All Chapters of The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade.: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
294 chapters
“Oh yes! That’s the best thing to do.” Isabella said excitedly following Jason’s exclamation she really was loving where everything was leading to. “I can’t believe you right now Isabella! I can’t believe you would agree to have the father of you son arrested.” “Well you should have thought about that when you made me look like a fool at the courthouse. You bloody fool!” Isabella fired back at Jason, then she rolled her eyes at him and hissed for the second time. Jason was no longer comfortable with the tension that was gradually rising in the room, he tried all possible means to plead with them but all his efforts were futile. “I will do anything, don’t just arrest me I beg you. I didn’t steal these items I promise you.” “Quiet! We are done listening to you spew those rubbish from your gutter mouth.” Fiona said to Jason almost spiting into his eyes. “You all are making a very terrible mistake that would backfire and I promise you, you will regret this. One after the other
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“That was really fast.” Isabella said as the entire eyes in the room including Jason’s turned towards the glass windows and saw the two police cars and the black jeep speeding into the compound. One would have thought that a politician was being escorted with the way they drove into the compound. The two white Police cars blaring their sirens parked right in front of the house and four fully armed policemen stepped out from the two cars. Three of the policemen made their way towards the house pointing their guns as they walked briskly while the fourth man went towards the black jeep with tilted glasses and opened the left door of the back seat. A middle aged man putting on a grey suit and black loafers to match stepped out of the car gradually, then he adjusted his collar and tie while the police man in front of him saluted him with a perfect agility. “That’s Vin Prescott Maya’s father.” Chloe announced the moment she saw the middle aged man alight from the car. She really
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To the Station
Mr Vin got into the black jeep and the policeman who opened the door for him, closed it behind him and entered one of the white cars parked in front. Gradually, the three cars reversed almost at once and left the Palmer residence. Jason remained calm while in the car with the two policemen seated beside him with their guns fitted tightly in their hands. He didn’t want to say a word but only thought about the best way to handle the situation. “I bet you can’t speak now yeah? You bloody thief.” “He dared to lay his filthy hands on the Chief’s daughter. He is in for a lot of trouble.” The policeman by Jason’s right said right after his partner has spoken and they giggled in anticipation to whatever they felt was going to happen to Jason. “Why are you so quiet huh? Did cat cut your tongue?” Asked the policeman by Jason’s right hand and seeing that Jason chose not to say any word, he tapped his shoulder but still he was not responsive. “Don’t worry about the criminal Will, I am
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No Record
There was a sudden silence in the ambiance as all the eyes in the room except Jason’s looked into the screen of the white laptop. “There is nothing here. It’s Empty Chief.” Smith said with a low and disappointed voice as he turned to Mr Vin and then faced Will. “Nonsense! That’s not possible! Move!” Mr Vin said, then he quickly went towards the laptop and pushed Smith away gently. “What’s his bloody name?” He questioned and raised his fingers to type into the keyboard for the laptop. “Jason Caruso Sir.” “Jason…Caru-so.” Mr Vin said as he typed in the names of Jason, then he clicked on the search icon and waited impatiently with his eyes glued to the screen. While all these were going on, Jason kept on smiling and shaking his head in a scornful manner as he looked at the three men in the room with him one after the other. “What? That’s not possible. You can’t tell me that this bloody thief and assaulter has no criminal record. Not even one!” Mr Vin yelled, then he turned
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Stolen Card
“Oh really? What do you take us for? Some fools or what?” Mr Vin said with a smirk but Jason didn’t respond to him. He only kept on his smile and stood at a spot. “There is no way this belongs to you. You are some wretched leech who found himself lucky enough to lure yourself into the bed of a girl from a rich home.” Mr Vin sniggered but as much as his words slightly got to Jason he chose not to say any words in response. “This is all I need to lock you up. By the time we get the owner of the card to confirm that his card is missing and get him to testify against you, I promise that your life would be over.” Mr Vin said again with a broad smile extending across his face towards his jawline. The two policemen standing at different corners nodded with similar smiles following what he said. The Chief of police looked at the card thoroughly, turning it over and over again to get the details.“Hmm. This is a unique card. I bet it belongs to a very rich and powerful person, maybe a p
