All Chapters of Belittled Son-In-Law's Rise To Power: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
189 chapters
chapter 81
“Rhina it is evident that you didn't live well ever since your father died, but do you think that's enough reason to steal from the company? To the extent you think we will be too dumb to realize it? The old lady ignored everything Danvers had just said because it was impossible for him to have money the way he has always been. All her efforts and interrogation were centered towards Rhina. “Grandma lady, I have said all that needed to be said and even if you ask from now till next year, my answer still remains the same but if you think you do not trust me, I can rush down to gold corporation and get the documents for you to carry out an audit" she said looking at the old lady fearlessly. The old lady was stunned at her sudden baldness. Rhina was so fearless and confident in whatever she was saying because whatever she was accused of is what the other family members were doing so she was so confident in saying that lady Dabby should go through the company's account. On a second note
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Chapter 82
Still at the dining, Marcus and the others were talking about the new house. They couldn't wait for the 10th to come so quickly so that they could see what they've pulled up. If it was a luxury home, they would go ahead and tell lady Dabby, but if the house in question was old, they would see it as another opportunity to laugh at them even more. Margaret was so angry that the house thing got to their ears. She had intended to just rent an apartment for a few days and deal with Alice, her friend. She never knew that they had an idea of what was going on. If she invites them over and they find out she told lies about buying a house just to belong and impress, she would be mocked to death. The idea of her wanting to book a house for the event had not reached the Dabby family. otherwise, it would be another topic of the year. “Margaret, are you seriously not going to invite us during your house warming party?" Marcus asked provocatively. " This something to be happy about, if you inv
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chapter 83
It was past 12 pm on the 10th of the month when Danvers went to pick Rhina up from work. Initially, during house warming events like this, there is usually a lot of preparation to be done. But not in this case Rhina woke up, and Danvers assured her she could go to work. When Rhina got into the car, she asked Danvers about the house. Its location was not a problem to her. She made up her mind that his home would be her home too. However, Rhina was unusually tense that day. She never wanted Emile to be present. She did not want to give him an opportunity to compare her house and his mother's. Rhina wished that Danvers' house would be better than Alice’s. “Are you serious right now? Didn't I point it out to you the last time we went jogging?He asked with a beautiful smile. “Rhina looked at Danvers, surprised. He was referring to the house located at the center of the white street. How could anyone ever believe what he just said? “This is not a joking matter. Moms classmates will be
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Chapter 84
Danvers looked at Rhina and smiled. He didn't pay attention to all she was saying. Rather, he drove right to the middle of the villa at White Street. Rhina was confused, not sure of what to do or say that would make him change his mind. A lot of questions popped up in her mind as Danvers drove the car right into the White House villa packing lot. Though she had never been there, she had heard a lot of news about the rules that guided the area. And the consequences that followed anyone who dared to break the rule. Each house had everything they needed, and if another trespasses, he or she would be an offender. Therefore, be forced to face the consequences. The area was controlled and guided by a very powerful team of gangstars in bredon City. No one dared to anger them. otherwise, you flesh would be fed to the dogs. The only explanation he could give for driving into the mansion parking was that he was the owner of the villa. Danvers packed the car in the lot, steeped out, walked
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chapter 85
After crying for a while, Rhina lifted her head up, pointing at the picture on the wall and saying, Authoritatively “bring it down now!!!"" May I ask why? Danvers said. Was it so difficult for her to look at herself on the wall? In the same picture, she asked the photographer to get rid of her because she wanted to heal and forget such a day ever existed? Danvers had made up his mind that if that was the case, then he was going to take down the photo without hesitation because his intentions were not to do anything that would make her unhappy. “The lady in the picture, does her facial expression not mean anything to you even now? Why are you so kind to her? You do not want to see her unhappy even for a bit. Why is that? She asked, crying even harder. “Oh" he gasped, looking at her with a smiling face “that's because the person right there is my wife, and we have been legally bound together and recognized." Rhina stood up from where she was crying and embraced Danvers. While in hi
