A few days ago, Lilith Nocturna obliterated an entire kingdom simply to rescue the rogue agent known as "The Slayer of God," Raiden Kazama. This event shattered the tranquility of the Academy of the Gods, where all the major deities could not remain silent in the face of this provocation. They had no choice but to respond to the representative of the Underworld.Utakami no Kami, the divine tasked with demonstrating to the forces from the Underworld that the gods were not easy targets for bullying or threats, knew this well.In the Youkai World stood a fortress built from the toughest stone of the realm. Within its walls lay a legion of Draugr, numerous beyond measure, serving their master, the God of Shadows, Kurogami no Kami. Today, however, perhaps these Draugr would not serve their nefarious master any longer. Perhaps today marked the twilight of the cunning deity, Kurogami no Kami!Inside the fortress, the heat was rising rapidly, both outside and within, in a manner inexplicably
Last Updated : 2024-06-18 Read more