All Chapters of Apocalypse System: How To Destroy My Resources?: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
449 chapters
Chapter 282:
"Grekkkk...""Grakkkk..."The P1 and F1 zombies all screamed frantically. Those that could run did so, while those that couldn't stood their ground, emitting black light to resist.The level 21 P2's three tubes swelled to their limits. Though incredibly strong, it was powerless against the black flames. Its body trembled as it stood firm, trying to withstand the heat of the fire, watching the three shields warp slightly as its willpower nearly crumbled.As for the level 20 F2, it had already run over 40 meters away, its diamond-shaped head and frog-like red eyes nervously glancing back at its former position, drooling black saliva from its mouth.One bullet, and the zombie team was scattered in panic.The zombies at Whispering Avenue were truly a disorganized mob.The black flames burned for three seconds before extinguishing, but the zombies continued to scream in terror, finally managing to calm down. Two minutes passed, with no further incidents—no bullets, no black flames, no thre
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Chapter 283:
Forced to use its innate ability once more, the skin it had just shed was immediately shredded by the sword’s light. Wylie missed with the first strike, then vanished again. Returning to his original position, he sprang forward like a whirlwind, heading straight for the spot where the F2 had just shed its skin. Dark Chess Kill allowed the user to blink to a designated location within the distance they could cover in one second. Thus, after using the skill, Wylie could continue pursuing his target using pure speed. Raising his hand, he coldly commanded: “Wave Slash, Spirit Piercer!” Read more
Chapter 284:
The S1 level 18 on the left was the first of the defensive units to falter. The blood-red energy shield surrounding it began to waver under the onslaught of cold energy, slowly shrinking and pulsating until the crimson glow eventually froze, solidified, and shattered with a loud crack. The shield disintegrated, leaving the creature as rigid as a stone statue.Once its shield was breached, the S1 became as vulnerable as any ordinary zombie.As soon as the S1 perished, one of the three layers of energy shields at the front line vanished. The black flames immediately surged from the sides, engulfing the remaining two defensive units and the struggling zombies trapped in the icy fog. Although the flames were slowly running out of energy and beginning to extinguish, this development caused the entire group to be downgraded.Bang!Bang!The sounds of shattering echoed one after another as the remaining two S1s could no longer withstand the multiple assaults from different directions. Their
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Chapter 285:
The cost wasn’t too high—one RPG-7 anti-tank round, over 300 12.7mm bullets, and eight seconds of using level 4 equipment. Besides that, only recoverable attribute points were expended.Without the level 20+ Shield 2 defensive units to anchor their defenses and without the mastermind’s interference, the monsters couldn’t withstand the surprise firepower attack.The Whispering battlefield was now half-liberated, and if nothing unexpected happened, it would become the prime training ground for Memphis's legion. As long as new recruits were continuously sent here and leveled up to 4 or 5, he would have a vast number of soldiers capable of soaking up damage.Setting this aside for now, Memphis spoke in a deep voice to Wylie:"Continue clearing the zombies. Grant command rights to trusted subordinates for the field. In 15 minutes, gather all high-ranking personnel here for a meeting at the temporary command post.""Understood!"After entering the medical tent and receiving four rounds of r
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Chapter 286:
The high-mobility jeep quickly drove up to the third defensive line. Several team members there, seeing Memphis, showed a look of fervent admiration and immediately called out:"Captain.""Captain...""Leader..."Everyone had a different way of addressing him, but they all shared an attitude of deep respect.Reports from the various battlefields were constantly circulating. Sapphire and Whispering had already been led by Memphis to destroy the main zombie forces. Now that the leader was here, did it signal that they were about to crush the high-level zombies at Sunset Boulevard?They had been fighting for hours, utterly exhausted, yet as long as there was still hope for victory, their spirits remained undaunted.If they could break through the main zombie force here, then the final victory would surely belong to humanity.Memphis calmly acknowledged each of them, prepared with a few motivational words, a few idealistic remarks, and some confident promises, all while subtly enhancing h
