All Chapters of Titan Dragon King: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
100 chapters
Chapter 0021 Taming the "Cat"
"Lord Abbot." Muria called out to the cloud giant leader hidden not far away."Your Highness Muria." The towering giant with a staff in hand pushed aside the bushes in front of him and approached the ferocious bear trembling beside Muria."Heal this bear." Muria pointed to the ferocious bear at his feet, whose nose was bleeding profusely and whose nose seemed to have been broken by him."Yes, Your Highness." Upon hearing Muria's words, Lord Abbot immediately began casting healing spells on the ferocious bear.Yes, this seemingly sturdy cloud giant leader was actually a spellcaster. However, he was not a wizard but a warlock who cast spells using the power of his bloodline. Although his choice of spells was limited, his casting speed was faster.If anyone foolishly treated this giant warlock as a human wizard vulnerable to melee attacks, they would soon experience the power of a giant up close. Of course, any creature with intelligence would not underestimate the power of these giant s
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Chapter 0022 Entering the Slumbering Dragonet
"Hah!" Muria, whose body had grown to ten meters tall, fiercely knocked down a cloud giant guard, kicking up a large cloud of dust. However, this dust didn't affect the excitement of the many onlooking giants around.These cloud giants, dressed in magnificent attire, stood on the tiers of what resembled an ancient Roman colosseum, cheering loudly for Muria's prowess as they watched their companion fall.But the audience on the tier wasn't just limited to these cloud giants; there were also the tide giants, with large patches of purplish-blue skin exposed, only partially covered in key areas, and the mountain giants, with skin ranging from light yellow to slight red, bare-chested with fur skirts, exuding a somewhat savage aura.Lastly, the storm giants, the tallest and most elegant among them, wearing waistcoats, with bodies reaching up to eighteen meters, completed the scene, forming a stark contrast with the finely dressed cloud giants and the more rugged mountain giants, perfectly i
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Chapter 0023 Dragonling Challenge
The sudden news hit Muria like a bucket of cold water, instantly cooling his head. After a moment of silence, he looked down at the girl beside him."Mia, keep an eye on the situation of those six dragonlings as usual. If they wake up, let me know," Muria instructed."Yes, Master Muria," Mia responded respectfully. Then, she looked up with her big, twinkling eyes at Muria. "Um, are you still coming to sleep in my room tonight?""Mia, isn't it too conscientious of you to be a personal maid?" Muria looked down at the maid who left a deep impression on him, with her pleasant scent.Since the day Mia slept with him, Muria had found an opportunity to request Sophia, the head maid, to appoint Mia as his personal maid, responsible for his daily needs.Sophia readily agreed to his request, as she had a lot on her plate daily, and having someone to share the workload was very helpful. Besides, there was no need to worry about power being diluted because Sophia's authority came from the Golden
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Chapter 0024: Battle of the Dragons
"Six dragons at once?" Muria looked down at the dragonling Austen with a playful smile on his face. "Aren't Red Dragons the proudest among the five chromatic dragons? Instead of challenging me one by one, you six dragonlings dare to challenge me together."Austen was taken aback by Muria's words and didn't know how to respond. At that moment, Cynthia, who was standing behind Austen, stepped forward."Muria, you have the bloodline of the Golden Dragon, which is stronger than ours Red Dragons, and the bloodline closest to that of the Titans. With your advantages, none of us can compete with you in the same age group. Moreover, you were born eight years earlier than us. It's not excessive for the six of us to challenge you together," Cynthia explained."That's true," Muria nodded, simultaneously looking at the young female dragon Cynthia with surprise. It was astonishing to hear such words from a Red Dragon."We accept your challenge," Muria declared.As soon as he finished speaking, Aus
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Chapter 0025: The Pitiful Red Dragon Mother
Dragons are magical creatures born with the ability to fly.After seeing Muriya fly up into the sky, the young dragons all spread their broad crimson wings and followed suit, though Cynthia and Leinata were the least enthusiastic, intentionally lagging behind. In the sky, Muriya, with his faster flying speed and more experience, toyed with the young dragons. He found it quite easy to deal with them now. Moreover, two of the six young dragons were lazing around. Being older, stronger, and faster in flight, and having mastered offensive spells from the first to fourth circles, Muriya couldn't think of any reason why he would lose to them now.Looking down from the sky, Muriya was surprised. "They can still climb out? Are they truly among the strongest of dragons?"On the granite slab floor of the arena, in the dragon-shaped pit created by Muriya, Oston staggered out. After a few steps, its swaying body returned to normal.Oston narrowed its red dragon eyes and looked up at the sky. Then