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Chapter 86
Later that evening, Margaret's classmates were all gathered at Alice's house. “What sought of nonsense is this? Why is Margaret making us wait?She asks like she wants to take us to the presidency. " " Her house must be located in a residential area because I do not understand the need for all these protocols!”" Sure, of course, if not, why would she ask us to wait here, and she is not there herself? Alice instantly got angry. If Margerat actually bought a house where the others had speculated, she would be unable to downgrade the house because it would definitely be more than hers. Though they were still contemplating if she even had the money to get a new house, taking her position at the Dabby clan into consideration. Though the Dabby family was well to do, but Margaret and her children were considered useless even though Rhina occupied a big position in the company, it was due to her relationship with the president of Champions if not she wouldn't have had such an opportunity
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Chapter 87
“Is that not going to mean you are working for the champions? Why do that when you are already well to do yourself?"His mother's friend asked. Though they were well to do themselves, their children were letting their guides down so they couldn't help but envy Peter and his achievement at that age. But to him, working with the champions, his future would be bright. “Peter, why am I just hearing this now?" Alice asked, trying to act upset. " Mom, it's not a big deal. It's just a business negotiation with the aim of earning a few more dollars. That's all, I didn't see it necessary to tell you about it” he said smiling, and his mom soon lost up and smiled again. The mother-son relationship that just took place left the rest of them envious. Just then, three limousines packed in front of the crowd, leaving them stunned. “What's going on here, Peter? Alice asked. It seems like the house that Margaret bought is not a child's play. For her to put up such a show is not something to joke
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Chapter 88
Unfortunately, the two groups of people arrived at the same time. They got off the car and bus confused. I looked around to be sure they were in the right place. White Street was the most luxurious place in Bradon City. Only the high-class individuals were able to stay there. Everyone knew that the villa at the center of White Street was presently sold at over 150 million dollars. They kept imagining who that rich individual who bought such a beautiful mansion. Never in their wildest imagination could they have thought they would never be able to set foot there. “Why did they bring us here instead of Rhina's house?" Zara stood at the same spot without moving an inch for fear that she was going to be accused of stepping on the grass. Stephen was also very afraid because he knew the consequences of trespassing someone's territory in the white street. To make things worse, they were standing on the building at the center of the white street, which was the most expensive house in the
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chapter 89
“My goodness, is this Danvers' house? S white street house and most importantly the one standing at the center of the White Street? Margaret asked, confused.Her hands and feet began to shiver; she couldn't breathe her eyes. The second-hand house Danvers was talking about was beyond what his words could describe. Just the house located said it all. Looking around with a beautiful smile. “ Are you all afraid? What are you afraid of? Do you mean the security will give me a hard time going home? You must be kidding, "Rhina said. “What nonsense are you talking about? Going home? She spat on the ground. " This house, which is known to be the most expensive in Bradon city, is your home? You must be out of your mind Zara said with a mockery look on her face. Rhina smiled, looking at the angry faces of her family members. It was pleasing to see that the very people who looked down on her family suddenly lost their voices the moment they stepped foot on the white street. “Oh really? If it
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chapter 90
Margaret's show off today took another level. She walked into the house with a lot of pride in her. The way she carried herself was enough to send the others screaming. Her usual arrogant self that was initially subdued as a result of the state of her family immediately resurfaced. She didn't bother to know how the house was purchased. What mattered to her was to show off in front of the Dabby family members, not forgetting Alice and her classmates who were present. Looking at Stephen, who was standing by Alice's side, the smile on her face widened more than before. “I would like to show you around guys, what are you waiting for? Let's go in." She said with a loud tone, making sure that even those who stood far off for fear of the security harassment could hear her. Alice refused to believe that the villa at the white house belonged to Danvers and her family. But on a second note, she wanted to see how a 150 million dollar villa looked like, so she walked in. The Dabby clan membe
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