All Chapters of MECH WARRIO: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
140 chapters
Chapter 091: Professional Technical Sergeant
“Welcome, Technical Sergeant Mecha Repair Specialist Ji Xinghe.”As the electronic prompt sounded, the metal gate of the repair area opened to the sides, and Ji Xinghe stepped inside. Su He, following behind him, frowned slightly upon hearing the title used for Ji Xinghe.Promotions in rank are to be expected. It had been just a day since Ji Xinghe returned to Base Six, and although the tally of his military achievements had not yet been completed, he had already achieved another two-level promotion.However, curiously, Ji Xinghe’s rank still had the prefix "Technical Specialist," similar to Shen Mu’s Technical Second Lieutenant, rather than ranks like Major Han Li, Major Jackson, or Second Lieutenant Li Lin. From a certain perspective, this indicates that the superiors still hope Ji Xinghe will remain a mecha repair specialist, staying in the relatively safe base to repair mechs rather than appearing on the battlefield as a mecha warrior.“In a couple of days, Old Ji, you should beco
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Chapter 092: Absolute Defense Mode
Although the Federal standard mechs number as many as thirty-six generations, the core engine is only up to the twelfth generation. The twelfth-generation engine is the latest and most powerful core engine of the Federation, and currently, only ace mech pilots and some special-grade mech warriors have mechs capable of accommodating this engine.When Jixinghe designed the "Old Man's Joy" mecha, he had said that without the twelfth-generation core engine, "Old Man's Joy" could never truly be completed.The most crucial component of a mech is its core engine. The weakest point of "Xingyue" is also its core engine, which comes from a discarded engine of an Empire mech. After repair, its performance parameters are equivalent to the Federation's outdated fifth-generation engine.“Why won’t they change it?” Su He voiced his dissatisfaction even before Jixinghe could. “To take down nine Empire mechs single-handedly—if it weren’t for Jixinghe, who knows how many would have died… cough, and Jix
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Chapter 093: Severe Lack of Funds
Although Shen Mu can sometimes come across as a bit of a clown, his professional skills are beyond doubt. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have had his own independent operational zone and been promoted to the rank of Second Lieutenant upon arriving on the alien planet. According to him, he also received the highest special talent allowance.So, even after Shen Mu personally assembled the Star Moon, even Jixinghe, who inspected it personally, couldn’t find any issues. After running off to help Jixinghe apply for the Federation’s 11th-generation core mecha engine and an alloy shield with shock functions, Shen Mu returned to the mecha repair area and cautiously leaned in to ask Su He in a low voice.“Did Old Ji use a hammer?”“A hammer?”“Yeah, the kind you use to knock and pound on the Star Moon.”“No, he didn’t.”“Good, good.”With a sigh of relief, Shen Mu then lamented, “Old Su, as a professional mecha repairman trained in a formal school, why do I feel that my ability to repair mecha compone
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Chapter 094: Our Superiors Are More Than Just Soldiers
The Sixth Base didn’t have the 12th-generation core engine, which was one of the reasons Jixinghe couldn’t upgrade. However, the 11th-generation engine was available. Since the 27th-generation Federation standard mecha, all mechas have been equipped with this engine. Among the 50,000 mechas currently active on alien planets, more than 20,000 are the new models that include the 27th-generation standard mecha.The previous 26th-generation standard mecha is no longer in production but is still in use, much like how many discontinued cars still run on the road. The problem is not only its outdated performance but also the cost of replacement; if it works, it will be used, and it must be used.Some first-tier and special-grade mecha warriors who are skilled with previous-generation mechas may also upgrade their mechas by replacing engines and associated components with more advanced ones. Only non-professional mecha warriors like Jixinghe, who do not have dedicated mechas, or mecha warrior
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Chapter 095: I’m Only Sixty-Five
"Didn’t you say that both people and resources should be used to their fullest on the front lines?" Jixinghe countered.Colonel Chen Xun maintained his usual impassive expression. “I’m just a lieutenant colonel staff officer. My responsibility is limited to the Sixth Base and only certain matters.”Jixinghe remained silent for a moment. “Go on.”“They want you to choose a direct promotion to second lieutenant with a professional technical prefix,” Chen Xun said with a tone that mixed calmness with a hint of helplessness. “You would become the fastest-promoted professional technical officer since the Federation landed on alien planets, responsible for three independent operational zones, with twelve specialized mecha repair technicians and related staff assigned to you. In theory, you could be promoted to captain within three months. When you return to Azure Star with Xinxin, you would at least hold the rank of lieutenant colonel and enjoy the benefits of retirement as a lieutenant col
