All Chapters of The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade.: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
296 chapters
Without saying a word, the bodyguard turned on the ignition of the car and drove out of the hospital into the road. “How come you don’t work in your father’s hospital? Why do you prefer to work in another hospital?” Jason asked a few seconds after they had gotten into the road, unable to withstand the curiosity inside him. Brenda chuckled softly, and then she turned to face Jason, with a smile on her face, as she had been looking at the road ever since they left the hospital. “Well…” She began with a smile intact, while she thought of the perfect reason behind her decision. “First of all, I love to work, I love the pressures that come with being a Doctor, even though it could really get dangerous and frightful at times. I just started practicing a year before my father died, and I didn’t have the experience I needed to head the Hospital, so I let others handle it.” “And now? How long has it been?” “It’s been six years now,” Brenda responded with a smile, but Jason looked r
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To the Auction
Jason lifted his face as soon as he heard the words from the bodyguard and seeing that they had arrived home, he quickly got out of the car and walked toward the entrance of the mansion, completely ignoring the bodyguards who were bowing to him. He pushed the door open and stepped in at once, only to see Harry standing by a corner inside the building, with a blue tablet which he held onto in his hands, and looked at the screen occasionally. “You are here, Young Master.” “Yes, Harry. I think we have…” Jason said and then he looked at the time on his screen and gasped slightly. “Just forty-five minutes, Jason.” “Yes, Young Master. But everything is set, I have instructed the bodyguards on what to do. All you have to do is follow everything I have sent you on your phone.” Harry said, pointing at the phone Jason was holding, which he causally glanced at at several intervals within a few seconds. “I have set up your profile and sent you the invite to your phone.” “Yes, I have
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The Auction
The cars continued to drive through the busy road for almost twenty minutes until they got to a sharp bend by the right which led to a narrow road that went deeper and deeper as Jason looked through the window of the car, being very cautious of everything he set his eyes on.The location was evidently classified and hidden, as the only things Jason could set his eyes on were a few abandoned buildings along the narrow road surrounded by thickets. There was no sign of vitality anywhere and for a moment, Jason wanted to question if they were in the right place, almost picking up his phone to call Harry.“Where the hell is this place?” He thought to himself, still scouring the entire surroundings with his eyes widened.The cars continued to drive through the lonely path, galloping through the sloppy road until they eventually got to a large white bungalow, sitting majestically at a corner, right in front of the woods with only a few meters separating them from each other. Jason sighe
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“My name is Elliot Cameron, and I will be your host for today. Today, we have amazing deals for you! So many choices just to satisfy you. We took note of all the reviews and demands you made on the secret website, and we decided to adjust the amount of goods to be purchased.” Elliot was elated, as he spoke to his audience, moving from one corner to the other, displaying his brief stature. There were two bodyguards in similar white suits just like the man at the door, and they looked as though they were robots, standing at the two ends of the large curtain behind the stage. “We know you will be wondering why we had to push the time for the auction closer. Well, you will get to find out really soon. We couldn't wait to show you the juicy deals we have for you tonight! I am sure you are gonna love them!” There was a little murmuring from the people seated at the various tables in the hall, as gestures and utterances of expectations filled the air. “I hope they are going to have w
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The Bidding
Jason smiled at Elliot after he had said those words, and then he bent his face to the ground, unable to keep up with the eyes that were staring at him with so many feelings inside them. The ladies who were seated with Jason continued to caress his body, chuckling with so much excitement, it was evident that they were intrigued by the announcement Elliot made. “Mind if I join you?” Came the sweet female voice from a corner, causing Jason to lift his head to see who had spoken. It was the lady who was seated in front of Jason, and without waiting to get approval from him, she stood up from her seat, and walked up to his table, pulling out the only seat left at his table. Her bodyguard grabbed her blue purse and the bud paddle on her table and placed them on Jason’s table. The ladies who were seated close to Jason didn’t seem happy about her arrival, but there was absolutely nothing else they could do apart from giving her looks of disgruntle, even though they did it secretly.
