All Chapters of Operation: Nosoi: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
195 chapters
Chapter One Hundred Fifty Nine: Solving The Puzzle
*PRESENT TIME*Mira's mind stopped walking down the memory lane when she heard Archie's voice again."---Well, based on your facial expression, I really did say something cheesy... Am I right?" Archie asked, while wincing in return."Oh, not really. You don't have to worry about it. As I remember, we were at the beach to celebrate your birthday and the two of us were walking at the seashore. And then, we started talking about something..." relayed Mira."And what happened next?" Archie persuaded her to continue with the story."Well, you said that you liked me and it was not a simple crush or attraction...It was more than that." Mira spoke again."And that's the time we became a couple?" Archie asks once again."Uh, not really. I asked you to give me some time to think." Mira answered in return, while feeling awkward."Oh, that's fine. You don't have to feel so awkward about it... By the way, I just can't believ
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Chapter One Hundred Sixty: No Regrets
"That's great news, brother! Since when and how did you remember everything?" Aston questions him, as his eyes sparkled in excitement."Just last night. I had a chance to find my long-lost diary and it gave me all the answers to my questions." relayed Archie, as he puts his journal unto the table."A diary? I didn't know you had a diary, Archie." Aston said, while looking surprised."I was surprised as well. Anyway, it's a good thing that I've finally regained my memories, but I need to talk to you about something important. It's about you and Mira." Archie started with his main plan.Aston eyebrows met in a frown when he heard Archie's statement."What about Mira and I?" he asked in return.Archie took a deep breath before he speaks again."I know you mean well when you asked Mira to stay at the mansion to help me remember everything, but why do you have to hide the fact that you're in love with her?" Aston fr
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Chapter One Hundred Sixty One: Archie and Maureen's Ending
Maureen is running aimlessly towards the seashore as her tears continues to fall from her eyes... She couldn't see very well because her tears clouded her vision, but she still continues to run, and she doesn't care where her feet will take her.She suddenly collapses unto the sand, as if her legs finally gave up from running. Through her tears, she can see the orange sunset, as if it was watching her mourn as she finally lost the man she ever loved in her life. "Archie...." she whispered, as the pain starts to pierce her heart again.Her beloved Archie passed away just a few minutes ago. It was so unfair of him to leave her alone, and he didn't keep his promise about marrying her.Maureen has been Archie's private nurse and fiancee' for four years already. He has been suffering from a disease called Spinocereberall Atrophy where part of its cerebral system is gradually being damaged. And because of that, Archie's whole body is having difficulty
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Chapter One Hundred Sixty Two: Many Miles Apart
"Auntie, could you give me more time to think about it?""Alright, Maureen. But I hope you can make a decision as soon as possible. And this is for your own good." her Auntie stated."Thanks. I'll give you a call. Kiss and hug my cousins for me, okay?" answered Maureen."I will. Your cousins ​​misses you too. Could you please pass the phone to your father? I need to talk to him about something." Auntie Felice said.Maureen passes the phone back to her father. Afterwards, she went to the kitchen and puts the box of cake inside the refrigerator. She then decided to go to her room to take a nap... =============================After some time... Maureen looked at the whole place in wonder. She doesn't have any idea why she's back at the beach house where Archie passed away exactly a year ago...Maureen continues on walking by the seashore. The sound of the waves sends calming powers towards her whole body, and ev
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Chapter One Hundred Sixty Three: Putting The Past Behind
Himawari Nursing Home.Hiro stopped the car at the parking lot of the Himawari Nursing Home. He excitedly walks inside the hall while holding a bunch of sunflowers which is his grandmother's favorite flowers."Hello there, Hiro!"He was greeted by the Chief Nurse of the facility. They have been good friends, and he is really thankful because of the love and care that she gives to all of the residents at the Nursing Home. "Hello, Aunt Felice. How have you been?" Hiro smilingly greeted her."I'm doing good... How about you? Aren't you going to be busy with your upcoming concert tour?""Well, before I get busy, I decided to visit my special someone... Where's my grandma?" Hiro smilingly asks for his grandmother. "She's taking her nap, son." Nurse Feliza responded. "Oh, she's in her room, reading her favorite book as always." the Chief Nurse answered.After having a quick conversation with the Head Nurs