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Chapter 096: Knight of the Star Moon
Jing Rong Xinyue wasn’t short; her height of 1.27 meters was significantly above the average height of a six-year-old girl, which is about 1.16 meters. Considering she had just celebrated her fifth birthday, her growth was quite impressive. However, this wasn’t necessarily a good thing.Born in a low-gravity environment, her bone density was lower than normal. The difference wasn’t drastic, and human genetic strength doesn’t change fundamentally from one generation to the next, but the impact was not limited to bone density alone.Muscle development, including the heart, was also affected, with the most severe issues being related to the heart. As the first generation born on an alien planet, children like Jing Rong Xinyue had heart problems due to their genetic makeup. Their bodies did not exhibit noticeable changes in fluid pressure or blood supply needs, so their hearts often experienced about a 10% enlargement in low gravity. Regardless of whether they returned to Blue Star or not
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Chapter 097: I Practice Martial Arts, Not Immortality
The sandstorm had finally begun to dissipate. Communication between Base 6 and the outside world had been fully restored. After being docked in space for nearly three months, the spacecraft carrying supplies from Azure Star to the alien planet slowly descended into the hangar of Base 6.Due to the journey and the schedule for supply deliveries, another spacecraft fully loaded with supplies was expected to arrive at Base 6 in a week. This gave a sense of abundance to the base’s living supplies. From another perspective, it was actually the result of saving resources during the tight three months.The Federation's spacecraft were not numerous. On the alien planet, constructing a rocket launch base was akin to creating a target for the Empire's military. The launch trajectory of a rocket could easily be detected. Therefore, spacecraft had to rely on their own propulsion systems to ascend from the alien surface into space. The thin atmosphere on the alien planet greatly limited the Federa
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Chapter 098: I Teach Them
Colonel Chen Xun, Instructor Li, Su Chuan Yun, and Andre had all left. The people that Ji Xinghe had gradually become familiar with were all gone. This was perhaps a form of punishment, but more likely it was just normal personnel movement.Compared to the blockade line and military camps, life at the base was much more comfortable. People living on alien planets needed short periods of ease, but it was impossible to have everyone stationed at the base. Especially for mecha warriors, some needed to fight, some needed to rest; a balance had to be struck.“Don’t worry too much. Because of your situation, if any accidents occur, both you and Xinxin will be evacuated immediately.”This was a message sent to Ji Xinghe by Colonel Chen Xun when he left Base Six. Chen must have heard from Instructor Li that Ji Xinghe wanted to obtain a pilot's license for a single-soldier starship. With his way of thinking, it was easy for him to deduce what Ji Xinghe was planning.Ji Xinghe expressed his gra
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Chapter 099: I Can Take, but I Won’t Steal
For many, it seems that Ji Xinghe has received unfair treatment. However, for Ji Xinghe himself, this current life is just the trajectory he was always meant to be on.The recruitment by Master Liu was a coincidence, as was Colonel Chen Xun's philosophy of 'utilizing both people and resources to the front lines.' The battle with Han Li was an accident, and becoming a special instructor at Base No. 6, as well as obtaining the Level 3 Mecha Pilot license, were all unexpected developments.Many believe that Ji Xinghe's transfer to the regular repair zone must have left him disgruntled, with the potential to cause significant incidents, especially after hearing that he had threatened Colonel Tang Qiao. But in reality, though Ji Xinghe had his grievances, he had no intention of acting out.His granddaughter is growing up healthily, and the new treatment methods are reportedly effective—opportunities he could never afford before. He has become a Level 1 Mecha Warrior with twelve gold stars
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Chapter 100: Work and Training
An LX-21 armored vehicle was towed into the operation area managed by Ji Xinghe. Unlike other operation areas, his was empty except for him. Some thought he was slacking off due to dissatisfaction with his work arrangement, but in fact, he was simply trying to save money.“The special instructor in the training area earns thirty thousand contribution points a month, basic auto repair salary is ten thousand contribution points a month, and completing basic tasks in a standalone operation area earns twenty thousand contribution points a month, with additional task contribution points calculated separately…”Ji Xinghe began his repair work while mentally calculating the figures. His salary had increased in the training area, as he was now not only a top-notch expert but also a Level 1 Mecha Warrior with twelve gold stars. The salary for other duties also exceeded the normal level, serving as compensation for his transfer to the regular repair zone.From a certain perspective, Ji Xinghe w
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