All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
164 chapters
Ch-91. Jealous
“Your stupid family members! What do they think of themselves?”Eliana was caught off guard by the intensity of Bailey's reaction and her anger. Whenever the question of Eliana being married to Noah was raised, Bailey was usually the first to curse Noah out. Not only this, but she often used quite a creative string of insults that left nothing to the imagination. She was also very vocal about Eliana needing to divorce Noah as soon as possible, then why was she getting so angry now? Had her feelings changed overnight?As Bailey slammed another drink down, her eyes flashing, Eliana started to understand why."I'm all in favor of you divorcing that loser Noah, but come on! Couldn't they find a single person for you, apart from someone that old? Richard Jensen of all people, a guy who's practically your uncle's age? What do they think of you? My best friend can get a much better, much hotter guy easily. I mean, just look at the amount of people dying to marry you when you aren’t even tr
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Ch-92. Disbelief
“Wait a minute... jealous? Of me!?”Eliana was staring at Bailey like she had mentioned the earth being flat, or something.Meanwhile, Bailey looked back at her in disbelief, like Eliana had just confessed to not knowing that the sky was supposed to be blue.She leaned forward, as if trying to knock some sense into her best friend.“Girl! I know you are naive, having grown up in a privileged class and a protective family and everything, but I didn’t know you were this clueless! It is obvious to everyone, even the birds flying above, that your aunt is jealous of you! And to a very unhealthy degree. I can’t possibly be the first one to say this to you, right? Right!?”Bailey urged, but Eliana had stopped listening a while ago. Her mind was taking her on a flash- back ride to all the times Noah had hinted at the same thing. Although he had said it in a more subtle way, saying that Sienna and her mom didn't have her best intentions at heart. But all those times, Eliana had brushed it off
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Ch-93. Tears
Eliana’s tears continued to flow as she recounted the events. “I turned my mom down, and we walked out of the house, and I was ready to go wherever Noah wanted to take me. But then… I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it—a maroon luxury Rolls Royce parked in front of my house.The limited model that I'm hundred percent sure, is more expensive than any car my family owns. And on top of everything, it wasn’t just any car; it was customized, so it would have cost a fortune! I mean, in my mind, that car could belong to anyone but Noah! But, surprisingly enough, it was his. He didn’t say much either, he just quickly put all my stuff in the trunk, and we were ready to go.”Eliana sighed deeply, and Bailey, trying to keep up, asked eagerly;“So that’s it? That’s all the drama that happened, and as for your husband’s car—”Eliana cut her off, slamming her hand on the table in frustration as she remembered what happened next. “No! That’s hardly it. Because before I could even get in
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Ch-94. Protection
Warner looked at Noah with pleading eyes, knowing that nothing was wrong from Noah's perspective, neither his anger, nor his reluctance to come near his grandpa or even the questions he must be having.He has grown to be the perfect heir, perfect person to lead the empire, the perfect son of the family whom he could trust after Rick… even after being away from the family for so long, and not getting any professional education that a member of the Kingsley family should get.He was really proud of his grandson, and he needed to let him know about this as well. But right now, there were more important things that Noah should know, rather than knowing that his grandpa was proud of him.With this thought, he stepped towards Noah, and gestured towards Stuart, who turned towards the table. He proceeded to pick up a file from the bundle of files which were kept there, which Noah hadn't noticed till now.Warner began with his resolve;“Noah, my child, I know you have plenty of questions, tons
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Ch-95. Murder
“Protection! But why? And from what? I am not a helpless child who would die if no one had mercy on him and took him to their house! I am older now, and I know how to survive on my own–”Warner pulled him into his embrace again, cutting off the rant that Noah was about to set off on. Every word that Noah was saying was hurting the old man like a bullet to his chest; and the pain from these wounds was becoming more and more unbearable for him.After all, Noah was right… just because of a fear hidden in his heart and a doubt which he still didn't have any clues about, he had let his grandson down. He had never shown the courage to bring Noah back, not until he was completely assured that Otis and his wife wouldn't be doing anything to harm Noah.But before he could complete the list of the probable enemies that he had compiled for Noah's protection, Noah spoke again, freeing himself from his grip. “Don't try to use these emotional weapons on me! I demand an answer for the question I wa
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Ch-96. Princess or maid ?
