All Chapters of Apocalypse System: How To Destroy My Resources?: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
133 chapters
Chapter 11: Strong Woman When Needed.
Right at this moment, a jet-black baseball bat struck, knocking that arm aside.It was none other than Amanda Owens, who appeared to be the most frail and harmless.At the critical moment, she stood up, wielding the bat towards the strongest zombie.Memphis seized the opportunity, conjuring a second ice spear in his hand, gritting his teeth as he plunged it into the eye socket of the large-handed zombie, piercing through its skull.One fatal move."Kheeze... Kheeze..."The two newly emerged zombies were not frightened by their comrade's death, continuing to crawl up, their large mouths gaping like blood basins ready to bite.Memphis had a chance to catch his breath, quickly pulling the ice spear out of the large-handed zombie's eye socket, and thrusting it straight into the mouth of an approaching zombie.At the same time, Amanda swung the baseball bat, hitting the top of the other zombie's head with a "bop" flattening it.The two level 1 and level 2 zombies were killed before they co
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Chapter 12: Difficult Final Stretch!
Watching Amanda use her skill and excitedly explaining, Lionel hurriedly stammered:"Can... Can you recover me too? I'm so tired, only 2 stamina points left..."He had spent half an hour in the office fighting off 3 or 4 zombies and was nearly exhausted.Amanda awkwardly said:"It will be 5 more minutes before I can use it again."Memphis looked at him for a moment, then said:"Just wait a bit. This time she served me, next time it will be your turn."His words were somewhat strange, causing all three to fall into a brief silence. Memphis coughed and led the way down:"Let's go, you two need to be a bit more careful."Lionel and Amanda shook off their random thoughts and quickly followed Memphis.As soon as they exited the emergency stairs, a level 2 zombie approached.Memphis casually slashed it, then calmly ordered:"Watch the situation behind us, keep me informed, I'll lead the way.""Got it!"The outdoor parking lot was on the left side. Memphis glanced over and immediately saw a
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Chapter 13: Can't Do It But Must Be Able.
The big-handed zombie let out a cry, its other hand swatting over, immediately deflecting the ice spear, causing it to only pierce its right shoulder.But that was enough for Memphis. He immediately spent a point of intellect, shooting cold air into the wound, freezing the zombie's shoulder quickly, then with a pop, it shattered into small pieces, leaving half its body in fragments.Even so, it didn't die, nor did it feel pain, letting out a loud cry, its swollen arm grabbing the ice spear, trying to pull Memphis closer.Memphis immediately let go, spending another point of intellect to create an ice hammer, decisively smashing it into its head.Bop!The heavy ice hammer crushed the zombie's head into pulp, and it immediately fell to the side, unable to even groan.Only then did the remaining three zombies notice the commotion, all simultaneously shuffling over, reaching out their monstrous claws towards Memphis.6 seconds to maintain the skill.Memphis's head was a bit dizzy, the ice
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Chapter 14: Explosive Energy.
Memphis continued to examine the remaining two skill books and the item card. "Ding! First-tier passive skill: Enhanced Resilience. Skill attribute: Permanently gives the owner +3 resilience. The skill cannot be repeated, but can be enhanced and advanced." "Ding! First-tier active skill: Thunder Ball. Skill attribute: Summons two thunder balls from the sky to strike the target. Activation cost: 1 stamina point, 2 intelligence points. Cooldown: 2 minutes. Note: Power and number of thunder balls are determined by intelligence and skill level." "Ding! Apocalypse Jacket lv3. Attribute: +1 to all stats. Durability 3/3, can defend against 3 attacks from monsters bel
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Chapter 15: Rescue And Protect Mission For 20 People.
After slashing two more level 2 zombies, the area around the gas station was clear of monsters. He was unlucky not to have dropped any items, gaining only exp and gold coins. "70/80 exp, almost leveling up." Memphis hesitated for a moment but ultimately discarded the idea of searching for more zombies to kill. Safety was paramount; once safe, he could think further. If he recklessly left the safe zone and encountered a zombie above level 10, he would surely die without a burial place. Returning to the car, Memphis saw Lionel filling a plastic can in the back.Read more
Chapter 16: Rescue The Woman And Her Child.
