All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
163 chapters
Ch -81. Vixen
Noah's POV:I would be lying, if I said that I wasn't starting to enjoy the drama that had initially been planned for my own humiliation. However, seeing Sabreena getting frantic and acting like a lunatic was nothing but pure gold.I have always known that this woman was not as she pretended to be, and there was always a hidden jealousy present in her heart for Eliana. But every time I had tried to warn her about it, she had always shut me down, because her aunt who cared for her like a mother could never think anything like this… However, today, not just me but everyone else present there was also getting a view of the mask finally slipping off her face, and this entertaining drama that followed. Everything was getting in a perfect comedic sequence, until she lurched towards Eliana. I felt a flash of anger, quicker than I ever have before.Only I knew how I managed my anger and only yanked her hand away from my wife… instead of breaking it into two.How dare she think that she wou
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Ch-82 - Rental properties
A chuckle left Noah's mouth, attracting everyone's attention towards him, even though he tried his best to avoid it.“What are you laughing about? You shameless parasite, you have never spent a single penny on my daughter while you were here, and now when you two are finally going to live on your own, you are still mooching off my daughter like a cash cow? “Olivia hissed in anger, as she was already agitated about the car rental thing. Noah stayed silent, deciding not to say anything to avoid any further drama.“Why are you not saying anything? Speak!”David roared, demanding an answer.“Mom! Dad! I haven't rented this car.”Eliana finally managed to open her mouth; this drama was so shocking that she still needed some time to process everything.“Yes, honey?!”They both spoke in unison, trying to clarify what she had said. “I am the not one who rented this car–”“Don't tell me he went and rented this car behind your back!” Olivia snapped again."How ungrateful and shameless does–”
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ch-83. Middle class
Eliana was expecting anything in this world from Noah, but not this! She was thinking that Noah's company had already given him more than enough favors that anyone could possibly give to an employee: a loan of eight million dollars, a car… and now, a house too? It was a completely separate fact that it was just supposed to be his first day at work that morning… Was Mr. Langdon really that generous, or was he really feeling indebted because Noah had supposedly saved his life? She trusted her husband, and yet, there was something that wasn't exactly adding up… that's why, there was a nagging voice in her head that didn't want to shut up at all. In fact, now that she thought about it, Noah had never said it with his own mouth, that this car had been given to him by the company. Eliana was the one to say that, while trying to cover for him in front of her parents, because they would definitely have criticized him for it. So then, where did he get the car from? It was already a real
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Ch-84. Luxury
Keeping all her considerations aside, Eliana finally managed to find the words buried under the pile of her thoughts. She gulped, gathering her courage to ask Noah about where they were heading, as they had already crossed all the areas where they could have found any suitable places to live– either hotels, or one of his friends’ place to crash. Because now, they had basically left the most densely populated areas of Edinburgh behind. “Noah! Where are we heading, I don't think we can afford anything, beyond this point—”“What do you mean, Ellie?”Noah asked without taking his eyes off the road. “I mean, where are we heading? The route you have chosen will take us to quite a high- end area… I think you might need to confirm the address from your friends–”“Friends? What do you mean, Ellie? Which friends?”Noah asked, finally slowing the speed of the car, as they were about to enter the society.“Oh, so you haven't asked your friends for accommodation? Have you consulted with a real
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Ch-85. Mafia
Noah turned to Eliana, pressing the brakes of his car suddenly, causing the other cars to halt without warning as well.“Ellie, you never have to seek permission from me to ask anything! You can ask me or tell me anything, at any time. So tell me what happened?”“Did you… did you, by any chance, join some mafia or something like that… um, from the underworld?”She asked, her eyes big and curious, painting her entire face in the shades of confusion.“What!? Never… I mean no, why would you think so?”Noah replied looking directly in her eyes.Eliana gulped nervously, as she had started to get a little scared by Noah's confident mannerisms too… he had never said anything to her with this confidence and a strange feeling… almost like an ownership of sorts.He had always maintained a distance, just as she had, and she has always thought that it was because he respected her. But the way he was talking to her now, the respect was still there, just a feeling of intimacy has been added.But sh