“Murder? My murder?!”Noah finally managed to process the words he had just heard, murmuring them softly to himself.He knew that nobody in his family liked him, which was also why they had planned to throw him out of the house, but that doesn't mean that they were going to kill him.He didn't believe for a second that they would even think about it… this was something he had never imagined anyone from his family to be capable of.But suddenly, his grandfather’s words during their last call had started to make sense…“Have you eaten dinner yet? Is anything irritating your throat or do you feel uneasy?”At that time, he had been thinking that it was just a trick from his grandfather to show him the fake concern for him… but now, after this statement, he realized that it was not just concern, rather, it was his grandfather's fear.And he was also able to understand the second clause to hide for three days, until he himself arrived there and took him with himself.But before he could hav
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Ch- 97. Not mad anymore?
Bailey stammered out, “What did you say? A mansion? Maybe I’m too drunk, and I have reached the stage where I'm hallucinating now…”She lifted her hands close to her cheeks, ready to slap herself to knock some sense back into her mind. But Eliana caught her wrists in time as she shook her head, her expression serious. “No! Bailey! You are not hallucinating. I did say that he took me to a mansion. It is on the outskirts of the city, and from what little of it I saw last night and this morning, it seems quite grand and spacious… something really beyond my expectations.”Bailey gulped, her hand shaking slightly as she set her drink down. “But how! How is it possible that someone who couldn’t even afford to rent out a one bedroom apartment of his own, in the most cheapest part of the city, has taken his wife straight to a mansion, in the middle of the night? That too, on such short notice of an hour at most? Ellie, are you sure you are safe there? How sure are you…”Eliana raised an ey
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Ch- 98. Tipsy
“But Grandpa, if you want to eat something, I can cook it for you right here, in almost no time at all. Because… this restaurant is almost at the other end of the city. It is quite pricey with no class at all… I mean, I know you never care for the price, but I have never liked the management there. The staff is quite rude, and everyone present there only treats you well if you have good money and are going to spend lavishly on the tip.”Noah spoke up, without wasting any time, remembering the bitter memories related to that restaurant. During the first year of their marriage, while he was still working for David Frost, he had saved up some money over a long period of time. He had been planning to take Eliana on a date there, knowing that it was Eliana and Bailey's go- to place.But the treatment from the staff and the disappointment felt by Eliana had made him so embarrassed, that he never dared to plan anything like that ever again. Not only that, but Eliana had also started hesita
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Ch-99. Personal preference
It took almost an hour for both Noah and Stuart to reach the restaurant Warner wanted them to visit; Noah had correctly estimated the time it would take to get to the other side of the city during peak afternoon traffic. But in his hurry, Noah had once again forgotten to change the clothes that he was wearing that morning, while making breakfast for Eliana and then dropping her off at Red Swan Entertainment. It wasn't just because he was thinking that he would change at his leisure after his return, but also because he didn't have many options. Even though he had shifted to the new house and gotten the new car, along with the assurance of getting back everything that belonged to him, he hadn't bought anything that could show the reflection of the money he had in his bank account, or the properties and empire he was going to acquire.It was partly because of a lack of time; since the day he had met Stuart and decided to accept the proposal of his uncle and aunty, till today, he hadn
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Ch-100. Afford
Stacy looked at Noah with concern, seeing the venom and hatred in the eyes of her manager.She was about to ask Noah politely, but before she could utter a single word, the manager started to speak again.“Stacy! What are you still doing, dear? I told you, he is a beggar who doesn't even deserve to set foot in our premises! He can't even afford the cost of the cleaning of the piece of ground he is walking on, right now, so what are you waiting for? Call the security, ask them to throw this man out of the premises right now.”“Sir …Security?”Stacy asked in a shaking tone, as she never had to call the security to throw someone out of here.It was really a very high end restaurant, and no one whose pocket didn't allow them to dine here, had ever dared to set foot here.Also, the restaurant was run on the basis of previous reservations, and only a person who had paid the amount of reservation was allowed inside the premises.This is the reason that earlier, she was trying to explain to N
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