All Chapters of Rising from the Ashes: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
28 chapters
Chapter 11.
Rafael, who was still secretly following Maxime, smiled sarcastically when he saw his half-brother stranded on the street, "Feel what I felt before, Maxime!" Rafael's cell phone rang when he got a call from his father, "Hello, what's wrong, Dad?" "Where are you, Rafael?" Neo asked. "Rafael is at a friend's house to discuss a collaboration with Dad," Rafael answered lying. "What collaboration? Don't carelessly invite incompetent people to collaborate, Rafael, I don't want our company to go bankrupt just because you feel bad for your friend. Business is still business!" he said firmly. "You don't need to worry about that. Rafael is smart, unlike Fat... That's it for now, Dad, Rafael wants to drive." Rafael turned off and threw the cellphone. "Your father called? Why is his face so annoyed?" Tjoe asked. "I'm too lazy to face that old fart, but I have to remain good so I can seize all his treasures," answered Rafael. "You're crazy Raf! Even though your father has given you
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Chapter 12.
Maxime and Grandpa Ernest went out to see what was happening. "Gosh! Grandpa's roof tiles broke again," muttered Grandpa Ernest, looking down tiredly at the sight of his house getting older. "Grandpa's roof tiles often fall like this?" Maxime asked, looking at the roof tiles that were already far away. "This is the condition of Max's old house, we must always be prepared for any damage." Maxime stroked Grandpa Ernest's shoulder to give him strength. "It's okay, the most important thing is that this house can still provide shelter. Pray for Maxime so that one day he can renovate Grandpa's house," said Maxime, smiling bitterly. "Do you want to accompany Grandpa to live in this rickety house, Thur? Even Grandpa's children don't want to come here because they are embarrassed to have poor parents like me," said Grandpa, full of resignation. "Maxime promises to renovate this house after he has a fortune. Grandpa doesn't need to worry. I will always be here to accompany Grandpa," s
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Chapter 13.
Raindrops began to wet the burial site. Fathur pushed Malik out of the way while the residents prepared to continue the funeral. "Come on, sir, help me bury Grandpa Ernest before it rains!" Maxime demanded in a worried tone. Residents who felt sorry for Ernest's grandfather wanted to comply with Maxime's request, ignoring Tjoe's words. Lightning boomed, and the rain poured down. "Luckily the rain came after the funeral was over. Goodbye Grandpa Ernest," said Maxime, still strong in front of the funeral. The residents ran away looking for shade, leaving Maxime with his memories. After being satisfied, praying and apologizing to Grandpa Ernest, Maxime came home with clothes full of mud, "Looks like I have to go home to Grandpa Ernest's house until his son comes to explain, so there are no misunderstandings," said Maxime, looking at his dirty clothes. Arrived at Grandpa Ernest's house. Maxime was pensive and alone with his clothes still wet and muddy. "I think it's okay if I wear Gra
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Chapter 14.
"There's no one! Maybe it's just the leaves rustling!" Maxime returned to the kitchen. In an instant, the fragrant aroma of fried cassava filled the kitchen, making his mouth water. Maxime couldn't wait. He immediately took the cooked cassava and inhaled the warm aroma while smiling with satisfaction. "With a little creativity, this morning will be more special," muttered Maxime, while eating crunchy and tasty cassava as a complement to his hot tea. "Life is delicious if we can be grateful for it," muttered Maxime, feeling incomparable pleasure. "Hopefully, in the future, I can be like a grandfather who is still useful to other people even though his body is gone. Maxime is grateful to have met someone as good as your grandfather," muttered Maxime, stroking Grandpa Ernest's clothes which he was now wearing. As the day wore on, Maxime returned to his activities in the garden. He planted the cut cassava stems one by one with great hope, "Hopefully your cassava will grow well and wil
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Chapter 15.
