All Chapters of The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade.: Chapter 421
- Chapter 425
425 chapters
Release Him
The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade./Mac Nicholas 🖊️
The next day, it was finally time to bring back Lord Walker from the hospital after his recovery. Jason went together with the Butler, Brenda, and Xavier who insisted that he was going to go with them. Not only was he eager to see his mother, but he also wanted to see his Grandfather who almost sacrificed himself for his sake. By the time they arrived at the hospital, the old man was already seated on the bed while one of the nurses attending to him handed him over his drugs and a glass of water. “Thank you, my dear.” He said to the nurse as soon as he was done with his medication while he handed over the empty glass to her. He turned to his visitors and the brightness of his face increased at once, causing him to gesture to them at once. “I know what you are about to say, Jack…” He shook his head, but that wasn’t going to stop Jason from expressing himself. “That was really silly, Grandpa! You almost got yourself killed!” Jason walked up to the old man ahead of the other
I am Pregnant!
The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade./Mac Nicholas 🖊️
It had been three days since Xavier and his mother pleaded that Julius be set free but nothing had been done about it. Jason was taking his time to make a decision about his step-uncle’s fate. It seemed like it was going to take more time before he could be able to come t a conclusion. Lord Walker himself was wondering why Jason had not said anything about it, but he also knew that he was worried about his safety. After seeing and hearing what Julius was capable of, Jason had no other option than to keep the decision pending until he was done with some of the plans he had in mind. First, he enrolled Xavier in high school. He attended one of the best schools in Granada Hills, and the goal was to make sure that the young man didn’t need up on the streets ever again. Shirley on the other hand was going through a rehabilitation process. She was made to speak to someone and undergo struct measures of check which were often conducted to make sure she didn’t go back to her old habi
The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade./Mac Nicholas 🖊️
Standing in front of Jason was Clark, the same best friend who turned out to be one of his enemies. He had lost his charm and confidence and almost looked like a better. He couldn’t even look at Jason for more than a few seconds before he bent his face to the ground in shame. It appeared that his outfit was oversized, but that was only proof that he had lost a lot of weight. “Why are you here, Clark? I am sure you didn’t just come to stare at me.” Jason broke the silence between them, staring at Clark with a smirk on his face. Brenda would have asked a few questions, but as soon as Jason mentioned the name of the man standing in front of them, she remembered some of the stories he told him about how his best friend betrayed him and went after his wife. She was only interested to know why Clark was there. “I am here to ask for your forgiveness, Jason. I also want to appreciate you for getting me out of jail.” Clark managed to say with a shaky tone. He couldn’t even look at Ja
Conditional Freedom
The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade./Mac Nicholas 🖊️
Days turned to weeks, and then to a month. Jason fulfilled his promise to Xavier and made sure he went to one of the best schools in the city. He knew that the boy still thought about his father even though he stopped talking about him, probably because his mind was occupied with school assignments, and some of the things Jason got him involved in just to make sure he stayed away from silly acts. Seated with Lord Walker, Jason waited patiently for the old man to speak, aware of what was about to be heard. “Jack?” Lord Walker leaned forward before he continued. “I know that Julius isn’t particularly the best Uncle in the entire world, but he is still family. I know that this is a very difficult decision for you to make. But you have to do this for the sake of the boy…” Lord Walker paused for a few seconds just to be certain that Jason was listening to him. He sighed softly and continued with a more audible tone. “Keeping him there way cause be painful for the boy even thoug
Marry me
The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade./Mac Nicholas 🖊️
It had been a month since Julius was brought out of prison, and everything was going as everyone had hoped for. He had been of good conduct, keeping to the conditions that were given to him by Jason. But that didn’t mean that any chances could be taken with him. His reputation as a notorious criminal who had claimed lives made it quite difficult to trust him. The fact that he had been exonerated from the guilt of his actions was too much grade for him, and it would have been foolish of him to let it go to waste. He had spent the entire month begging for Shirley’s forgiveness, but she kept her distance, maintaining a mutual relationship with him which was based on the fact that they had a child together. Xavier on the other hand was old enough to understand that sometimes things don’t always go the way we want them. Even though he wished that his parents could be together someday, he also knew that his mother was only trying to be safe. She didn’t want to have to repeat the sam