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Ch-86. Doting Husband
“Don't you also have to go to work this morning?” Eliana asked; wondering how he was so relaxed, especially on a weekday. While on the other hand, Noah was hundred ten percent sure that after all the interrogation Eliana was up to last night, she wouldn't completely believe everything so easily. This was why he was kinda prepared for this type of question from her. Still, the moment when she finally asked the question, he didn't really find any words to answer her quickly enough. Indeed, he was ready for her questions… but not right in the morning, and not randomly like this! He paused, setting the spatula down on the counter, and turned the gas knob to slow heat before turning around to face her. Instead of answering right away, he walked towards her, his footsteps soft against the wooden floor. As he reached her, he gently placed his hands on her shoulders, his thumbs pressing lightly into the tense muscles there. “I do, but not just yet. Every morning from now on, I
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Ch -87 Luxury
Noah finally dropped Eliana to the Red Swan Entertainment office, and was on his way to return to their new home.All of a sudden, the silence and solitude of the luxury that was present during the car ride started to haunt him… since the day he had been kicked out of his home, he has never gotten the same level of luxury back in his life.Luxury which solely belonged to him, and had not been offered to him as alms.Everything he had received, after he was suddenly exposed to the raging dumpster fire also unfortunately known as the world, it was only to remind him of one thing and one thing alone. That everything he would ever get in this world was a charity, that had been given to him as a favor, and now he had to stay indebted to them and remain as their slave entirely for his lifetime.Indeed, those people had done many great things for him too, but they had always made it known to him that he needed to be grateful to them because of this greatness and the favor they had done to h
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Ch-88. Bestie
Eliana was finally seated at her desk at the Director's office at the Red Swan Entertainment. She had been planning her next move on the way here, and she finally had the time and space to put it into action. She double checked that the doors to her cabin were locked; she had already told her secretary to not let anyone into her cabin for any reason for the next ten minutes unless she herself said so. She was about to dial the number of the manager at the Unity One Building, wanting to inquire if they had hired someone new named Noah Turner or not.Eliana had almost clicked the ‘call’ button as well, when something suddenly clicked in her mind and she froze in motion.How was she going to explain it to Noah, if he had really joined the company and gotten to know about this act of hers? Surely, such kind of a gossip might travel through the grapevine and it was very likely to reach Noah's ears, if he was actually there. With this thought, she quickly aborted her first mission and di
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Ch-89. Real story
“You–”Only a single word left Noah's mouth after spending at least three minutes, frozen at the door. But before he could have said anything further, Warner stepped up and pulled him into his embrace.“My Noah… my Dear Noah, how can I explain how much I missed you! There wasn't a single day that I haven't tried to search for you, or haven't missed you… I can't explain the relief I am feeling right now, otherwise, I was so worried that if I die without finding you and giving you everything that you deserve since your birth, how would I face your parents on the other side of the rainbow?”“Grandpa!”Noah managed to say only one word again, as he felt his voice getting choked because of the overwhelming emotions overtaking his heart and mind. Meanwhile, tears were already starting to shine in his eyes.And before he could have said anything further, Warner spoke again. “Yes, my love! I can't explain to you, how long I have waited to hear this word from your mouth. Please call me grand
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Ch-90. Cherry red
Bailey expertly backed her cherry red car into the small parking space outside the Bellagio Diner, the engine purring softly as it came to a stop. She pushed her shiny new sunglasses up into her hair, sighing with satisfaction. Beside her, Eliana was sitting quietly in the seat, clutching her bag in her lap. From the moment Eliana had stepped into the car, the ride had been completely silent except for a single declaration from Bailey: "Hi, but I can't talk now, I absolutely need to down a shot or two before hearing anything. So just get in and let's go!" Now, Eliana was waiting patiently as Bailey cut the engine. She slipped out of the seat at the same time as Bailey got out of the car, slinging her bag over her shoulder. She walked around to Eliana’s side and took her hand, practically dragging her and marching towards the entrance of the diner. The clatter of dishes and the hum of conversation surrounded the best friends as they stepped inside.Bailey didn't stop walking until
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