All Chapters of The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade.: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
294 chapters
“I knew it! You owe me your salary for this week.” Norah said victoriously with a smile on her face. She was not only happy that she had won her bet, she was also happy that the shabby looking fellow who came to disturb the peace of the hotel would be dealt with accordingly. The silence which lasted for almost a minute was overshadowed by the voices of the observes who mumbled inaudible words. Some laughed and jeered at Jason, which some others cured at him for being a thief and trying to use another person’s debit card claiming that it was his. “Oh the delight I would have from battering you out of this place.” Said the guard as he made a move to raise his baton against Jason but Leonard raised his hand to signal him to a stop. “Before you do that, I would have to take the precious card from him before it is ruined in the process.” Leotard said with a smile showing that his plans were falling in place. “I told you this fool was a fraud didn’t I?” The words spoken by Mira rea
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The man seemed really afraid of the shabby looking man in front of him as he continued to plead without raising his face. This went cold shivers into the nerves of all those who had made bets with him. “That’s Me Garry! The Manager of this Hotel. Is he really on the floor or are my eyes deceiving me?” Said an onlooker from a distance. The old lady who has made her move to leave the scene out of annoyance was frozen and this effect was not only for her, it was distributed to everyone in the room, the stillness, the rising tension and the pounding heartbeats amidst open mouths were truly remarkable. “Who could that be? That young man definitely is someone of high dignity for Mr Garry to prostrate before him.” “More like a god! Norah.” Hilda said to Norah as they watched with their mouth agape. The stillness didn’t stop Leonard’s heart from pounding against his chest, he took three steps backward as though he was preparing to take off gulping in saliva. No matter how he tried t
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The lady remained silent for a while unable to say her name. The fear on her face was glaring as her hands continued to shake. “Didn’t you hear him? Speak up now or have your body whipped!” Gary said angrily raising his right hand as though he was about to hit her. “Hilda! Hilda, my name is Hilda!” She said with a panic holding on to her chest and bending her head with her eyes closed from the moment she saw the huge hand rise above her. She gradually opened them when she waited for a few seconds and no hand touched her. At that point, she had already let out a shrilling cry. “Hilda? That’s a nice name.” Jason said with a smile, then he turned towards the dog who has been quiet for a while. “You have a cute dog Hilda.” “Thank you sir. His name is Milo.” She said unable to raise her face to look at the man who had a strangely calm attitude that was accompanied with a constant smile that refused to leave his face. “We had a deal Hilda and I love to obey every rule I come ac
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Mira’s heart sank deeper and deeper into her stomach, even from afar it was visible that her hand was shaking as she tried to catch her breath. “Si…Sir.” She couldn’t find the words she wanted to speak. Francis gave her a stare that read ‘I warned you!’ as he took interval glances at her. Mira looked for solace but she found none. “Come on, don’t be scared. I don’t bite.” Jason said calmly with a smile, but this only made matters worse for Mira who definitely knew that the man was going to ‘bite’ in one way or the other especially after what she had seen him do. “Mira dear, I would really want us to check the card again. Who knows, it may have been a case of network glitch.” Jason said with a smirk taking two steps forward towards Mira. “But Sir…Bu…” Mira stammered amidst the tension that had already taken over her entire existence. She looked around, but no one seemed to care about her situation, they only looked because they wanted to see what was going to become of her by th
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The guard was speechless, his courage had already left him a long time ago when the Hotel Manager hit him. Standing by the corner and having watched as others were dealt with, he could only wish that his condition could be lighter. “What’s your name Mister?” Jason asked taking a step forward towards the guard. “Owen Sir.” He responded without lifting his head. His entire body was itching me as sweat poured down from all the pores in his body. His breathing was heightened and his hand shook to the sound of his heartbeat which had no plans of stopping. “Owen? That’s a very good name.” Jason said smiling, then he covered up the little space between them and placed his right hand on Owen’s shoulder making him to whimper as he saw the hand going down thinking that Jason was about to hit him. “Such a big for nothing baby. He already yelps even without being touched.” “I wonder what his punishment would be.” The man responded to his business partner still holding on to his glass of