Tjoe covered his face with his hands as he vomited the contents of his stomach. He panted, trying to hold back the pain and embarrassment. Maxime helped him pull over, trying to defuse the situation, "I have to take you to the hospital right now."However, midway through the journey, the atmosphere became tense. Tjoe suddenly struggled and pushed Maxime with unexpected strength. "Insolent! How dare you snatch him from me!" he muttered in a voice full of disappointment and confusion.Maxime was shocked by the attack, his face filled with confusion and pain from the wound he had just suffered. With mixed feelings of worry and disappointment. Maxime tries to understand what is happening to Tjoe. Even though he was hurt, he still maintained his calm demeanor, "Tjie, I'm not trying to take anything from you. I just want to help you," said Maxime in a trembling voice, trying to penetrate the confusion that was rampant in Tjoe's mind.But Tjoe just looked at him with eyes that radiated despa
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Chapter 16
"Maxime can only pray for the best for Dad. I hope this is just a hallucination because he misses you too much." Maxime said goodbye from Mr. Cokro's house to continue his work in the garden. Maxime's business is growing, now he has several bosses who accommodate his harvest. He no longer needs to sell directly at the market, "I have to go to grandfather Leonardo's grave to make a pilgrimage and say thank you for what he has given me. Maybe I would live under a bridge and continue to starve if I didn't meet him." Maxime walked along the garden and path to the cemetery. On his way, Maxime saw a man with a suspicious attitude, "Who is that?" Maxime muttered curiously and approached the man. "That's like Tjoe! Why is he here hanging a rope from that tree?" said Maxime, still watching Tjoe from a distance of five meters. Tjoe got down from the tree and stood on a chair and tied the rope around his neck, "He's definitely going to kill himself!" shouted Maxime, running to prevent Tjoe fr
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Chapter 17
Maxime walked with firm steps, his eyes radiating strong determination. "I won't stay silent! This is grandfather's house, not mine. If that person has a problem with me, he shouldn't be like this!" he said with emotion, his voice shaking with mounting anger. He continued to hold his hands ready to hit anyone involved in destroying Ernest's grandfather's house. Mr. Cokro approached him gently, "Be patient, Max, as long as we are alive we will never be able to run away from problems. You will definitely be strong in facing all of this," he said with confidence, trying to calm Maxime who was being hit by burning anger. "But this is really too much!" Maxime hissed, his eyes bulging in deep anger. Mr Cokro nodded, "I understand Thur. But let's handle this with a cool head. We can't let emotions control our actions." Maxime nodded even though he was still full of emotion. "I will find out who is behind all this. They can't get away with it!" Mr. Cokro raised an eyebrow, "Remember, jus
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Chapter 18
Maxime staggered backwards while holding back the pain in his stomach. However, he had no intention of returning Tjoe's blow. In a hoarse voice, he said, "Tjoe, I know you're angry. But listen to me for a moment."Tjoe, still filled with anger, punched again, but this time Maxime managed to dodge and immediately grabbed both of Tjoe's hands, stopping the next attack. "Tjoe, Rafael didn't choose Lea because of me. He chose Lea because he loved her. Lea also chose Rafael. Love can't be forced, Tjoe."Tjoe tried to get away, but Maxime held him tightly. "Tjoe, you have to face this reality. We are all friends. I never intended to hurt you."Slowly, Tjoe's emotions began to subside. He stopped struggling and looked at Maxime in confusion. "But why? Why did everything happen so fast?"Maxime let go of his hand and sighed. "Sometimes, in life, we can't control other people's feelings. I can't control Rafael and Lea's feelings either. What happened wasn't your fault, it wasn't anyone's fault
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Chapter 19
Time passed so quickly, "Friend's Coffee" became more and more crowded until one afternoon, when Maxime and Tjoe were busy serving their loyal customers, the cafe door opened loudly and Rafael, who was jealous of their success, entered with a face full of anger.With big steps and without further ado, Rafael started tearing apart the cafe. He knocked over chairs, overturned tables, and spilled coffee on the floor. The customers screamed in fear, while Maxime and Tjoe were silent for a moment, shocked by the sudden chaos.Maxime immediately stepped forward, his anger evident in his eyes. "What are you thinking, Rafael? Why are you doing this?" he shouted in a trembling voice.Rafael, with a face full of revenge, replied, "I won't let your business go well Maxime!"Tjoe, who was always calm, tried to calm the situation. "Rafael, this is not the right way to solve the problem. Let's talk about it with a cool head."However, Rafael didn't want to listen. He continued to damage equipment i
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Chapter 20
Maxime quickened his pace, following the footsteps of Rafael who moved quickly between the cafe tables. His heart was full of suspicion and anger."Rafael!" she exclaimed when she managed to get close to the figure. Rafael turned around, looking surprised and worried."Maxime, wait a minute," Rafael pleaded, hands raised as if asking for mercy. "I know you're angry, but listen to me for a second."Maxime crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze sharp. "You think I'll trust you again after everything that happened?"Rafael bowed his head, his voice trembling. "I'm sorry, Maxime. Really, I don't know what to do anymore." He let out a long breath, looking very desperate. "I'm broke. The business I thought was going to work turned out to ruin everything. Dad... our father now has to live under a bridge because of me."Maxime frowned, slightly loosening his defensive stance. "Our father? How can that be?""After all the failed investments, we lost everything," Rafael continued in a hoarse
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