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“Yes! Lady B is going for two hundred and ten thousand dollars!” Elliot announced excitedly, and Bianca smiled in excitement and turned to look at Luna. “Now beat that!” She said, not minding if she was able to hear her or not. “Anyone to oppose her? Anyone?” Elliot said loudly and searched with his eyes scouring the entire hall, but no one seemed to be interested in bidding for the car. He looked at Luna, but she bent her face to the ground and growled angrily. “Cancel the bid already! The car is mine!” Bianca said with a frown on her face, while Jason looked at her with so much astonishment. “She really does have a lot of money!” He said to himself, while Bianca waited impatiently for Elliot to make the pronouncement and announce her as the winner. “It seems no one is willing to battle with her. Going for two hundred and ten thousand dollars! We have our winner here! Lady B!!!!”“Right! Beat that!” Bianca said excitedly and looked at Luna who rolled her eyes at her and hi
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“Anyone for Five hundred thousand dollars? Anyone?” Eliot said loudly, placing himself in a bent posture, and scouring through the hall with his eyelids flickering, and his eyes widened. Jason couldn’t take his eyes off the man, and when he did, it didn’t take long for him to return them to looking at him. “That’'s Larry Bardolf, you should know him,” Bianca said to Jason, realizing that he had been staring at Larry for a while. “Yeah, who doesn't know him? I haven't really spoken to him before, and I would really love to. I want to discuss a business idea with him.” Jason responded, and then he turned to look at Bianca who had spent the past few seconds admiring him. “I see,” Bianca said calmly, and then she grabbed her glass of champagne and sipped a bit from it, while Jason continued to look at her, suspecting that she had some other thing to say because of the smile she had on her face. Bianca placed the glass on the table, and then she leaned forward to Jason and sighed
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High Stakes
At that moment, everywhere in the hall was engulfed with a sudden silence as everyone sat back to watch the two men bid for who was going to go home with the car. “Does any other person want to join the bidding? Who is up for some challenge? Anyone?” Elliot asked with his loud tone, scouring all over the place, but he was only disappointed as there was no one willing to join the challenge, as their only plan was to relax and watch as the drama before them unfolded. “It seems we are only up for the two men here! Alright! Alright! Who goes home with this beauty? Anyone for Eight hundred thousand…Oh, I see that Mr. Bardolf has his paddle up!” Larry turned to look at Jason who smiled at him, but he refused to reciprocate the smile, turning again to face the stage. “Mr. Bardolf is up for Eight hundred thousand dollars! That’s some money there! That’s some dollars right there!”Eliot was more excited than he had ever been ever since the event started. He jumped up and down and danc
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Highest Bidder
Without wasting any time, Jason lifted his bid paddle and held onto it firmly with his right hand, while his smile remained intact. “Mr. Jones is up for one point one million dollars! That’s right! I love this! Today is the best day of my life! Yeah!” For some reason, Elliot seemed very excited, as he continued to Jump up and down the stage, clapping and screaming at t the top of his voice. But it appeared that his audience was enjoying watching him display such vibrance, as they continued to smile without saying a word. “You really are up for this, you don’t seem like you are giving up anytime soon,” Bianca said to Jason with her glass of champagne close to her lips, causing Jason to look at her for a few seconds. “Never, I am not going to stop,” Jason said softly without letting go of his smile.While Elliot continued to scream and Jump all over the stage, Larry turned toward Jason’s direction, and their eyes met instantly, but it appeared that he had a smirk on his face wh
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Lady B
The next hour was followed by bidding for the rest of the remaining cars which were up front grabs. But it seemed like Larry wasn’t interested in any of them just like Jason who sat back and enjoyed the show, watching as some others had their way making purchases according to their desires. “Don’t you like that car over there? It looks very fanciful.” Bianca said to Jason, pointing to the red flashy Jaguar D-type, but when Jason took a look at it, he didn’t seem really interested, and even the look on his face could tell. “Nah, I don’t like the shape of its body. It looks like a little boat with four tires.” Jason said softly, shaking his head. Bianca found his words so funny, and she laughed out loudly, holding her chest with her left hand, coughing severally. “Are you okay?” Jason asked, seeing that her cough was becoming more intense. “I am…I am okay. I am totally fine.” She said it to him, giggling as she lifted her body, and stared at him with so much admiration, while
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