All Chapters of Apocalypse System: How To Destroy My Resources?: Chapter 371 - Chapter 380
453 chapters
Chapter 372:
Suppressing his emotions, he turned to Cormac and said:"This girl, 2,000 rounds of ammunition."Cormac almost cursed out loud at that price. 2,000 rounds? You want to trade for that little?He slammed his hand on the table and said:"At least 10,000. These nine virgins are just a bonus. I’m willing to let them go for 5,000, so the total for all ten is 15,000 rounds."Memphis shook his head and replied:"Brother Dennis, after all, these are just women, and compared to my servants, they don’t even come close in looks. I'm reluctant to even touch her, who knows if handling her would make me a wanted man. Let’s settle at 3,000 rounds."Cormac had never hated Wallflower's beauty as much as he did now. But he was a businessman, and having once been a branch leader in the Midnight Ravens, dealing in weapons and drugs was nothing new to him. He quickly shook his head and emphasized the "value" of the "merchandise":"She’s young, only 14. The experience will be entirely different. Brother Jac
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Chapter 373:
Wallflower took a deep breath, calming her emotions, and responded steadily:"First, I want to contact the government in Lakeside County."Memphis raised an eyebrow. Did this woman plan to seek resources from there?He started calculating in his mind. Even if the Lakeside County team left at 6 a.m., they would still have to travel 11 kilometers to reach Lakeside Bridge, a route crawling with zombies, possibly blocked by Devouring Type or Manipulation Type zombies. They couldn’t move quickly. After crossing the bridge and reaching the Renaissance center, they would face a level 25 F2 assassin, making it even more difficult to reach Hope Town in time.The group had said they would arrive by noon, but based on Memphis's calculations, it would be at least afternoon, or even late evening, before they got there. They couldn’t possibly carry several tens of thousands of bullets on the road with them, and they certainly didn’t have extra ammunition to ransom anyone.Distant water can’t quench
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Chapter 374:
Memphis knew Wallflower was no ordinary person. She was likely the daughter of someone incredibly powerful, with extensive knowledge of weapon caches and supplies. Her comments like “That belongs to the state, you can’t just take it” or “Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you” had revealed as much. So, from the moment he handed her the radio, he had been angling for an exchange of information. When she refused, he had already resolved to trick her.But back then, he was still weak and disreputable, hardly capable of fooling Wallflower. She saw through his love of trickery, his bandit-like nature, and even his underlying mission in building Hope Town. It had been impossible to regain her trust.Using violence or torture to force her hand? That would have been the most foolish option, and Memphis rarely resorted to such crude methods. He wasn’t skilled in torture, and it would likely only work once at best. Against someone as resilient and principled as Wallflower, who was devoted to the g
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Chapter 375:
If the apocalypse hadn’t happened, if life had continued peacefully, not in 14 days, not in 14 months, not in 14 years, not even in 14 lifetimes, would Wallflower have ever developed feelings for Memphis? One was a princess born with a silver spoon, the other a hustler barely scraping by on a $3,000-a-month salary, drowning in debt because of scams. No matter how you looked at it, they were from completely different worlds—parallel lines never meant to intersect. But fate took a strange turn. From the moment Memphis saved Wallflower from the mutated cat’s claws to now, after everything they had been through together, those two parallel lines somehow found a point of intersection. Memphis had never been confident in his appearance or his ch
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Chapter 376:
Wallflower had expected Memphis to make excuses or try to explain, giving her a chance to dig deeper for information. She never expected him to directly admit it. This left her momentarily stunned, but it didn't stop her from narrowing her eyes and calmly saying: "Speak." Memphis licked his lips and shamelessly replied: "In truth, after trying twice, I figured out how to suppress the fire from the mutated chili peppers so it wouldn't burn the user's clothes. When I deliberately stripped you earlier, well, it was to take advantage of you and also to... you know, see what's underneath. Maybe take things a bit further if I got the chance..."Read more
Chapter 377:
After outlining the basic plan and gathering the personnel, the convoy of six vehicles began moving towards Sapphire Boulevard. They then turned onto the S9 side road and continued along the levee. The S9 road had long been blocked off, and the wide road was free of zombies. Naturally, all the wandering zombies had already been drawn to the center of Renaissance District by M2 level 24. The convoy ran for about 7 minutes before turning onto a gravel branch road beside rows of tung trees and high-voltage poles. They were getting very close to the river now. After driving for another 3 minutes, they saw a long row of green factories and a dock scattered with moored boats. Read more
Chapter 378:
In another corner, Michal Reilly flipped open a wooden crate and shouted:"12.7mm bullets! They're 12.7mm bullets!"Memphis grew visibly excited. He quickly stepped over and peered into the crate. Inside were rows of long, brass-colored bullets, cold and gleaming with destructive power.These were powerful weapons, capable of piercing even S2 level 23 armor, withstanding no more than 150 rounds at a time.There were 10,000 bullets here—yes, 10,000 rounds, a literal jackpot of ammunition."Collect everything and transport it outside.""Yes, sir!"At Memphis’ command, the group began hauling the heavy crates of bullets outside. They were all superhumans, with enhanced strength and stamina, easily able to carry two crates at once without issue.In another warehouse, rows of green wooden crates were opened, revealing numerous rifles neatly arranged inside.Jarred, looking at the rifles, let out a groan:"Oh, these are CKC rifles. All of them are CKCs. This old relic has been decommissione
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Chapter 379:
Transporting such a massive amount of ammunition and supplies took time, far more than just an hour. Memphis decided to leave Jarred in charge.He inquired about the progress of the zombie extermination in the three battle zones, exchanged a few important plans, and finally headed back with seven crates of ammunition containing 21,000 rounds, two RPG-2 launchers, and ten PG-2 HEAT rounds.He still had a deal to complete with Cormac and couldn’t afford any delays here.He was even starving by now, having missed lunch.When Memphis returned to Hope, he hopped out in front of the town gate and howled loudly:"Hooooooo..."Five minutes later, a pitch-black dog, as large as a buffalo, with sharp bristles and a bare back, slowly emerged from an alley.Memphis chuckled to himself as he watched. This foolish dog—it had been hiding nearby, but his enhanced sense of smell had already picked up on it. Yet the creature still made a show of arriving slowly, trying to act as if it had come from a g
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Chapter 380:
Seeing Nicky's pale face, Memphis smirked. Handling paranoid types like him was easy—just give them more to worry about. The vial Nicky had just consumed was nothing more than a good healing potion mixed with a bit of mango tea, designed to scare him. If you’re going to use someone, you have to trust them. For others, that might be true, but not for Memphis—he believed in controlling people by grasping their weak points. After ensuring Nicky didn’t vomit, Memphis finally spoke in a grave tone: "Before this evening’s meal, ensure the safety of as many survivors as possible... Alright, I’ll have someone contact you later."Read more
Chapter 381:
Meanwhile, Wallflower had already climbed back into the car, and Memphis, who preferred the private and secure space, followed her inside, eager to discuss his plans. After locking the doors and rolling up the windows, he suppressed his initial urge to jump into business and instead asked with a concerned look: "Wallflower, did he scare you?" He was, of course, referring to Cormac’s filthy, perverted thoughts. Wallflower’s earlier questions had not been casual conversation. They were designed to provoke thoughts in the leader of Sunny Hills, allowing
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