All Chapters of The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade.: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
296 chapters
The baby was crying softly as soon as he woke up, realizing that there was no one around to attend to him. “Daddy is here! Don’t cry, now.” Jason said, as he picked up the toddler from the cradle, and carried him up with a smile on his face. Seeing his father, Henry let go of his tears, and chuckled in excitement, looking right into his eyes. “Don’t worry, son. Everything is going to be alright pretty soon. I just need to take care of a few things, and I will fix this. I promise.” The toddler cooed loudly as though he understood what his father had said, while his smile and chuckles remained intact. “You must be hungry, let’s get your teeth clean first,” Jason said to his son, and then he carried him to the bathroom and washed his mouth, coming out a few minutes later with the feeder still in his hand. “Here, have this .” He said to Henry, putting the nipple of the feeder into his mouth, but the toddler grabbed the feeder from him with both hands and turned to his right, h
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Jason stood speechlessly, watching as Isabella hurriedly walked past him after waving to the baby who didn’t seem like he cared if she was leaving, knowing that his father was with him.As the sound of her heels clanking on the floor while she left, Jason struggled with everything in him to suppress the anger that he felt inside. Isabella shut the door behind her, after she had left the room, and went into her car, driving off in a hurry. It was so obvious that she wasn’t going to work. “How did I get myself involved in all of this?” Jason asked himself, but while he held onto the thought, his son began to cough again, causing him to gently lower him with both hands to see his face. “You look sick, I am sorry you had to go through all of this.” He whispered to his son who also began to sneeze a few seconds later, while the cough was consistent.Reacting to the agitation inside him, Jason pulled out his phone from his pocket, and dialed the bodyguard’s number, placing the phone
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Drive In
“Don’t use that tone on me, boy!” “But he needs to be taken to see a Doctor, are you not going to do that?” Fiona was silent to Jason’s words, as it appeared she wasn’t even sure of what to do, and this increased the level of Jason’s anger and frustration. “Miss Fiona?” Jason called out to the lady who jolted from her confused thoughts and looked at him, making sure that the baby was balanced on her right shoulder. “Well, we better get going, now!” “Right, I am going, but I don’t think you should come with me, you won’t be needed there.” “What? Why would you even say that? He is my son!” “And he is my Grandson! Not like you are a capable man. I believe I am doing you a favor, you should be grateful for it and not acting like a chicken.” Fiona gave Jason a scowling look, but he was standing firmly on his unshaken resolve, making sure that there was no way he was going to let her take his son to the hospital alone. Fiona turned to her right and walked down the stairs w
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“What is this?” Fiona asked as though she didn't know what a car looked like, staring at the black Porsche in front of her, while she held onto the baby. “He will take us to the hospital, we must hurry now,” Jason said amidst the anxiousness in him regarding his son’s health, but Fiona didn't seem like she was ready to budge. “Whose car is this?” Charmed by the beauty of the black sleek car, Fiona made inquisitive stares, as her thoughts assured her that there was no way the car belonged to Jason. “It’s for a friend.” “What friend? I don't know any other friend of yours, apart from Clark.” “Well, like you said, you don't know this friend.” Fiona scoffed, and then she took a careful look at the car, while Jason waited anxiously for her to move. “Please, hurry! We need to get to the hospital as soon as we can.” “Don’t try to rush me, for all I know, this car could be stolen, or probably belong to someone dangerous, and I don’t want to be involved with such.” “I assur
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Almost Pneumonia
“Let’s go!” Jason said to Fiona, and they got out of the vehicle at once, walking into the hospital as fast as their legs could carry them. Jason continued to look at his son while Fiona carried him through the hallway of the hospital, just before they arrived at the reception there were two nurses seated in their blue uniforms. “Hi.” “We need to see a Doctor, now!” Fiona said to the nurse at the right corner, ignoring her smile and greeting, but the nurse was very polite and pointed her toward the emergency room by the right corner, down another hallway. She looked at the toddler in her arms while she was pointing in that direction, and realized that he looked like he was sick and needed medical attention. “This way, please.” She said with a soft tone, and Fiona left at once without saying another word. “Thank you,” Jason said to the nurse and joined Fiona, while the nurse responded with a slight nod, but that didn’t stop her from wondering how ill-mannered Fiona was. “
