All Chapters of The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade.: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
294 chapters
Jason’s attention was drawn immediately to the table behind him, he really wanted to find out what was going on, and apparently, what he felt was the situation was not far-fetched. “Don’t you see that I am doing you a huge favor here? You clearly cannot take care of her with your meager salary, allow me to ease off that burden from you, be a gentleman, and leave.” “I wasn’t talking to you, old man, I was speaking to my wife.” “Well, clearly she doesn’t want to listen to you, how difficult is it to comprehend?” The old man in the fancy grey suit said. He dipped his fork into the mutton chop on his plate, cut it with the knife, and extended his right hand toward the young lady. “Here you go, love.” “Thanks, babe.” The lady said as she leaned forward to the man and dragged out the mutton chop from the fork with her teeth, giggling excitedly. The old man smiled in satisfaction and then he took the napkin on the table and wiped the lips of the lady, as she continued to chuckle in
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Rebecca scoffed, and then she burst into a few seconds of laughter, but that didn’t stop the relentlessness of the young man standing beside her. “Did you hear that Honey? He says he will fight me with everything that he has, he doesn’t even have a good job.” “Well, now that you mentioned, I guess he should kiss his job goodbye, let’s see how the pauper is going to feed.” “To hell with you and your job Mr. Reynolds, you can shove it down your throat, I don't need it.” Rebecca gasped at her husband’s words, Mr. Reynolds was not left out as well, his eyes widened, and his brows were raised above their edges as the wrinkles on his face started to appear more visible, exposing his real age behind those nice facials. “Did you just say that to me? What temerity!” “Yes, I did, you have lost every form of respect I had for you, you can't go around treating people like garbage, just because you are rich. I will say whatever I want to say to you, and there is nothing you are an
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The bodyguard stopped instantly as he heard Jason’s voice which resounded from behind him, he turned to know who had spoken, and so did Rebecca and Mr. Reynolds. Jason was forced to stand up from his seat, and then he started to walk toward the bodyguard who was still holding onto Jerry who was trying to turn to see who had spoken. “Didn't you hear me? I said, drop him!” The guard was speechless, he turned his gaze from Jason to Mr. Reynolds, not certain of the best thing to do. While he was at it, Jerry slipped out of his hands and landed on the floor, just before he moved away from him. “Grab him, you fool!” Mr. Reynolds fired at the bodyguard, but he was too confused to know what was happening, this made the old man strike his head with his right palm in intense annoyance. “Honey, who is that fellow over there?” Rebecca said a few seconds later, while Mr. Reynolds was still boiling with rage and disappointment, this made him turn to face Jason a few seconds after Rebecca
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Kelvin looked at himself, and the black outfit he had on definitely wasn’t appealing to him, and he needed more. Instantly, his mind went back to his wife and his two newly-born babies, he knew that he needed an upgrade. “Earning a meager pay of twenty dollars per hour is not enough, I think I need more. I do, I really do.” He thought to himself, seeming really convinced of his thoughts. “I see you really like the sound of that Kelvin, that would be your position if you choose to do the right thing.” Kelvin turned to face Jason with an inquisitive stare, his countenance showed that he really wanted to know what it was going to take to upgrade his pocket. “What do I have to do Sir?” He asked with a humble tone. Jason chuckled in satisfaction, and then he turned to Jerry who had been speechless for a long time, and then returned his gaze to Kelvin. “You really don’t have to do much, there would be no need for violence today, all I need you to do is to stand on the path of tr
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Rebecca scoffed, and then she walked over to Jason from behind the old man, she stopped in front of him, looked at him with disdain, and asked. “What are you going to do about that? Huh?” She leaned her face forward to Jason, the certainty that he wasn’t going to be able to do anything was boldly written on her face, and she would have hit him if not that he was a man and a muscular one at that. “Believe me, Miss, you really wanna make that mistake, this is not going to end well for you.” “Enough fool! I am going to do whatever I like and no one, I mean one will stop me, not even you! So, I will advise that you back off immediately and stay clear.” Rebecca thundered, but her words were not enough to derail Jason. “Please Becca, you can’t do this to me, she is my daughter as well, I should have a say in her life too.” “Well, maybe if you were doing the things men your age are doing, maybe, just maybe, I would have considered you,” Rebecca said in response to her husband’s p
