All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
164 chapters
Ch-101. Help
Bailey heard Richard's words, and before Eliana could have said anything to his proposal, she replied to him excitedly. “Yes! You are right she doesn't need monetary help right now, but I am telling you! I have tried to explain this to her as well, that before using the money that her husband has given to her, she should at least cross check about where it has come from and how he has gotten his grubby hands on it.Because I highly doubt that someone is ready to give this much amount to their new employee as a loan, even though they have saved their life! If they would have to spend millions for being treated by a fake village healer, wouldn't they prefer to hire a team of well qualified doctors to be around them at all times? Instead of wasting this amount on a loser, who doesn't know anything about the corporate world!”“I can totally agree with your observations, miss-”“Bailey! I am Bailey! Nice to meet you!”Bailey introduced herself with a tipsy smile and slightly slurring word
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Ch-102 Report
The sound of Stuart’s voice altered both Stacy and the manager, making them jump in their respective places. They had already been notified about his arrival at the Bellagio Diner for the lunch appointment with Mr. Jenson, and on seeing that he had already arrived there, while they were already in the middle of a crisis, created a panic in Manager Tudor’s heart.And under the effect of this rising panic, he couldn't even understand what he was supposed to do right now; because he wasn't ready to take the blame on his name yet.So while just a few minutes ago, he was trying to assure Stacy that he was going to teach her everything step by step because she was new here– and not to mention, really innocent too– another new idea appeared in his mind.Before this crisis, he was trying to present himself as a great friend and mentor to her, apart from being her senior. But now, he thought it would be a brilliant way for him to escape, if he simply put all the blame on her head and managed
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Ch- 103. Perfect husband
“Wow! You are really a great man, I can't explain how decent you are… and how impressed I am by your thoughts.”Bailey spoke up the moment Richard paused whatever he was saying; and started to stare at Eliana shamelessly. But as soon as he heard Bailey's compliment, he turned his gaze towards her.“Thank you so much! I am really glad that at least there is someone who understands my concern, and is ready to see why I am doing this.”“Of course, I understand everything you are trying to do. But I am still curious about what the second thing is, that's supposedly holding you back?”Bailey asked, as soon as Richard stopped running his mouth. Eliana closed her eyes and sighed in frustration; what was the need for Bailey to ask such meaningless questions again, when Richard had finally stopped talking?But it was too late for her to do anything, and Richard happily launched into the second phase of his monologue. “Oh, yes! Thanks for reminding me. The second thing is that I really don't
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Ch-104. Throw him out
Till now, Noah was trying to hide his smile, while witnessing exactly how this manager was trying to dig his own grave.However, he hadn't thought that he would be so eager to jump into it, that he would be ready to hammer the last nail into his own coffin, so soon.That was why he was standing there, completely relaxed beside Stuart; he has never imagined that Tudor was going to do anything so stupid, like grabbing him by the collar in front of Stuart.No matter what, it would be in his interest to maintain the image of a perfect and hospitable manager of the restaurant, in front of Stuart.But Tudor's anger haf broken all the dams of sophistication that he had built around him in his defense, and only left him as the real jerk which he was… exposed to the world now. But Noah was still lost in his thoughts; he might have handled the situation otherwise.The moment he lunged towards him and grabbed his collar, he noticed Stuart's eyes getting red with anger and his nostrils flaring
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Ch-105. Hypnotize
“Wow! Do you really have so much faith in me, that you think I am capable of hypnotizing someone?” Noah laughed as he asked the question while looking at Tudor, who was still fuming with rage. There was no way he was going to believe that a beggar from nowhere was going to anyone's guest; then him being someone's VVIP guest was something that he could never comprehend in this lifetime, or the next three ones, combined. But before he could have understood this question from Noah and replied to it, Stuart roared out. “Really, so is this the way you have been treating the guests of this restaurant? If this is how you talk to a VVIP guest of mine, in my presence, then I can imagine how you must be treating the regular people who come here! Just because no one from my group has been visiting here for inspection, does it mean that the person in charge of it shouldn't be doing their job, either?” He didn't even wait for a reply after he asked his question, and just pulled his phone out