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Owen went towards the man who held up his phone capturing everything that was unfolding but for some reason, the man didn’t react when he came close to him. He only held up his camera right in front of him and continued to record. This made Owen angry and determined to follow the instruction Jason have to him to the latter. Without any further hesitation, he bent over and lifted the man from the ground to the shock of everyone around. “How dare you! Do you know who I am? Let me down this minute you fool!” The man barked but all his utterances met deaf ears as Owen continued to carry him towards the reception area not ready to let him go. “Didn’t you hear me? I said let me down this minute! I can make you disappear!” He continued barking but Owen already had chosen a side which evidently came from the devil he knew. “What do you think the stranger is going to do to that man?” “I don’t know let’s watch I guess this is because he was recording.” Norah replied her colleague as s
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“Hello Mr Harry, I have a complaint to lay and I think you should really relate this to Lord Wilson.” David said with so much confidence, but his words only made Gary to burst out in deep laughter while Jason smiled and gave a slight nod. David seemed very much surprised by the unexpected reaction he was getting from Gary and the other man who he didn’t think really mattered, but even in the midst of the confusion that was building gradually inside of him, he still insisted on going ahead with his plans. He listened to what Harry said and nodded in agreement making gestures at Gary with his left hand to tell him that his plans were in motion. “Yes Mr Harry, I have a video record of a man who was causing so much nuisance in the Royal Chambers hotel this night while Mr Gary stood there and did absolutely nothing. He even let the man humiliate the Assistant Manager and two staff members.” David said with full confidence and so much pride laced in his tune. He really felt he was w
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The next morning, as early as the first flicker of dawn, Jason got up from the bed in the presidential suite. It had been an amazing night for him sleeping on the king sized bed and having to sleep for such a long time without having to be woken up by any member of the Palmer family or even his ex wife who always called him names such as lazy ass or good for nothing. “This feels so good!” H exclaimed with a bright smile on his face. The room was massive indeed, with an elegant chandelier hanging above him, the view which could be seen from the casement window was the sea flowing freely towards the ocean. Jason sighed as he got up from the cozy bed, then he stretched his entire body without letting go of his smile. Few moments later he heard a knock on his door.For a moment he wondered who must have been knocking at his door that early so he kept quiet and listened carefully to be sure that the knock really came from the door, but it was really the case as the knock came for the
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Thirty Working days
Jason looked at the luxurious car parked outside the hotel through the glass window at the corner, he wasn’t really sure if it was a good idea for him to go back to the Palmer residence with it, but on a second thought, an idea came to him. “Very well Mr Gary, it was really nice being here.” “No problem young master. It was a pleasure hosting you.” Gary said to Jason, then he escorted him outside the hotel to the spot where the car was parked. Jason was glad that there were just very few people around while he stepped out, the very thought of being seen by anyone who could disclose his identity bothered him as he scoured the entire environment carefully while he walked. The Chauffeur opened the door to the white Porsche for Jason before he got in with Gary standing right at the corner and waiting patiently. The Chauffeur soon after got into the driver’s seat and drove off as the sleek car reflected the resplendence of the early morning sunlight. The ride from the hotel tow
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“What? I didn’t steal them!” Jason said trying so hard not to overreact to the words that came out of Jacob’s mouth. His fists were clutched tightly as his breathing began to increase gradually. “Oh what are you trying to do? Hit me as well? I can see that you have added assault to your resume.” Jacob glared at Jason looking ay his tightened fists. Just then, Isabella appeared from the stairs carrying their son who was sound asleep on his mother’s bosom. “What is going on here?” She asked the moment she saw Jason and her cousins engaged in a heated argument. “Well good thing you are here Bella. Your ex husband here stole some new pair of cloths and a Hublot watch. There is no way he could have bought them, I am sure of that.” “Is this true?” Isabella said to Jason following what Jacob said to her. “Of course not! Why would I steal?” Jason returned immediately still trying to hold himself from throwing a punch at Jacob who stood just few inches away from him. “How e
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