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Chapter 287:
Throwing the protective coat into the backpack on his back, Memphis casually asked:"How’s your mission going?"Jarred's basic task was to kill 3,000 zombies within 24 hours. Four days ago, this would have been an extremely difficult mission. But now, with the right conditions and strength, it should be easy to complete.As expected, Jarred raised his black iron rod and laughed:"I have to thank you for this. It's very handy, very fitting. I’ve already killed 1,300 zombies; I just need to keep fighting from now until tonight to finish."Once the mission was completed, Jarred would obtain a class card, and his strength would increase immeasurably.Memphis nodded as if he understood, then casually said:"Good, now let's take a break. I’ll give you 7 minutes to reorganize personnel, stabilize the front line, and then meet at the temporary command tent.""Got it... Or let me try holding that shirt one more time...""Get lost!"Seven minutes later, in the central command tent, all personne
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Chapter 288:
As for the specific plan, he had already laid it out clearly and in detail.There were three variables at play. First, after annihilating the main force of the zombie horde, would the mastermind perish alongside them, or was it hiding in some corner, appearing dangerous but actually safe, ready to unleash a final, devastating blow?Second, would the F2 level 25 suddenly appear and massacre the team? This, he had already made certain preparations for.The third…It was almost unbelievable, but if it occurred, he currently had no way to counter it.Hearing Memphis's question, the people in the meeting room began to murmur to each other, voices rising in whispers, some arguing, some agreeing, some excited, and some quickly growing weary.After a moment, Wylie rolled up his sleeves and spoke aggressively:“Leader, why don't we just fire all 18 PG-7V rounds straight into the center? That'll definitely wipe them out in one go.”The strongest strategy is often no strategy at all—using sheer
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Chapter 289:
Now was the time to pave the way for the two lower-level leaders, to ensure that in his absence, the group wouldn’t splinter into factions, but instead, follow a unified direction. Jarred noticed his cousin glancing at him and shot a look back. In Jarred’s eyes, Memphis could read the basic message. “Big bro, I’m starving. Is it almost time to eat?” “Damn…” Seeing Memphis's face filled with both anger and helplessness
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Chapter 290:
After one minute of observation, Wallflower continued with her assessment:“The monster on the left, the zombie with the longer hair and cracked, dry skull—that one is probably female… The other one is male…”The female zombie was a P2 level 25, and the male was a P2 level 24.Memphis found this strange and muttered to himself: “So what if one’s male and the other’s female? Is Wallflower implying that the male is protecting the female, that this is a zombie family, with the surrounding ones acting as servants, all following the orders of this couple?"Others around him felt similarly puzzled. Do zombies even have genders? What significance does that hold? Or perhaps they follow a matriarchal system?A brief silence followed until Kiley suddenly spoke up:“I think there’s something odd about that female zombie…”Hearing this, Memphis’s attention sharpened. This woman was extremely smart and perceptive, often providing crucial, timely insights. He quickly asked:“What’s odd about it?”K
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Chapter 291:
Wylie pulled out two third-level skills. Seeing the mixed expressions of shock and admiration from those around him, he first raised his head proudly, but then suddenly became somewhat bewildered.He... He had previously offered these spoils to Memphis to curry favor, but Memphis only glanced at them and didn’t take them, suggesting that Wylie should present them himself at the meeting...At first, Wylie thought Memphis didn’t care about these skills. But could this have been the captain's true intention all along?Was the captain subtly helping to build his reputation?Wylie's fists clenched tightly, turning pale, and his eyes grew slightly misty. Captain...Jarred, from his side, produced two third-level skills and a heap of second-level skills, proving he too had gathered quite a bounty. At that moment, a chilling sound echoed from the distance:“Awooooo…”Hearing that mournful howl, Memphis’s eyes narrowed sharply.A third variable—this was the third variable.This was the howl in
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