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Ch-106. New boss
Noah gave a weak smile to Tudor, who was looking constantly towards Stuart, like he was expecting him to have mercy on him any second now. Noah's smile was meant to be a reassurance towards Tudor, that he didn't need to get so worked up because Noah wasn't going to get him fired for what he had done today; just because he had treated him badly because of his prejudice. But because of the image of him that Tudor had built up in his head, he had gotten used to seeing him as the villain who was out to get him and destroy his life. And according to his belief, Tudor assumed that this smile was also meant to mock him. Just when Noah opened his mouth to say something in reply to Stuart's question, Tudor snatched the opportunity by yelling;“Mr. Langdon! Please don't listen to him, please I beg you sir! He is looking for a chance to take his older grudges out on me… please don't listen to this hypocrite! Please have mercy on me Sir, I have a family to feed and I don't have any other job,
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Ch-107. Ideal type
Till now, Eliana was trying to tolerate Richard and his leery gaze, only because of two things.First of all, he was her uncle's friend and she had been taught to respect the elders, no matter how rude and ill- mannered they were. Although she has learned how to take a stand for herself now, the habits that have been cultivated over years don't just disappear within a matter of days. And secondly, her dearest dumb best friend had accepted his offer to stay and drink, and not left any option open for her!But now, she had noticed something else: even though he was talking a big game about them being completely safe and preaching that they should feel comfortable around him, he was not ready to quit his flirtatious gestures.Eliana felt a flash of anger and decided that it was high time that she called him out and left the place.She was already feeling guilty for having lied to Noah and breaching his trust, by coming out for lunch at the Bellagio after telling him that she had to work
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Ch-108. Aroma Wood Group
If it had been anyone apart from Noah, Manager Tudor would have been at their feet by now, clutching their knees and desperately begging to be saved.But, simply because it was Noah who was speaking, he was still getting skeptical about the reality. He was under the impression that there was some kind of prank going on, which he was becoming the target of. It is often said that a dog's tail can never be straightened, no matter how many times one tries. And Tudor could be the perfect example for this idiom.But the moment he heard Noah requesting Stuart about moving him to another position within the same restaurant where he was currently working as manager, the pot of his frustration boiled over. He barked out, his voice carrying an edge. “What do you think of yourself? Just because you have somehow managed to manipulate Mr. Langdon to become his VVIP guest, it doesn't mean that you will start barking orders as soon as you have set foot here! So what, if you are about to buy this
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Ch-109. Crucial position
After Stacy left with the team of managers who were there to take charge of the restaurant, Tudor turned towards Noah and spoke in an arrogant tone.“I think I have already told you, that I am going to consider your offer only after you give me a full and formal apology along with a fifty percent pay raise–”“Oh! Really, and what do you think I should apologize to you for?”Noah interrupted him. So far, he just assumed the manager to be a complete idiot, but now, he also really wanted to hear what Tudor was thinking.After all, an idiot who had such a weird mind was also making Noah curious by this point. “For everything! For every single thing that has gone wrong till now. After all, it is your fault that you ever thought about stepping foot into this restaurant, when you don't really have the kind of wealth for the level of clients that we serve here–”“So you are still saying that you don't have any respect for a human in your eyes, until they have gathered enough money in their a
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Ch-110. Legal cases
“Legal cases? I don't have any legal cases, which… which legal cases are we talking about?”Tudor asked with a shaking voice, as the feeling of dread returned to his chest once again, at the place which had become its usual spot by now.Because finally, he was beginning to realize the truth that everyone else already knew: if whatever Noah had said would come true, his career was really going to end right there and then.Whether anyone else knew it or not, Tudor himself was aware that he had done so many things which could cause him to land behind bars for a very good time, if a police inquiry really opened up against him. Even the cases of fraud and bribery which he had buried long ago would be dug up, pulling him down to hell. And this was the time when he realized that no matter what he was going to do to save himself or win this baseless battle, it wasn't going to prove successful. In fact, this whole mess had started only because he was trying to make Noah feel inferior for the
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