All Chapters of Operation: Nosoi: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
195 chapters
Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Nine: A Girl In The Big City Of South Marquina
As Mira gazes upon her old wooden house where she was born and raised, she can't help but feel a tinge of sadness wash over her. The house, once filled with her family's laughter, warmth, and happiness, is now almost empty. She recalls her mother's loving hugs and the way her father used to sing to her before bed. Despite the fond memories, her heart is heavy as she stands at the brink of a new chapter in her life. Mira knows that her mother would want her to continue moving forward, regardless of her passing. She's come to terms with the fact that she is now officially an orphan and that she has no one left to lean on. But at the same time, she knows that she cannot stay trapped in her old home forever. She has a new life ahead of her, and she's determined to make the most of it. As she takes one last look at her old wooden house, Mira takes a deep breath, determined to let go. She decides to leave only a few things for herself that she thinks are impo
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Chapter One Hundred Forty: A Big And Wide World
"Very well. Please wait here for a minute." the security guard instructed, then afterwards, he closed the small part of the gate again.As Mira stood in front of the imposing gate, her heart startled pounding in her chest. She had never met the mysterious Mrs. Natalie Armani, but she had heard her name mentioned on the television because she is the wife of one of the richest men in the country, who owns a first-class airline company.She has been wondering for so long on how is her mother connected with a very rich woman just like Mrs. Armani...Mira suddenly snaps out from her reverie when she saw the gate open again, and the security guard is back again."Please come in. The Madame will see you now." the security personnel informed her."Thank you, Sir." Mira nodded in return.With her heart still racing, she took another deep breath before taking a step forward to follow the security man.She was surprised to see a ce
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Chapter One Hundred Forty One: Not An Ordinary World
After eating lunch, Mira and Mrs. Armani are now in the huge and spacious living room inside the mansion. The woman is now telling Mira all the things that happened decades ago.Mira listened intently as Mrs. Armani shared stories of her relationship with her mother. The two of them grew up together at an orphanage, best friends from an early age. However, Mrs. Armani was the first of the two friends to be adopted by a well-off couple, leaving Mira's mother behind to start a new life without her closest companion.As Mira listened to the whole story, she could tell that the old woman was reliving a painful memory, and she felt a pang of sympathy in her heart."I can only imagine how hard it must have been for you to lose touch with your friend."Mrs. Armani nodded, wiping away a tear."It was difficult. I always hoped that I would be able to find her someday, but my search never yielded any results. I've looked for the orphanage, but it w
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Chapter One Hundred Forty Two: Meeting The One And Only Heir
Aston is currently at Zurich airport as he is waiting for his flight back home. He just finished doing his European tour and it's time to go back home because the summer vacation is over and he needs to get ready for the new school year at Crestwood Eden High to begin again. He is now talking to his mother over the phone before his flight. "Aston, son... I have some news for you, and I'm going to tell you about it once you get back home." her mother relayed."Can't you talk about it over the phone, Mom?" Aston asked, while looking a bit interested."Well, it's better if we talk about it at home, son. Anyway, have a safe flight back home and we'll see you soon. Love you, dear."  his mother finally said goodbye."Alright, Mom. See you the soonest." Aston said in return.After that phone call, Aston finally heard his flight being announced on the speakers inside the airport. He stood up, and walked his way towards the departure area...
