All Chapters of MECH WARRIO: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
140 chapters
Chapter 081: They Are Not Human
"Where is my grandpa?"Just returning from school, Ji Rong Xinyue asked Su He, who came to pick her up, with a calm expression. It seemed as though she didn't know that Imperial mechs had appeared outside the base, but Su He knew very well that she was already aware. Everyone at Base 6 knew by now."Your grandpa went out in his mech to fight the Imperial apes," Su He replied, feeling a bit uneasy.Ji Rong Xinyue's reaction was unexpected. Her expression remained calm, but her tightly clenched fists revealed her tension."Grandpa will definitely smash those apes' heads."This time, Su He didn't correct Ji Rong Xinyue's words. Instead, he nodded seriously and then tried to take her to the command center. However, this time he failed to hold her hand. Ji Rong Xinyue walked beside him with her head down, fists still clenched and pressed against her body. Her words were mature, but her actions conveyed her inner protest.Su He sighed inwardly and could only walk slowly ahead, occasionally
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Chapter 082: He Charges Again
In the second episode of *The Old Man and the Sea of Stars*, the questions Jixinghe asked Lame and Blind during his charge and fight in the Grand Canyon were not aired. Instead, they were muted.Ignoring and disobeying orders are major taboos, even though sometimes they can be justified after the fact, but these instances are very rare. Some can prove themselves with their strength, but such people are also rare.The Federation doesn’t want the young people who join the army because of Jixinghe to make wrong decisions at critical moments because of him. A single misstep, though seemingly small, can potentially lead to widespread turmoil.But the mecha warriors at Base 6, whether those who had already left or the newcomers, had all seen the complete mecha combat footage from the Grand Canyon. They had clearly heard the two questions Jixinghe asked.He asked Lame: Do you trust me?He asked both Lame and Blind: Do you trust me?At this moment, the two young mecha warriors in the dust sto
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Chapter 083: Sharpening the Spear in Battle
When André decided to retreat, Tom Hirst, who was fighting alongside him against the Empire's number one mech, also chose to fall back. There were several reasons for this decision. For one, both of them had been beaten up by Ji Xinghe multiple times since arriving at Base Six, and because they were proud men from the Outer Continents, they had been pummeled many times. But the most crucial reason was the shift in the battle's dynamics: from nine against six, it had turned into twelve against three. Ji Xinghe had already taken out two Empire mechs, and another had been destroyed by other mech warriors. The advantage was now clearly in their favor.War is not a game; others won't cooperate with your performance unless it brings victory.After assessing the situation, Ji Xinghe asked, "Excuse me, are we in a hurry to finish this?"The very fact that he could ask this question indicated that he was confident. The highest-ranking mech warrior on the field, who had command authority, promp
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Chapter 084: I'm Coming
One wave hadn't settled before another began. This is war.Without retreating, Ji Xinghe chose to sidestep and advance as the Number 1 Imperial Mech tried to get close to him. The 4.2-meter-tall mech moved with a graceful twist, giving a sense of agility despite its massive frame, then it lunged with its spear.The already identified weakness was magnified at this moment. The over-six-meter-long spear struck and retracted, leaving a more pronounced crack on the Number 1 Imperial Mech. The force of this strike was so great that it destabilized the Imperial Mech's momentum, making it unable to block the second strike."Two."The outcome was decided, but Ji Xinghe decisively and ruthlessly delivered a third strike, aiming directly at the now-exposed cockpit of the Number 1 Imperial Mech."One."An Imperial ape died instantly, the sharp spear easily shattering its head."Beautiful." As the surrounding mech warriors began to praise, they also started running. The detected Imperial mechs we
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Chapter 085: I'm Sorry
“They seem to be regrouping to retreat. We don't know what intel they have, but we must take the initiative to attack and hold them here. We can't wait for Unit 2 to join us. If we wait for around seven minutes, we won't be able to catch them.”“Eleven against ten, we have no advantage, only a disadvantage. But all we need to do is hold them off, delay them until Unit 2 arrives. Sixteen against ten, we can annihilate them.”“Start numbering now. I am Unit 1, Andre is Unit 2... Ji Xinghe is Unit 11. Based on the info from the scouting eye and intel from our fallen comrades, the base has numbered the ten Imperial mechs from one to ten. The relevant data has been transmitted to your mechs. I am Unit 1, and I will take on Imperial Mech 1. Follow the prompts on your display to identify your targets once we reach the battlefield.”“We need to divide the battlefield. If the Imperial mechs fight in a cluster, we can't withstand their charge. Ji Xinghe, we trust you, so you'll be responsible f
