All Chapters of The Rising Phoenix: Devisee’s escapade.: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
294 chapters
Irene whimpered, it felt as though her life was about to end, she turned to look at the bodyguards, and it seemed as though they were waiting for the command to beat her to death. This sight made her swallow hard saliva, as she tried to control her shaking hands, by clamping them together. “I…I…I am sorry, Sir! I was forced to do it!” Irene said after much stuttering, getting down on her knees immediately, as tears rolled down her eyes. “They have my son! They have my son! They promised to kill him if I didn’t do as they wanted.” Jason turned to look at Harry for a few seconds, and then he returned his gaze to Irene who looked as though she was about to pass out on the floor. “You really have to believe me, Sir. You have to believe me, I am telling the truth.” Irene said amidst the tears that left her glands, but Jason said nothing to her, he only looked at the rest of the workers for a while, as they stared at Irene with unbelievable gestures, wondering what was actually goin
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Irene gasped, with a frightful look that showed that she was really scared to call them. “What are you waiting for? Didn’t you hear him?” “I can’t! I can’t call them!” Irene said in response to Harry’s utterance, causing him to look at her with so much curiosity. “They instructed that I never call them for any reason, even if I wanted to speak to my son. I was only allowed to speak to him once in three days.” Irene said with a shaky tone, trying so hard not to let the phone in her hands fall to the ground. Jason thought about what she said, but he seemed not to be so convinced about their decision, and the desire to know who was trying to kill his Grandfather made him so eager to know who they were. He sighed, turned to Harry, and then returned his gaze to Irene who was hopeful that were words were really convincing.“You have to call them, that’s the only way you prove your innocence.” “But..” “Didn’t you hear the Young Master? Do as he says!” Harry commanded immediately
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Jason dialed a number, and placed the phone on his left ear, waiting anxiously to hear a voice. “Hello, Kelvin?” Jason said, and then he waited to confirm from the person on the other side of the line. As soon as he heard what he responded, Jason nodded in satisfaction. “I have a job for you.” “Good,” Jason said after a few seconds of listening to what Kelvin was going to say from the other side of the line. “Send me your location, now. I will send someone to pick you up, and remember to come with everything that you need.” Jason said, and then he ended the call almost immediately, “Harry?” “Yes, Young Master,” Harry said at once, looking at Jason who seemed calm amidst the tension in the ambiance. Jason sighed, and then he cleared his throat twice, before saying what he wanted to say. “I need a driver and a car to pick up someone.” “Ok, Young Master,” Harry said, and then he turned to one of the bodyguards beside him and whispered some words into his ear. The bodygu
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“Very fast, Sir,” Kelvin replied with a confident smile on his face, causing Jason to nod in satisfaction, with a smile as well. “Good, very good. Now let’s get right to it, what do you need?” He asked Kelvin who sighed heavily and then turned to his right and saw a stool by the corner. “That.” He said with a soft voice, pointing at the end stool, and immediately, one of the bodyguards grabbed the stool and brought it to him. Kelvin sat down on the couch very close to the stool, and then he dragged it closer, while the eyes of everyone in the room remained fixed on him. Making sure that the stool was in a comfortable position, Kelvin unzipped his bag and brought out his black sizable laptop which he placed on the table, and turned to face Jason. “Can I have the mobile phone, please?” “Hand it over to him,” Jason said, turning to face Irene with an obvious expression, making her get up from her sitting position on the floor, but at a slow pace, while Kelvin turned to look a
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There was a long period of silence in the lobby, but that didn’t stop Irene’s heart from pounding vigorously against her ribs. She was really afraid for her son’s safety and didn't even care much about herself. “Sir?” Kelvin said with a low tone, raising his right hand as though he was about to seek permission before speaking. “Yes, Kelvin, what is it?” Jason responded with a smile on his face but for a few seconds, Kelvin relented in saying the words in his mind. He looked at Harry who refused to take off his eyes from him, and taking in enough air, he let it out slowly. “I need to go now, Sir. My wife needs me.” “Oh, that’s right, how is she? And the babies?” Jason asked with a smile on his face, but Kelvin took a while to respond after he had taken one sneaky look at Harry whose countenance seemed really scary. “They are fine, Sir,” Kelvin responded with a low but audible tone, causing Jason to nod, while still maintaining his smile. “Very well, then. Harry here will ma