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Pound of Flesh
“That was really fast. But I guess the earlier the better yeah.” Mr Vin said as soon as Smith spoke those words in excitement. “You are definitely going down young man. You messed up with the wrong family.” Smith said to Jason with so much satisfaction filled in the snigger that followed suite. “There is a storm coming, but you don’t see it.” Jason said, then he Scoffed and nodded his head twice in satisfaction. “I really commend your bravery even in the midst of impending danger. Bravo! But I hope it saves you from whatever they decide to do with you.” Mr Vin said to Jason, then he looked towards the door waiting with so much eagerness for Harry to walk into the room. “What is going on here?” Harry shouted as soon as he had stormed into the building. “Good thing you are here Sir. We caught this criminal with the card belonging to the Walkers. We hope he hasn’t withdrawn any money from the account.” “Yes. Just say the word and we will deal with him appropriately.” Will add
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Tough Choice
All the ears in the room expanded to hear what Jason was going to say, even their eyes bulged out of their sockets in the widest curiosity. It was expectation for some while it was anxiety for the rest. Jason paused and created more suspense amidst the tension that already exhumed from his aura. Mr Vin’s face turned pale from the tension in his body. “You know what they say about Karma Mr Vin?” Jason said, then he turned to look at the Chief of Police who was seated on the hot seat with his hands shaking uncontrollably. Obviously he didn’t have any answer to the question the young man asked him. “Right, I will answer that for you. They say karma is real and I absolutely concur. Don’t you think so?” Mr Vin looked at Jason, not sure if he was to respond to the question or but even if he wanted to, the frozen state it his body wouldn’t have let him. Of course he knew that no matter what he said, nothing was going to change his fate. “Anyways Mr Vin, it doesn’t really matter if
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The ride from the Police Station down to the Palmer resident seemed like the longest ride for Mr Vin notwithstanding the fact that the distance between them wasn’t so far off. He continued to wipe the sweat balls that emerged from his pores at several intervals. “Could you be a little bit faster Mr Vin?” Jason said to the man whose hands were really shaky and clutched tightly on the steering wheel. “Yeah that’s better now.” Jason said with a smile on his face as soon as the Chief of Police increased the speed of the vehicle. “Don’t worry, this would be over very soon. All you have to do is to arrest your lovely daughter for wrongly accusing me, her husband and also Jacob for assault. Very much easy.” Jason said with a smirk on his lips but that made Mr Vin’s heart beat faster as he wished he had not gotten himself involved in such a situation that was about to make him do the unthinkable. “Who arrests his own daughter?” He thought to himself as he shook his head in uttermost d
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“What?” Fiona was the first to speak as she came out from the house through the door. The rest of the people standing very close to her raised their eyebrows and widened their eyes to be sure that what they heard was what the Chief of Police said. Maya twitched her eyes severally to see if her father was actually serious or if she was hallucinating but Mr Vin didn’t budge. “Dad? Is this some kind of joke?” Maya asked with a low tune as she stared at her father who bent his face almost immediately avoiding his daughter’s eyes. Andrew could have sworn that the Chief of Police was playing some kind of prank, but he had always known him to be a serious minded person who had no time for silly jokes. He looked at him carefully for the second time and found himself just as confused as his wife. “Dad? Say something.” Maya said again with a shaky voice as she watched her father stand both motionless and speechless at the same time. “Mr Prescott this is really some kind of expensive j
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“Isabella?” Chloe called out, but she met only silence as the young lady seemed to be out of words following the way everything had played out. “Miss Fiona?” Chloe turned towards the middle aged woman, but she was as confused as her daughter. “Look, we have to do something. They just took my husband! How the hell is that even possible? How can Maya’s father have her arrested? I think I am dreaming, someone should wake me up.” Chloe continued, then she pinched herself to be certain that she wasn’t dreaming. She truly confirmed it with the slight pain she felt in her hand after she had pinched herself. “I need some drink.” Isabella announced, then she turned towards the door and went into the house ignoring the drama Chloe was acting. “I think I will join you too.” Fiona said almost immediately, then she gradually turned around and met with her daughter. “Are you guys just gonna leave me here alone? We need to go get them, we can’t just let them be taken away like that. This i
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