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty Three: Fresh Off The Boat
Later that night...Mrs. Natalie Armani and her son, Aston, are currently having an enjoyable dinner. The mother and son duo are talking about the latter's trip to Europe while eating dinner.Meanwhile, Mira is just timidly sitting on the other seat, while eating dinner. Mrs. Armani asked her to join them, much to her awkwardness and embarrassment."I'm so glad you enjoyed your European trip, son. Anyway, another school year at South Marquina High is about to start, so you'd better get ready... And you too, Mira." Mrs. Amari tenderly smiled at Mira."You mean, she's going to study at South Marquina High as well?" Aston suddenly spoke, while looking at Mira."Please call her in her name, son." Mrs. Armani reprimanded her son."Alright, then. Mira is going to study at Crestwood Eden High with me?" Aston asked again, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice."I would love to do a walking tour with you, darling! I can't wait!" Ja
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Chapter One Hundred Forty Four: A New Friendly Face
"Hi there! Can I share a table with you?" the guy suddenly asked her.Mira did a secret and quick survey on the guy. This guy looks prim and proper. He is wearing an eyeglass, and he looks so clean...She lets out a polite smile towards him as she finally speaks."Of course, go ahead!" she readily agreed.The guy finally took a seat, and he puts down the tray of food that he was holding."By the way, introductions are in order. My name's Chase Bryant, and I'm the president of the student council here. I know that you just transferred here at South Marquina High, and I can definitely help you with anything you need."That would be great. Thank you in advanced. Anyway, I'm Mira Anderson." Mira casually introduces herself as well."So, is there something that I can help you with?" Chase suddenly inquired."Well, I just realized that this school is huge, and I'm still trying to find my way around." Mira frankly told
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Chapter One Hundred Forty Five: An Arrogant and Childish Young Master
Aston started pouring water on a glass. Afterwards, he gave it toward Mira. But before Mira could even reach for it, Aston splashed the water on her, much to her surprise."What the heck are you doing, Aston?" Mira asked, in a surprised manner."Opps, sorry the glass slipped from my hand." Aston sarcastically said, while grinning from ear to ear."Oh, so you can't still get over it, huh? That's very mature of you, Aston." Mira mockingly said in return."Well, I finally got back at you, and I can peacefully sleep tonight. Goodnight and see you at school tomorrow, Mira." Aston started walking away from the kitchen while chuckling.Mira was left alone in the kitchen while fuming. She can't believe Aston did this childish revenge on her! She made a mental note to be very careful of Aston from now on...================================Mira is now walking in the school hallway to meet up with Chase at the library so
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Chapter One Hundred Forty Six: His Personal Nurse
As Chase and Mira walked out of the Crestwood Eden High School building, they were caught off guard when they were approached by Julia Walton, one of the popular girls at school. Julia stopped them and handed them an invitation envelope, which was for her upcoming 18th birthday party."Hello, guys! I'm sorry for suddenly barging into you like this, but I would like to personally invite you to my upcoming 18th debut party. Here are your invitations." Julia smilingly invited them.At first, Chase and Mira were both caught off guard by Julia's invitation. They never expected that someone like Julia, who was popular and well-liked, would take notice of them. "Oh, this is awesome! Mira and I are going to be there right, Mira?" Chase stated, while looking excited.Mira wanted to say no because she doesn't have anything good to wear and at the same time, she feels like she won't be able to survive being in a party full of rich people. But she doesn't wa
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Chapter One Hundred Forty Seven: Paying Forward
As Mira helped Aston with the soup and gave him a tablet for flu and fever, Mira couldn't help but feel a sense of compassion for him. She knew that sickness can be a difficult time for anyone, and she wanted to do her part to help make him feel better.Despite their past interactions, Mira couldn't help but be surprised by how polite and grateful Aston was when she was helping him. As she told him to take a good rest and try to sleep some more, Aston said something to her."Thank you, Mira." Aston said, almost in a whisper, then he finally closes his eyes to sleep.Mira is too shocked to move, after she heard Aston. But she lets out a small smile vecause she is amused by Aston's sudden change of behavior. It made Mira realize how important it is to be kind and compassionate towards others, even in the most difficult situations.She knew that the simple act of helping someone in need can make a big difference in their lives, and she was glad that
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Chapter One Hundred Forty Eight: The Big Event
"Alright, then. I'll just go outside and get you something to eat so that you can eat something before you drink some medicine. Now, be a good boy, Young Master, and I'll leave the door open. I'll be back soon..." Miss Viel announced, while looking amused."I promise, I'll be good, Miss Viel. I don't want you to spank me just like what you used to do when I was a kid." Aston jokingly teases the old dear woman."Very well. Ill be back soon." the old woman nodded in return, then afterwards,she left the room while leaving the door open.Once Miss Viel left, Aston started talking again."Why didn't you tell us that you're already sick? We should have done something at an earlier time." he gently asked Mira."I thought that it was just a simple cold and flu. I never got sick like this before. So, I was just thinking that it will pass, and I can recover fast..." Mira tries to explain her side."But you were sadly mistaken. It's a good
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