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Chapter One Hundred Sixty Four: Her New Adventure
The next day. All the members of NO Borders are inside the rehearsal studio. They are busy practicing their dance moves for for their upcoming concert."Okay, let's finish the first half of our rehearsals! It's time for lunch!" their manager, Adam, finally announced.All the members did a high-five after they heard their manager. “Alright!” Toru happily chirped."What's for lunch, Adam?" Kei curiously asked.“I ordered your lunch food from your favorite restaurant.” Adam responded.While the other people are having an enjoyable chat with each other, Hiro is quietly resting at the corner. He took a big gulp from his bottled water, then he started wiping his sweat."Is there something wrong, Hiro?" Jun, one of his team member, suddenly approaches him. "I'm okay... Why do you ask?" Hir
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Chapter One Hundred Sixty Five: An Old Soul
After Aunt Felice introduced Maureen to all the staff of Himawari Nursing Home at their morning meeting, Maureen is walking behind her Aunt to meet her very first patient. Maureen is feeling a bit nervous, but she's excited at the same time."Are you nervous?" her Aunt asked."Just a little bit, but I'm looking forward to meet my patients." answered Maureen."I understand. But don't worry, you'll get used to everything sooner or later." her Aunt reassures her.They reached a certain room, and they saw an old woman who was sitting on her bed while looking outside the window."She's Grandma Bien, and she has a dementia. She's been in the Nursing Home for more than three years. She's quiet most of the time, but she gets emotional when she remembers her grandson." Aunt Felice explains the patient's condition.Both of them all went towards the old woman and greeted
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Chapter One Hundred Sixty Six: The Return of the Grandson
They can already see the sunrise but the rehearsals for NO Border's concert is not yet over. The staff and crew are still having a meeting and they are discussing every details of their upcoming concert. "We have to give our fans a concert that they will never forget. We need to have an interaction with them, and at the same time, give them wonderful memories that they won't be able to forget for the rest of their lives." Hiro, the group's leader, started relaying his vision for the live concert. "I couldn't agree more. Just think about this... They bought your tickets because they want to sing and dance with you in one space. So that's why we have to give them something that they can cherish for a very long time." their concert director nodded in return. The other members nodded in agreement. Each members were asked for their own individual concepts, as they also tried to combine them togeth
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Chapter One Hundred Sixty Seven: That Fateful Meeting
"I appreciate that. Thank you." Hiro sincerely smiled at her. "Oh, I have to go now. I'll just call someone to put an extra bed in Grandma Bien's room." Nurse Felice relayed.Nurse Felice gave Grandma Bien one last look, then afterwards, she left the room.Hiro then pulled a chair beside his grandma's bed and sat on it. He gently touched his grandma's hand. "I'm finally here, Gran. And I'm sorry for leaving you alone for a long time. Don't worry, I'll stay with you for a few days, and I will try to make up to you." Hiro gently whispers.He also promised to himself that he will talk to Maureen to personally thank her for being his grandmother's carer and her bestfriend as well.And before he knows it, drifted into a deep sleep because he was so tired. But he still didn't let go of his grandma's hand... ===========================<
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Chapter One Hundred Sixty Eight: A Fiery Woman
"I just want to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for taking good care of my grandmother. I really don't know how to thank you..." Hiro spoke again, while smiling. "Oh, your thank you is already enough for me. I hope you don't mind, but can I ask you a favor?" Maureen suddenly relayed. Meanwhile, Hiro was staring intently towards Maureen because he feels like he has seen her somewhere. He can't really pinpoint on when and where did he see her, but he's certain that he met this woman before... "Sir, are you alright?" Hiro tries his best to focus his attention towards the woman. He'll just have to remember when and where did he meet this woman later on... "I'm sorry, but don't worry, I can still remember what you said awhile ago... You said that you have a favor to ask me? What is it? You can tell me anything as long as I can do i
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