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Chapter 086: The Mountain Comes
Ji Xinghe didn't know Zhang Qian wanted to apologize to him, but he wanted to say sorry to Zhang Qian: Sorry, I did more but still couldn't protect you.Ji Xinghe, who had lured away three Imperial mechs alone, had contributed far beyond the combat mission objectives given to him by the commander. But Imperial mechs weren't soft targets. If Ji Xinghe could single-handedly defeat an Imperial mech, then Imperial mechs could naturally single-handedly defeat Federation mechs as well.If entanglement were really that easy, why would the commander ask the mech warriors to update their last words before the battle?They had all recorded their last words before, everyone had. It wasn't an ominous sign, but a statement of their willingness to die. When they updated their last words before a new battle, it showed they were ready to die.But they shouldn't die, because they were still very young, like my sons, even younger than my son.Ji Xinghe thought this in his heart, his eyes reddened, not
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Chapter 087: Ten Stars
The two Imperial mechs charging forward suddenly stopped. Their original target was Jixinghe, but after failing to subdue him for a long time, they chose to temporarily abandon the pursuit. What they didn’t expect was that within the five seconds after they abandoned Jixinghe, the Imperial mech left behind to hold Jixinghe had already been destroyed.With eyes on the back of their heads, the Imperial mechs and the Federation mechs had similar designs in this regard, allowing them to see the Federation mech that had passed over the Imperial mechs and was now charging at their backs.Only three gold stars—how could he be so strong?If this question were asked to Su Chuanyun, Su Chuanyun would answer: "Because Old Ji doesn’t have time to add more gold stars to his mech. In reality, he already has nine gold stars, just one away from becoming a Federation first-class mech warrior."If the question were asked to Second Lieutenant Shen Mu, Shen Mu would answer: "Some people get nine gold sta
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Chapter 088: Seizing the Blade and Victory
Warning: Mech integrity at 89%.Warning: Energy remaining at 15%.Two alerts appeared on Ji Xinghe's display. The integrity of the mech wasn’t a major concern, but the energy issue was alarming. The Federal Sixteenth-Generation Standard Mech, capable of running for over a thousand kilometers, had only been away from Base Six for half a day and traveled less than fifty kilometers. The low energy warning showed just how intense the battles had been.Running in full power mode almost all the time allowed Ji Xinghe's mech to be agile in critical moments, but it also significantly increased its energy consumption.Time is running out.Ji Xinghe, having just taken down another imperial mech, did not switch off the full power mode to save energy. He needed to quickly deal with the Number Nine imperial mech wielding the battle knife and then assist his fellow mech warriors. Victory was inevitable now; the second combat unit from Base Six could appear on the battlefield at any moment. But befo
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Chapter 089: Don’t Listen to the Blind Man’s Nonsense
Ding ding ding...The electronic alert sounded under the flickering lights. The metal gate slowly opened, and a Federation Type-16 standard mech emerged, visibly bearing the marks of a fierce battle, with numerous dents and some damaged areas. It should have headed straight to the mech repair area, but it stopped upon crossing the gate into the inner hangar because it had used up its last bit of strength to turn around.With a creaking sound, the back armor automatically separated, revealing the cockpit to those waiting eagerly."Grandpa."Qi Rong Xinyue ran towards Qi Xinghe, who had just jumped out of the cockpit, arms open for a hug. She expected her grandpa to lift her, but as she got closer, she saw him crouch down. It didn't matter; it was still a hug."Xinxin."Qi Xinghe, still wearing his helmet, hugged Qi Rong Xinyue and gently patted her back, saying softly, "Grandpa has to go make a report first. Will you wait for Grandpa, Xinxin?""Okay."Qi Rong Xinyue replied, feeling Qi
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Chapter 090: There Really Is No Golden Core
“His body is fine, mainly just exhaustion and dehydration. Under normal circumstances, a week's rest should see a full recovery. Once he's done with the glucose and nutrient drips, he'll be able to go about his daily activities. It should take about another half an hour.”Outside a hospital room in the medical wing, the doctor's words brought a collective sigh of relief from the waiting crowd.“Alright then, I'll head back to work.” Master Liu and the other repair crew members didn’t go inside to greet Ji Xinghe. Having received reassuring news, they returned to the repair zone to continue fixing the mechs. Their workload had suddenly increased, as almost every mech involved in the battle had sustained some damage. Ensuring the readiness of the mechs at Base Six was their top priority.“As long as he’s okay, it really gave us a scare.”The mech warriors also began to disperse. Some had been waiting at the base, unable to join the fight, while others had returned after completing their
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