mr. Holland-his father-about his conversation with Mr. Jonsen earlier. "Huhh, why is it so hard to make Mr. Jonsen pressed and give me a lot of information. I've been baiting him throughout the phone call to get him to tell me more, but to no avail," Leo said with an annoyed look on his face. Mr. Holland, who saw this, smiled briefly at his son's behavior and said. "You have to be extra patient with Mr. Jonsen, Leo. He's not easy to trap. As a mobster who has escaped the law many times, it certainly makes him very experienced and careful in his actions," Mr. Holland said in a casual yet serious tone. "Yes, actually I've also heard that Mr. Jonsen always escapes punishment, so is that true, dad?" asked a curious Leo. "The news is true, Leo. Mr. Jonsen has been arrested for seve
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48. "Are You Did This Dangerous Thing, Leo?"
By now, Leo, Bram and Hans were already in a hut next to the abandoned building on the outskirts of the city. The two people they had kidnapped were still unconscious and tied to a chair. Leo, who was impatient to interrogate the two men, asked Hans to wake them up by splashing water on their faces. Instantly the two men woke up from their stupor. Mr. Jonsen's personal assistant who first opened his eyes looked confused after seeing the rope wrapped around his body. Not only that, he became shocked after finding Leo standing in front of him crossing his arms over his chest. However, a moment later Mr. Jonsen's assistant laughed, as if laughing at Leo in front of him."It was you who kidnapped me, Mr. Leo. What is the meaning of your actions?" asked Mr. Jonsen's assistant."How does it feel to be tied up like that? You certainly didn't expect to be kidnapped like this, did you?" asked Leo while stretching his hand muscles."Let's not mince words, what do you really want, Mr. Leo?" a
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49. A New Plan to Orlando
"I just wanted to adjust my schedule with Mr. Jonsen and Mr. Bennard. By knowing their schedules I won't have any trouble organizing my own schedule, so I won't be confused anymore," Leo replied calmly. "You won't be able to get that schedule, we won't give it to you, Mr. Leo," Mr. Bennard's assistant said as he tried to break free from the bonds on his hands and feet. Although it was very futile. "Right, if you wanted to adjust your schedule with Mr. Jonsen, your assistant could have contacted me over the phone. There was no need to kidnap us like this," said Mr. Jonsen's assistant as if agreeing with Mr. Bennard's assistant's words. "Yes, you're right, but with my close relationship with Mr. Jonsen and Mr. Bennard, you shouldn't mind giving me their schedules," Leo said as he walked around the two men. "Just so you know, I also found out that Mr. Bennard also came to the club during the police ambush at the club the other day. I could have spread videos and photos of Mr. Bennard
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50. Goes to Orlando
"Mr. Jonsen, come on, maybe we should lower our doubts to Mr. Leo," Mr. Walter replied in a casual tone. Mr. Jonsen's sharp eyes moved to Mr. Walter. With that, the intimidating aura emitted very clearly through Mr. Jonsen's eyes made him flinch. "I need to doubt anyone who joins, let alone the enemy. Unless they are already assured of an existence in the mafia world," Mr. Jonsen replied. Catrina chuckled. "Mr. Jonsen, I feel you should lower your tension just a bit. After all, Mr. Leo has shown his seriousness in this development project," she replied. "Right," agreed Walson, the CEO of the Canadian company that was also an investor in Mr. Walter's project. "What else do you doubt, Mr. Jonsen? Mr. Leo has very strong business connections. This is very beneficial for all of us." Leo could not help but feel proud of himself after starting to gain the trust of the DID Cartel chairman. He felt like his plan had worked. There was secretly relief that he did not have to try v
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