All Chapters of Forgotten Legacy : Useless Son-in-law to Corporate Tycoon : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
163 chapters
Ch-71. Hypocrites
Everyone who had just tumbled out of the house was already in shock, as they were unable to understand what the matter was; and the more they tried to understand the situation, the more confused they got.Nobody had yet answered the question that David had asked, while Eliana and Sabreena were busy glaring at each other. What was Sabreena doing out here, when she had excused herself from the discussion to call her husband, who was currently overseas, and explain everything to him. While they were still trying to figure out the reason behind her presence, Eliana took it one step further. She started to lay her trolley flat on the ground, unzipped it and then dumped out everything that was inside it, on the driveway.“Are you really out of your mind, Ellie? First, you decided to show your support for this jerk standing right here, and then you announced that you are leaving with him! And now, you are throwing your stuff out? What is going on in your head? Do I need to call a psychiatr
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Ch- 72. unspoken Beef
Sabreena faced Olivia with the same fire burning in her eyes, obviously being well aware of the unspoken beef that had always existed between both the sisters- in -law.But Olivia had never gotten the chance to say anything or express her feelings out loud, because of Sabreena's mother and brothers, who had always shielded her. After all, she was the daughter of the family, and nobody would tolerate any disrespect towards her. But today, things were different. Somehow, this Olivia had also found a set of wings to fly like her daughter, and the guts to speak back to her.But Sabreena smiled to herself, knew exactly how to drag her down to the ground, real quick.Sabreena's eyes narrowed as she prepared to strike. With an evil glint in her eye, she exclaimed, ignoring Olivia and looking towards David instead. “Brother! I saw this street rat trying to sneak off with this luggage, while he was putting it inside that car! And I suddenly realized, something is definitely wrong and he is
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Ch-73. Web of lies
“Eliana! What kind of a man do you think your father is? Have you really started to think that every man in this world is as useless as your husband, who doesn't care about the respect and dignity associated with himself or the relations related with him?”David's face twisted with frustration and disbelief as he heard his daughter's accusations. For the first time that night, Olivia was completely stunned and her husband's words were echoing exactly that she was thinking, without any intentions to manipulate or hurt someone. David took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling dramatically. Just the thought of this was enough to raise his blood pressure!“Because, apart from this fact, I really can't think of any other situation where you could believe in this bullshit theory of yours– or whoever first thought of it! How could you ever believe that I will ever allow anyone to even touch your bags without your explicit consent? And on top of that, asking them to physically examine
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Ch. - 74 Manipulation
“What ? No! He hasn't slipped anything into my bags, in fact he was insisting that I take as few things as possible.”Eliana protested, seeing how cleverly her aunt had twisted the narrative and changed the entire plot of the story, in front of her eyes!Noah was right about Sienna; he had warned Eliana that her cousin was only trying to manipulate her all the time. And now, she could see it clearly, in perfect HD quality. After all, Sienna had also taken after her mother; when Sabreena was so talented herself!It was chilling to see someone changing the words she had just said in front of her, so effortlessly, and weaving a completely false story! And when her aunt could do this when Eliana was still standing there, then they could definitely change the circumstances and evidence according to their comfort and convenience!Realizing this, she was going to add this to her statement, but before she could have opened her mouth, Sabreena spoke again.“Look… how strongly he has manipula
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Ch-75. Punching bag
Sabreena knew that there wasn't any other option left for her, apart from checking the bags herself.But still, she was able to soothe her heart with the thought that she was bound to find something in there, that would be enough to create a scene. And then, all this would be worth it!She also knew that no matter how innocent and sweet her niece pretended to be, Eliana wasn't really that dumb to actually believe the idiot and leave almost empty- handed. Even if she has packed her entire set of jewelry, it would be enough for Sabreena to show her brother that her fears were not completely baseless. In fact, this was exactly what she was fearing, that this man would manipulate Eliana to take her entire collection of precious jewelry from the house! And then, who knew what he would do once they were alone? Maybe, he wouldn't even hesitate to harm her in the future for the same…And if she hadn't stepped up to do her duty as a worried aunt, while risking her own reputation and image, m
