All Chapters of Titan Dragon King: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
39 chapters
Chapter 0011:Awakening of Bloodline Power
For Muria, who was still in the dragonling or infant stage, his life was quite dull and monotonous. Every day after waking up, he would check on the hatching progress of the red dragon eggs.As a creature with a lifespan measured in millennia, dragonlings spend quite a long time inside their eggs. So Muria couldn't expect the red dragon eggs to hatch anytime soon.Six red dragon eggs would leisurely consume the elemental fire provided by the magic array each day. Muria's task was to check if the magic crystals supplying the fire element were running low and replace them if necessary.Every day was the same: eat, sleep, read, and occasionally change the magic crystals in the hatching array. This was Muria's life now.The sun rose and set, time flowed incessantly, and the golden dragon mother remained asleep. The pitiful red dragon couple remained bound in the hall, but thanks to the dragon maiden servants, they were provided with food and wouldn't starve. However, starving to death was
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Chapter 0012: Dragon's Genesis, Evil by Nature
"Crack! Crack!" The familiar sound of eggshells breaking echoed in Muria's ears."Haha, today is truly a good day," Muria exclaimed with joy as he looked at the red dragon egg in the room, which was beginning to crack. After nurturing these dragon eggs for so long, they were finally about to hatch.During his slumber, Sophia diligently took care of these six red dragon eggs, constantly replacing the depleted fire elemental crystals, which had turned into ordinary crystals over time.So, after three years, Muria could witness the hatching of the red dragon eggs on the day of his awakening."Crack! Crack! Crack!"To Muria's delight, the sound of five dragon eggs cracking in succession echoed through the room. This meant that all six red dragon eggs had hatched successfully, with not a single one being a dud.One by one, the red dragon eggs shattered, revealing six red dragon hatchlings the size of pony foals. After their birth, they began to utter their true dragon names in order of bir
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Chapter 0013: Cloud Giants and Golden Sky Dragons
Muria walked towards the platform of the Crystal Castle. Along the way, dragonkin servants greeted him, and Muria nodded in response to each one. After all, these servants were all young and beautiful girls.When Muria stepped onto the platform of the Crystal Castle, he saw the cloud giant guards kneeling in front of him with one knee. These giants, with skin ranging from milky white to sky blue, had long felt Muria's special aura."Ebbott, didn't I tell you? You don't have to do this. Just greet me like the servants inside the castle," Muria said with some annoyance as he looked at the kneeling cloud giant guards. They respected him too much, which made Muria uncomfortable.Before going into a deep sleep, Muria didn't spend every day reading. Occasionally, he would spend some of his three hours of daily activity wandering around. So, he basically knew all the creatures on the island.Ebbott, one of the cloud giant leaders stationed on the platform of the Crystal Castle, respectfully
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Chapter 0014 Stick Education is the King's Way
The golden-red sun had sunk more than half below the sea level, and the afterglow of the setting sun scattered over the sea, dyeing most of the sky red. On the platform of the Crystal Castle, the cloud giant guards in magnificent armor were still faithfully performing their duties at the gate.Suddenly, on one of the platforms, a fifteen-meter-tall cloud giant looked up at the sky, a joyful expression on his face. In the direction he was looking, a huge humanoid creature was slowly descending towards the location of the castle, flapping its wings.Muria flapped his wings and descended slowly. After a considerable amount of time, he finally landed on solid ground. There was no way he would dare to perform the fancy maneuvers of the dragon leader's rapid descent. His life was at stake."Young Master Muria." The cloud giant leader greeted him with joy. "You've learned to fly so quickly. It seems that Bart did his duty well.""Hehe." Muria smiled weakly. Although he had learned to fly, he
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Chapter 0015: Familiar Tactics
"Hmm." Muria nodded as he heard Jinlongniang's words. He wasn't sure if his father, Ansuor, visiting him only once was normal for his current status or not."Uh." Seeing Muria's indifferent reaction, Jinlongniang felt somewhat bored. But soon, her golden eyes lit up when she noticed the silver-blue metal block in her son's hand."What's this?" Jinlongniang reached out her hand, and Muria felt a force he couldn't resist acting on the precious metal he held. Soon, he watched helplessly as the ingot flew out of his hand and landed in front of Jinlongniang.With bright eyes and a delicate face, Jinlongniang looked at the ingot, which was half her size, and her face lit up with joy. Her slender hands caressed the ingot as she exclaimed, "Well, well, I didn't expect to find such a big treasure in my own castle.""That's mine, Mother." Muria saw Jinlongniang shamelessly trying to claim the legendary metal for herself and hurriedly spoke up."Yours?" Jinlongniang glanced at Muria sideways. "Y