Memphis pushed on for another four days, earning the mission reward and finally overcoming his difficulties.They ran for another five minutes, finally reaching the end of DT2 Road. The next turn led to Greenfield Lane, which intersected with Water Lily Road, where Memphis' house was located.Memphis signaled Lionel to slow down, concentrating on scanning the surroundings to avoid a high-level zombie ambush.Fortunately, there were no high-level zombies on Greenfield Lane. Memphis only saw a few scattered zombies around a black Jeep trapped between two cars on the road."The infection level 1, can turn living beings into their kind.""The infection level 2, can turn living beings into their kind."Only seven or eight low-level zombies were scratching at the vehicle. Luckily, the Jeep was quite sturdy, and although the people inside were terrified, their lives were not in immediate danger.Lionel drove closer, and Memphis jumped out cautiously, instructing Lionel to stay alert while he
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Chapter 17: Coordinated Combat. (1)
The Ford Raptor plowed through, knocking aside seven or eight zombies, quickly reaching a five-story house and stopping.This is Memphis's hostel.He immediately jumped out of the car and instructed his companions:"Lionel, you and Amanda go kill the zombies knocked down by the car. They are less of a threat. I'll handle the rest."The two quickly nodded. Facing intact zombies was still beyond their courage, but attacking the ones with broken limbs was something they could grit their teeth and do.Memphis then walked to the side of the Jeep, glanced at Lionel and Amanda, and spoke to Kiley in a deep voice:"I won't ask you to fight immediately, but you need to be mentally prepared for it. Watch those two as an example, and try to learn from them. In the most critical moments, no one can guarantee your safety and that of the kids except yourself.""You need to have the awareness of humanity in the apocalypse."After saying that, Memphis picked up his machete and charged at the nearest
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Chapter 18: Coordinated Combat. (2)
Memphis squinted, this item came at the right time.He immediately jumped towards the zombie, slashing straight at its arm.The zombie let out a crazed roar, not bothering to dodge, raising its swollen arm to strike."Splat… Splat splat…"The sound of flesh tearing and blood spraying echoed.Memphis, now far stronger than before, had the apocalypse cloak, the strength ring, and skills that increased his resilience. Compared to when he faced the level 8 big-arm zombie at the company's staircase, he was much more powerful. One slash, and even a level 9 zombie couldn’t resist, its arm was immediately severed.Memphis' agility had increased to 15 points, far surpassing this strength-type zombie. It didn’t even have time to react before a blade slashed down, and it was decapitated.One slash, head off!From the fallen zombie's body emerged a skill book, an item card, and a blood-red crystal. Memphis didn’t hurry to pick them up; he swiftly killed the attracted zombies nearby, then turned t
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Chapter 19: Coordinated Combat. (3)
Memphis glanced at the zombie whose head had been blown off, now lying dead on the ground, but his experience points remained at 125/150. He felt a slight disappointment. Although he had anticipated that using firearms might not yield resources, the reality was still a bit of a blow."The plan of leisurely leveling up with a machine gun is ruined..."He couldn't help but smile wryly as he looked at the gathering zombies and angrily shouted:"Then you all have to pay the price."A bloody massacre ensued. In three minutes, Memphis killed 19 zombies, gaining 28 experience points and a piece of equipment."Ding! Speed Boots Lv2. Attributes: +3 Agility. Limited item, cannot stack with similar items."Memphis's mouth twitched. Another pair of Speed Boots? This was too unlucky. He couldn't bear the disappointment and immediately sat down to put the boots on over his current shoes.The futile effort brought no increase in agility, only some pain from the tight fit.He had to remove the boots a
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Chapter 20: Coordinated Combat. (4)
Memphis continued his rampage, killing four more zombies and clearing the second floor before dispersing the ice spear."10 stamina, 8 intelligence left."Taking a deep breath and waiting for Kiley to catch up, he spoke in a low voice:"You stay on the second floor. When I call, run up immediately. It shouldn't take more than 2 seconds from the second to the third floor, or we'll all die. Understand?"Kiley shivered and quickly nodded:"Okay, be careful."Memphis raised the machete to shield his chest and cautiously stepped onto the third-floor stairs.Hiss...A level 5 zombie, hearing the noise, turned its rotting face towards him. Memphis's swift slash beheaded it, leaving behind a yellow crystal.Memphis's eyes widened, seeing this for the first time. But there was no time to examine it, as he yelled:"Jarred, now!"Jarred, waiting on the fourth floor, responded loudly. His body visibly enlarged, transforming into a giant over two meters tall with dark, metallic skin. He roared and
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