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Ch -76. Family heirloom
Eliana had thought that on hearing it was her grandmother's necklace, Sabreena would come back to her senses and stop making such absurd accusations. But she had no idea how wrong she was!Sabreena looked at her like she had gone completely mad, her eyes were wide as saucers as she shouted at her;“Don't lie to me! I know my mother hasn't given you this. Do you take me for a gullible fool? I'm not like your parents, who will happily swallow whatever bullshit comes out of your mouth! And in any case, this is a property of the Frost family, and I won't let your ragpicker husband use it for his benefit—"Eliana, unable to contain her fury any longer, stepped forward and snatched the pendant from Sabreena’s hand, making her shut up in the middle of her sentence. Her next words came out in an icy whisper that chilled Sabreena’s soul to its core. "You are right about one thing: your mother, my grandmother, didn't give me this. Because it was my maternal grandmother, the late Lady Veronic
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Ch -77. Good brother
Ruppert had spoken every word in a dead serious tone, scaring the shit out of Sabreena.She had never expected or even imagined him to be this selfless; if only she knew that he was saying all this because he had finally started to see the golden opportunity to mend the situation once again… there was no way he was going to let this deal out of his hands.This was the main reason why he had said all those things; although it was also because he knew how important that pendant was to his mother, and how close Eliana was to her. And there was no way he was really going to disrespect the last wish of his dead mother.Yes, it was true that he wanted her niece to marry Richard, but it was not because he didn't care for her at all!Rather, it was because he knew this marriage would be beneficial for both of them. Richard had always had a thing for Eliana; and although he hadn't admitted it with his own mouth until today, Ruppert could see it in his eyes, whenever someone in their periphery
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Ch -78. Gibberish
It didn't matter how rebellious and brave Eliana was trying to be, David had raised his only daughter with great care, concern and affection.He knew each and every habit of hers very well; even when she used to be sick, and would try to hide the pain by putting on her fake smile, he had sensed it even then.So how could he not understand it, when she was just being stubborn because she thought that something was right, and the others were not believing her about it.But he also knew that she also calmed down just as easily, when she was given her space. So when she considered everything from a logical standpoint, she would surely come to realize that everyone else was right, and they all were just trying to protect her from the pain it would cause her… and then, she would melt right away.And in order to do that, he needed to make her believe that whatever he was doing, it was only because he had no other options.If he wanted to make her do whatever he wished, he just needed to pro
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Ch -79. Mental gymnastics
Noah wanted to punch Richard in the face the moment he heard that he was still harboring the hopes of marrying Eliana in his heart.He was more baffled than anything else, how could someone be so delusional?!Because if this man wasn't sure about his age, at least he could have seen his face in the mirror! That would have been enough to show him the truth: if someone subtracted the factors of money and family name from his life, he would be left with nothing for which anyone would even want to talk to him.But he was too shameless to even acknowledge the husband of the woman he was dreaming of marrying. To make matters worse, even after a clear rejection, he still had the audacity to think that there was a chance for him to ever marry Eliana!Even if she didn't want to stay with him, he would have made sure that she ended up with someone who really deserved her. Not someone who was standing in line, lusting after her, just because they had money in their pockets, and nothing else! N
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Ch-80. Justice
Noah quickly pulled Eliana in his arms and moved a little to the left, making Sabreena miss her target once again.But this time, she was already prepared for it; so she managed to catch herself before she actually fell.However, it still was the epitome of embarrassment, the things that were happening with her.The realization made her hiss in frustration,“How dare you, you bastard! How dare you pull this trick on me twice–”“I will pull this trick on you each time you shall try to hurt me or my wife.”Noah replied calmly, unbothered by the display of anger on this woman's face.“Your wife is my niece before she even became your wife, how did you think that I will ever hurt her?She barked, thinking about how she really wanted to murder Eliana by twisting her thin neck with her own two hands… but Sabreena wasn't that foolish, she knew she couldn't say it out loud.Or else, it wouldn't be good for her, or her daughters to be cut off from the Frost family. “Oh really? You seem to rem
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