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The Warehouse
Jason felt a great relief as soon as those words from Harry’s mouth hit his ears, but not as much as Irene who felt the tension in her body leaving her gradually, as she looked at Harry, gasping at the feeling in her. “We leave at once, Harry.” “Yes, Young Master,” Harry responded with a slight bow and was about to turn toward the exit of the lobby when a thought came to his mind, causing him to stop and turn to Jason. “What do we do about them?” He asked, pointing at the two ladies. Jason looked at them for a few seconds, and as usual, they bent their faces when they saw that he was about to look at them. “They will remain here until we are back. Get some of the men outside to be with them and make sure they don’t leave.” “Please, Sir. My son, I need to see him.” Irene said with a shaky tone, looking at Jason, as tears trickled down her face. Jason looked at her for a few seconds, trying to deal with the feelings inside of him, one urged him to oblige her, and the other
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When he was certain that it was the bodyguard, Jason sighed, and then he opened the door to the front door and alighted from the car. Every other person inside the car also came down, except the driver who turned off the ignition of the car and remained seated. When the other bodyguards in the black car behind the white car saw that Jason and Harry were out of the car, they alighted immediately and moved toward them, standing at both sides. Bruce walked up to Harry, while Irene looked at him, as though she was attempting to read his mind. The thought of her son’s safety lingered in her mind, making her restless. “What’s the update, Bruce?” “We were able to capture three of the men in the building, but the other tried to escape. We had to shoot him.” “And the boy?” Jason asked as soon as Bruce responded to Harry’s question. Hearing those words, Irene waited anxiously to hear what response Bruce was going to give, as her heart continued to pound heavily against her ribs. “
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Who is Mr. D?
The man whimpered at the sight of the gun pressed against his head, and he shivered and prepared to divulge all the information he knew, not minding the looks he got from his partners. “Well, go on, Bruce doesn’t seem to be very patient as you can see,” Harry said to the man, causing him to attempt to look at Joe from his side eye, but the moment he saw the gun he was holding, he removed his eyes, and shivered again. “What is your name?” Jason asked, amidst the silence that had crept into the space, causing the man to look at him, while he inhaled enough air, and exhaled sharply, before giving an answer to his question. “Kai, Sir.” “Well, Kai, I want to know, who sent you?” Jason asked, but the man looked at the rest of his partners who shook their heads in an attempt to dissuade him from giving an answer to the question. He has wanted to oblige them, but the fear of losing his life made him rethink. “Well, it seems our friend here proffers to please his friends than to kee
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Harry glued his eyes to the transaction details on the screen for a few seconds, but he couldn't recognize the name that appeared on the screen. “No, Young Master.” He said to Jason with a tone a little louder than a whisper.Jason sighed, and then he turned to Chang who seemed remorseful for bringing his phone along with him, as he groaned inwardly. “Could you be kind enough to tell us who the sender is?” Jason asked Chang, but he refused to speak. “Mr. Chang? I asked a question.” Chang looked at Jason and said nothing as he continued to deal with the little disappointment in his mind. Jason went through the thought in his mind for a few seconds, and when an idea came to his mind, he sighed heavily and chuckled in excitement. “Very well then, it seems we will have to pay Mia a visit, I am sure she will be very excited to see some friends of her father’s.” Hearing those words from Jason, Chang gasped and lifted his face to look at Jason, and when Jason saw that he had g
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Firm Resolution
Harry thought about the question Jason asked for a few seconds, and when an idea came to his mind, he nodded in satisfaction. “Don’t worry, Young Master, I have a safe location.” “Alright, that’s okay,” Jason said, and then he left the spot where he was standing and moved toward the exit of the warehouse. “You, get everything on that table we might be needing them, and do something about that body, leave no traces.” “Yes, Sir.” One of the bodyguards who had followed them to the warehouse said to Harry, and then he left together with his partner. “And you,” Harry said to Irene who gasped and turned almost at once, still carrying his son who seemed a bit calm, unlike the previous time. “You will be coming with us, you will remain with us until the Master decides what he wants to do with you, now move!” Harry ordered, pointing in the direction of the exit of the warehouse, and at once, Irene moved to the exit, without any hesitation. Jason took a careful observation o
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