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Chapter 0026: Standing on His Own
"Sophia, can you repeat what you just said?" Muriya looked bewildered at the golden-haired dragonkin girl in front of him."Master Muriya, although it's unbelievable, it's true. Lady Athris has decided to revoke your residency in the castle. You are to vacate the premises today, along with your pets," the stewardess Sophia said sternly."So, my mother wants to kick me out?" Muriya asked."If you understand it that way, it's not wrong.""Why?" Muriya still couldn't understand. His mother was the head of the benevolent dragons, not some evil dragon. How could she make the decision to exile her own offspring from her castle?The stewardess remained silent, instead glancing towards the corner of the room where the six sleeping young dragons lay.Following Sophia's gaze, Muriya suddenly understood. A month ago, after playing with the young dragons for a long time, Muriya finally got impatient and used his blood-strengthened fourth-circle spell, Thunderous Sphere.The four young dragons eac
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Chapter 0027: The Demiplane of the Legendary Mage
On the crystal castle, Lady Gold Dragon Atris stood on the empty platform, overlooking the martial arena below, which had shrunk to the size of a palm.Though far away, with the vision of a dragon, she could clearly see, "With this many giants, it would be no problem to flatten a kingdom on the mainland.""Lady Atris." Sofia, the chief maid, approached the human form of Lady Gold Dragon from behind. "All the cloud giants in the castle have left. Following your orders, any cloud giants who came to resign were not seen. Their contracts were directly terminated, and they were asked to leave.""Sofia, do you think I look pathetic now?" The stunning girl slightly turned her head, revealing her perfect profile to the maid. "These cloud giants would rather break their contracts than follow me, the legendary gold dragon. Instead, they bow to my son."Seeing her mistress's profile, Sofia's heart couldn't help but skip a beat, her face slightly blushing. She lowered her head at Lady Gold Dragon
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Chapter 0028: Tai Chi Island
"This island looks promising." In the sky, Muria looked down at the island below. In the Titan Archipelago, most of the islands were wild jungles inhabited by various powerful beasts and monsters.Only a small number of islands were inhabited by intelligent races.They were the races recognized by the Titans, possessing things that were beneficial to the Titans, so they were granted the right to live there. As for the vast majority of other races, they were of no use to the Titans and would naturally not be welcomed to settle in the Titan Archipelago.So, for most of the islands in the Titan Archipelago, Muria could pick any one he liked, as long as it looked good to him.Below, the island Muria chose was not like the one where the Crystal Castle of the Golden Dragon was located. It was not located on the outermost edge of the Titan Archipelago. The position of this island was quite far from the outermost edge of the archipelago.As for how far it was from the center of the Titan Arch
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Chapter 0029: The Castle
"Stop, how dare you act before His Highness?" Beside the hill giant, a storm giant swung the twin swords in his hands, slicing the hill giant's wooden club in half with a single stroke."I..." The hill giant's face flushed with anger. Then, he dropped the half of the club remaining in his hand and knelt in front of Muria. "Your Highness, I never meant to offend you.""But," the hill giant raised his head, glaring fiercely at the cloud giant leader who had mocked him earlier, "I cannot tolerate his contempt for us hill giants.""I didn't disrespect you hill giants," the cloud giant leader sneered. "I was just speaking the truth. You hill giants wield the power of earth elements, capable of condensing hard rocks to build caves quickly, but do you know how to build castles? And not just any castle, but a grand castle befitting His Highness Muria's status?"The hill giant was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head in shame, saying nothing."Enough, Dix," Muria stopped the cloud giant
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Chapter 0030: Spatial Gate
"Which design should I choose?" Muria looked at the two castle models in his hands, feeling hesitant.Three seconds later, Muria made a decision, "I won't choose. Let's build both of these castles. Is that okay?""Yes, Your Highness Muria." After hearing Muria's command, the cloud giant leaders exchanged glances and replied in unison.Thus, the construction of the castle began in full swing. The cloud giants, being the most numerous, took the lead, with the storm giants providing central command. The hill giants worked tirelessly to produce the material needed for building the castle – the White Jade Stone.Meanwhile, the tidal giants executed Muria's orders, exploring the ocean depths for treasures to adorn Muria's future castle.On the first day of construction, Muria received the population census data provided by the storm giants.Currently, there were a total of 6,185 cloud giants who had followed Muria to Tai Chi Island. Among them, there were 1,876 adult male cloud giants, 1,88
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