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His Identity
“Very well then, I hope she gets here soon.” The Doctor said to Fiona, and then he turned to look at Jason whose countenance refused to change. “What could be going on between these two?” He asked as he continued to observe them closely, stealing glances at them. A few minutes later, the nurse returned with a large metal tray full of some medications for the baby, which she kept on the table close to the stretcher. She carried the baby gently and placed him on the bed in a corner of the room, while the rest of the people in the room watched her with keen attention. A few seconds later, Jason walked up to the bed and watched as the nurse ran some tests on the baby, before going ahead to administer some medications to him. At first, the toddler cried, but he soon fell asleep, and the nurse covered him properly with a white bedspread. “Please, can we go to my office? I would like to give you some documents to sign.” The Doctor said to both Fiona and Jason, as he took turns look
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Fiona got up as soon as she said those words to the Doctor, and answered the call, placing the phone on her right ear as she walked out of the office. “Hello, Bella Dear…” Jason took a glance at her as she walked away, unable to say any word, even though he had a lot on his mind. He eventually turned to look at the Doctor whose attention was focused on the file on the table. “Thank you very much, Doctor. I appreciate your efforts.” “You are welcome, Mr…?” “Caruso, Doctor. Jason Caruso.” “Right. Mr. Caruso. May I ask you a personal question?” The Doctor asked politely, unsure of what Jason’s response was going to be, and as he expected, Jason thought about it for a while, before giving a response. “Yeah, sure.” “Alright…” The Doctor sighed heavily, and then he cleared his throat, while Jason waited to hear what his question was going to be. “Doesn’t your son stay with you? I mean, does he stay with his Grandmother?” “Oh no, Doctor. I and his mother are divorced…”
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The Bill
Jason chuckled at Isabella’s words, but she wasn’t done talking, as she felt he embarrassed him in front of the Doctor, even though she wasn’t sure of the things he said to him. “What’s so funny? Huh? Is that your way of running away from paying the medical bills? Why don’t you handle it, if you are a man?” “That’'s enough, Isabella! Stop it right there…”“Or what? What are you going to do if I don't stop? You pathetic loser! You think you are the best father, just because you come every day to see your son. But that's only because you are a jobless good-for-nothing man.” Jason scoffed at Isabella’s words, and then he looked at her, and then at Fiona with a smirk on his face, while they continued to give him looks of disdain. “Stop, Isabella. You are causing a scene, there is no need for all of this. What we should be focused on right now is our son’s health. I am surprised you still have enough energy to fight me, after everything that has happened. Our son is out there stru
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To the Rescue
Jason was shocked to see Doctor Brenda walking toward him with a smile on her face. She had a lovely velvet red gown on and sauntered on black heels. With her arms so read, she walked to Jason, and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a kiss on the right cheek, while she held onto his waist. “What are you doing here, babe? You didn’t tell me you were coming to the hospital.” Brenda said, looking at Jason whom she had rendered very speechless. “Who the hell is she?” Isabella whispered to the hearing of her mother, but the middle-aged woman was as dumbfounded as she was, staring at the beautiful lady in a red gown without having any particular thought to hold onto. Jason looked at Isabella and Fiona, and realizing that they had an astonished look on their faces, he decided that he was going to play along. He cleared his throat at once, and looked into Brenda’s eyes without blinking, while she winked at him, as an invitation to play along. “I am sorry babe, you were sleepi
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The Lift
“Absolutely! They must really have a lot of questions going on in their minds right now.” Jason said to Brenda with a smile on his face as well. He looked at Brenda with a soft chuckle on his face, while she shared the same sensation as well. At that moment, the doors leading into the hospital flung open, and they grabbed onto each other, with their faces turning to see who was coming out of the hospital. Seeing that it was just an old man walking out of the hospital with the help of a nurse, they laughed loudly again and pulled away gently from each other, with Jason mistakenly stepping on Brenda’s right heel. “I am sorry, really sorry.”“It’s fine, I am sure you didn’t mean to,” Brenda said with a smile on her face, as Jason gently let go of her hands, as though he wasn’t really intending to. Jason coughed twice to clear his throat and the sudden awkwardness that had crept into their bodies as they looked at each other. “Hi, Doctor.” “Hello, Mr. Walker,” Brenda said,
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