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When he was done speaking, Mr. Reynolds picked up his phone from his pocket and proceeded to make a call, Rebecca stood beside him, nodding in satisfaction. “You really have bitten more than you can chew boy, you will suffer for meddling in an affair that has nothing to do with you.” The old man said in intense annoyance, as he continued searching for a number as he scrolled through the contacts on his screen. “Please, don’t waste your time old man, you won’t be getting anything out of that.” Mr. Reynolds was taken aback by the words that Jason spoke, gently, he brought down his phone, with his eyes looking at the young man, and wondering why he had so much confidence and boldness in him. “That’s it, listen to me, you really don’t have to waste your time on that call.” “Don’t listen to him Honey, he is incapable of doing anything, he is just a poor beggar looking for attention,” Rebecca said to Mr. Reynolds, rubbing his chest in an attempt to urge him to continue with what h
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Mr. Reynolds looked at Jason for a few seconds, wondering why he had to say those words, even his smile was more confusing and annoying at the same time. “What the hell are you talking about boy? What bad news?” “Go on, you just have to take the calm to find out.” Jason urged with a smile on his face, followed by a gesture of his hands toward the phone that kept on ringing amidst the silence that crept in a few seconds later. Sighing heavily, the old man clicked on the green icon on his screen, and then he placed the phone on his right ear, while everyone waited to find out what was going to happen, amidst the tension that Jason had created with his words, even the bodyguards stood at attention. “Yes, Mr. Davidson, why are you calling me at this hour?” Mr. Reynolds asked the caller at the other end of the line. “What? That’s not possible! It can’t be! I left the building a few hours ago, how can it be on fire?” Jason chuckled slightly in intense satisfaction, as he watched
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Jason nodded twice, and then he turned to Jerry and chuckled slightly, while the young man stared at him with so much astonishment. “How desperately do you want to be with your child?” “I really would love that Sir! Nothing else matters to me right now.” Jerry said immediately, with every amount of energy in him. “Good, I like the sound of that,” Jason said, and then he turned to look at Rebecca who was beginning to to become very uncomfortable. “I hope you heard that, he wants to be with his child.” Rebecca looked at Jason, wondering what he meant by those words, her mind was unsettled, and her mouth couldn’t say any words. “Now to you Mr. Reynolds.” “Yes Sir, please Sir, hurry Sir! Just mention whatever it is and consider it done!”“Yes, I am quite aware of that. I know you are a wise man, and you would do anything just to make sure you salvage what is remaining of your legacy. Jason picked up his phone from his pocket again and then dialed Harry’s number before pla
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The old man looked at Jason, and when he saw that his eyes were looking in a particular direction, he followed it, and realized that they were staring at Rebecca. “Don’t you think so, Mr. Reynolds?” The old man nodded in agreement, without bothering to think about his response. “Good, now, you will eliminate every form of attachment you have with this lady here, I think your family needs you more, and we can’t afford to leave them stranded.” The old man swallowed hard, still looking at Jason, but everyone was waiting for him to say something in response to Jason’s words. “Come on, Mr. Reynolds, don’t tell me you are really considering this right now.” Mr. Reynolds sighed heavily, and then he turned to face Rebecca who started to smile at him instantly, her little imagination was hopeful that the old man was not going to get rid of her. “Don’t listen to him, honey, we are meant for each other, we love each other, and that’s all that matters.” “Go ahead Mr. Reynolds, rem
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“Well, all of that is about to change now,” Jason said in a low tone, causing everyone around him to turn to him, waiting for him to explain what he meant. “You really think there is anything good that can come out from this poor fellow here?” Rebecca said in a teary voice, pointing at Jerry who was surprised that she still chose to speak to him in that matter, notwithstanding the situation. “I have been married to him for three years, and he has shown no attempt at being useful.” She continued, sniffling the tiny tears that had started to drop from her eyes. “He is such a loser, nothing good can come out from him.” “But you married him, were you blind when you married him?” Jason responded to the lady who was still holding onto her peskiness, not minding the fact that things were not going in favor of her. She was speechless for a few minutes, trying to look for a means to justify her argument, but she found none. “All I want is my Child, I will sue him if I have to.” “
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