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Chapter 0016: Growing Dragon Hatchlings
Murray's face darkened as he watched the approaching dragon hatchling, Auston. Without hesitation, he dispelled his transformation, leaving him with only his physical combat abilities in human form. Unlike before, where a ball of light covered Murray's small body, the light now expanded.Under Auston's terrified gaze, Murray's aura, which had seemed feeble and easily crushable just moments ago, surged rapidly. It soon matched the dominant and overbearing aura in Auston's memory.But it was too late for Auston to regret, as it lunged toward the expanded magical light, only to be met by a foot coming out of the light with incredible force."Boom!" Murray, now back in his true form, kicked Auston squarely in the chest, the force perfectly hitting the dragon's body."Ahh!" Auston screamed in agony, once again tracing an elegant parabola with its body, leaving a trail of scorching dragon blood. It was directly kicked into vomiting blood."Hmph!" The magical light surrounding Murray complet
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Chapter 0017: Patience of the Evil Dragon Hatchlings
Six pairs of eyes, Murray could feel the deep malice contained in several of those gazes."Leinata, come here." Ignoring those hostile stares, Murray smiled, crouching down and beckoning to the young female dragon, Leinata.Leinata glanced at her older brothers and sisters, hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and walked towards Murray."Such a good girl." Murray lifted Leinata up, holding her in his arms, then stood up."Roar!" Seeing Murray's actions, the dragon hatchling, Auston, let out a low growl. Just as he took a step forward, he froze. He turned his head and saw that his tail was being stepped on by his sister, Cynthia."Patience, Auston. It's not the time yet," Cynthia said in a low voice in Dragonic.Auston looked up at Murray, who was holding Leinata and stroking her, then turned his head away and lay down on the ground, closing his eyes to ignore everything."You're quite patient," Murray said, looking at Auston sleeping on the ground. He gently put the shy Leinat
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Chapter 0018: The Titan's Legacy
"Enlarge? This is just a spell for laughs." Murray glanced at the spellbook in his hand, then tossed it away. The invisible servant caught it and returned it to its original shelf, while Murray remained vigilant and obedient.Enlarge, a 1st-level spell. Simply put, it can increase the size and strength of a humanoid creature. But it was obvious that if used on Murray's true form, it would be completely ineffective. And on his human-like form, what's the point? He might as well just transform back into his true form."Many low-level spells are simply not worth learning. Even if you do learn them, it's a waste of time. I wonder what those mages were thinking when they created them." Murray looked at the floating spellbooks in front of him, carefully reading their effects."What's this? Tongue of Tentacles, turning the tongue into tentacles." Murray looked disgusted. "I can guarantee that the mage who created this spell was definitely a weirdo.""Minor Wound Repair. For minor wounds, I c
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Chapter 0019: Cloud Island and the Ferocious "Husky"
Murray lifted his head. The room was dim under the cover of the curtains, but the sunlight streaming through the cracks illuminated everything clearly."Very white, very big," Murray lowered his head, looking at where he had just been buried, and earnestly commented."Hey, Murray, you're awake." Murray's movement woke up the dragon maid Mia beneath him. This unusually bold maid looked at him with a hopeful expression. "Are you going to sleep a little longer?""No need, I've slept enough." Murray was now fully awake, in high spirits, and feeling very good. After all, he had just woken up to a wonderful sight for a male.However, Murray climbed out of Mia's embrace without any reluctance, not because of his strong self-control, but because the beautiful scenery was just scenery to him. His body couldn't support him doing anything extra."Let's go." Murray put on the robe, which he wasn't sure if Mia had taken off, and prepared to leave to do what he had planned before going to sleep—pra
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Chapter 0020 "Clever" Bear
Wolves are very intelligent animals. In the human cities of the past, there were only two types of animals that were most abundant: one was the close relative of wolves, dogs, and the other was cats.On Earth, among all animals, only these two species are the most successful. Unlike cats, which rely on their looks and cuteness to get by, most dogs win human affection with their abilities and loyalty."I really don't know how to deal with you in this posture." Murray rubbed his forehead, looking at the nine wolves that had turned him from a fierce wolf into a fierce "Husky"."You guys are really clever." Murray squatted down and patted the sleek, nearly seven-meter-long giant wolf in front of him. Its fur was very smooth and felt good to the touch. Most importantly, these not-so-wild fierce wolves had groomed themselves quite cleanly.Clean, fluffy, and obedient animals like this would make anyone unable to resist petting them. Moreover, these nine very sensible wolves, quite savvy, ha
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